
Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Rise and Fall of American Democracy. Robert Kiyosaki hits it exactly

Robert Kiyosaki  wrote a very interesting article last year.  I was not aware of the length of times "Democracies" survived before going into totalitarian states.  

Portion from article:

The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

• From bondage to spiritual faith;
• From spiritual faith to great courage;
• From courage to liberty;
• From liberty to abundance;
• From abundance to complacency;
• From complacency to apathy;• From apathy to dependence;
• From dependence back to bondage.

This is the United States history.  If you think about it, we did not quite make the 200 years before those that have had the intent to enslave us and put us in bondage, started.  At the same time they began the dum down of the American people and the drugging up of the American people.  Fluoride came out strong in the 1960s in being put in the drinking water, which most of us know is a complacent drug, which the Nazi's used on the Jewish people in concentration camps.  It is a poison that has been sold to us "as being good for our teeth".  But if anyone who doesn't believe that, takes the time to do a little research, they will find it is all true and it is actually very bad for us, but good for those who are in power.   We also have chemtrails constantly being laid across our skies and we don't know the full mixture of what is in it.  Doubt that?  Well take an air sample and ask the EPA to sample it.... You will get a direct refusal if you ask them to sample it for hard metals.  Many have tried.    Also there are patents and a few elected officials have admitted to the chemtrails.  Lets not forget our food is genetically modified and with the new S510 bill just signed into law - growing our own food is illegal.  Of course it is all in the name of "food safety".  Yeah, Monsanto controlled food "safety".  Who knows what we are actually putting in our body from what Monsanto has done to it.

Nothing I wrote above is "conspiracy" it is actually all fact.  People just need to do a little research to find out, the truths.

More from article:

In looking at American history, we can see Tytler's sequence in action. In 1620, the Pilgrims sailed to America to escape the religious bondage imposed by the Church of England. Their spiritual faith carried them to the new world.

Because of their deep faith, the Pilgrims left England in spite of the high percentage of deaths incurred by earlier American settlements. For example, when Jamestown, Virginia, was founded in 1607, 70 of the 108 settlers died in the first year. The following winter only 60 of 500 new settlers lived. Between 1619 and 1622, the Virginia Company sent 3,600 more settlers to the colony, and over those three years 3,000 would die.
In 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed. From spiritual faith the new Americans were garnering great courage. By crafting the Declaration of Independence, the colonists knew they were essentially declaring war on the most powerful country in the world -- England.

With the onset of the Revolutionary War, the colonists were moving from courage to liberty, following Tytler's sequence. By demanding their independence and being willing to fight for it, a new democracy was born. This new democracy grew rapidly for nearly 200 years.

Then, in 1933, the U.S. was thrown into the Great Depression and elected Franklin Delano Roosevelt as president. Facing total economic collapse, Roosevelt took the U.S. dollar off the gold standard. At the same time, Germany, also in financial crisis, elected Adolf Hitler as its leader. World War II soon followed.
In 1944, with WWII coming to an end, the Bretton Woods Agreement was signed by the world powers and the U.S. dollar, once again backed by gold, became the reserve currency of the world.

In 1971 President Nixon violated the Bretton Woods Agreement by taking the U.S. dollar off the gold standard because America was spending more than it was producing and the U.S. gold reserves were being depleted.

In 1972 Nixon visited China to open the door for trade. What followed was the biggest economic boom in history -- a boom fueled by the U.S. borrowing money through the sale of bonds to China, one of the world's poorest countries at that time. The sale of these bonds financed a growing U.S. trade deficit. China produced low-cost goods, and we paid for them with money borrowed from the Chinese workers.

In 1976 America celebrated its 200th anniversary as a democracy. Rather than produce, we kept borrowing to finance social-welfare programs. Over the next three decades or so, America slid from complacency to apathy.

We have no one else to blame but ourselves.  We have ignored what Washington D.C. was doing, behind our backs.  We accepted what they had to say and the media promoted the bill of goods they were selling us down the road with.  

Yes, I am still very angry over the fact the Federal Reserve is being allowed to take our rights away.  I think I still believed deep down, that somehow our elected officials would eventually come to their senses and stop selling the people down the road as slaves and start acting like we mattered to them.  Upon now knowing we will have no rights against banks come July 2011 and a non government entity that is owned by foreigners who own other central banks in the world are the ones being allowed to make our laws and take our rights!   Our elected officials gave the Federal Reserve that right.  So the article linked and portions enclosed, shows we have already made our way back to bondage.  But this bondage is much worst, as the people are being thrown out on the streets as if they are garbage as our elected officials look the other way.    What is also worst is the people are sitting back, just letting it all happen.   But, much of that fault is due to the fact we are poisoned in what we drink, breathe  and eat and now people walk around "asleep".  People don't want to know the truths and those in power did that on purpose.  

So America, congratulations we have made our way back to the bondage stage.   But what happens when people fully realize that?  OH, Yes...... I remember now.   Hopefully the "Courage" will come back fast! 

See the video in the post right before this one - it applies to this article. 

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