
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Anger a Worthless emotion that does not get results nor does anyone good. I was engrossed in it the last few days and I am sorry.

I feel the need to post about anger.  I know anger so well, if you look at my last few days of posting, since the information about the Federal Reserve taking our rights away of holding banks accountable for fraud, you will see I have been full of anger.

I am putting this post here and not in my "Positive Vibs" blog, due to the amount of anger I spewed since Thursday.

I had been in a very dark place the last few days, I had been full of anger at all those who have control over the populace and using the control to depress the people.

I am awakening from the negative emotions of anger. It is a very dark emotion, which does not get us any positive results.  If we dwell on anger and let it rule us, then we lose and those in power win.  Anger and fear is what feeds those who would like to control us.  That is why we are bombarded with negative information from various sources.  Fear and anger is how we are led down a path by others, they need that emotion as the overwhelming feeling of people for that is the way they lead us to where they would like to take us.

Where as the emotion of Love and Positive energy is what those in power do not know how to deal with and they are not able to control us when we live in Loving intent.  I fully believe our power and the way to overcome any suppression is through living with the "Christ Consciousness".  The "Christ Consciousness", in my opinion is understanding we are able to create our world and we are able to influence our world through living in Love.  I do believe, if we had the faith the size of a pea, we could/can move a mountain.  To me, Christ told us "We too can do as he does, we simply need the faith and understanding".  To me, that means living in Loving intent and Knowing we are capable of working miracles is through our right frame of mind.   Anger is not the frame of mind which accomplishes anything, it only takes us down.  

I was lost for a few days, I let outside influences control my emotions, I was so down in the rabbit hole I could not see the light.  But I have also decided to claw my way back up, to the light and to positive emotions and outlook, knowing we are guided by a much higher power and we simply need to embrace the light and love around us and in us and let that be our guide and way forward. 

Though I will post about negative events or happenings, it is not my intent to keep people in the negative, it is my intent to give others an understanding.

I sincerely believe by all of us, working through our energies of anger, hate and any negative emotions and turning those emotions in to Loving intent for our Earth and each other we will prevail and we will arise and break the chains of those who wish to keep us enslaved in their matrix of negative emotions.

We all go through many stages in our lives and hopefully we all learn from those stages, where we keep growing in a better understanding of ourselves and the world in which we live.  When we go forward with the intent of Love for ourselves, the Earth and all others, then no outside force can control us.

We will continually make those choices in how we shall lead our lives and we will have situations where we will need to make a choice in which way we shall be led.  We will have the choice of darkness or light, it will be up to our own free will.  My intent is to live in Love and Light, without the fear and anger ruling me.  Will I be perfect at living in the Love and Light emotions?  No, I have no illusions, I will not feel fear or anger at times.  But, as long as I/we don't wrap ourselves fully in the negative, then we will be taking steps forward.  

I do ask, others join me in working on the intent of Love guiding us.  Love for each other, Love for our Earth and Love for Truth.  Through the positive guidance of Love and letting our higher power lead us, we literally can change our world.  We accomplish many things through Love, we accomplish nothing good through fear and anger.

My intent is to accomplish helping others and our Earth by helping myself through understanding Love is the only way forward, Love is what is real, Love is what makes us feel good, Love is what gives us a bright future.  I have so much to work on in understanding Love for myself and for all others, as it is not easy, but when there is intent on the positive to guide us, we will walk in the Light and Love of our higher power.

The angry posts from the last few days, will stay as they are, as they show the darkness I was in and the process which has led me to publish this post of choosing Light and Love, instead of letting the anger and hate take me fully down the rabbit hole.  I do believe the energies of the world are changing, we feel them changing and those in power have brought many things to a climax of everything seeming to fall apart at this moment in time, to keep people in fear and anger.

So, I ask others.... does fear and anger make you feel good?  Do you accomplish anything living with those emotions?  Do those negative emotions get you positive results in your life?  The answer to those questions are... No.  They only take people down.

But, stop and feel Love..... Love for yourself, Love for the Earth, Love for all others..... How does that make you feel?  When you stop and have the intent of Love, no matter what the situation, positive results come through.

Thank you to all who are reading this and please forgive my overwhelming anger which was so obvious in my postings since Thursday.  I am sorry, I may have taken others down a rabbit hole with me in anger and hate through the posts.  I will work on trying to keep my posts in a positive loving light in giving knowledge of information and not doing it through the emotions of anger.    Even though there will be negative events and situations, when we keep our focus on Light, there will be nothing we can not overcome.

I sincerely believe - You and I are One - We each have the abilities to create and shape our world around us.  I do believe in all of our prosperity together in every way!  I believe in YOU - I believe in ME - I believe together we can and will be unstoppable in creating a better future!

1 comment:

  1. You have fought an amazing battle study Virginia Woolf. You should leave you legacy soon, while you have the attention.
