I am calming myself as I write this! BUT, CNBC has an article saying the Congress, U.S. Government WILL PASS A LAW TO SANCTION THE FRAUD! As CNBC puts it.....
Because the politicians will not let the financial stability of the largest bank in the nation be threatened by contractual rights. Not when there’s an easy fix available that won’t cost taxpayers a dime.
Here’s what is going to happen: Congress will pass a law called something like “The Financial Modernization and Stability Act of 2010” that will retroactively grant mortgage pools the rights in the underlying mortgages that people are worried about. All the screwed up paperwork, lost notes, unassigned security interests will be forgiven by a legislative act.
I can tell you right now! IF Congress Does pass something like this.... That then means LAWLESSNESS IS ALLOWED! That means ALL LEGAL CONTRACT CAN BE REWRITTEN AT ANY TIME TO FIT THOSE IN POWER!
I can not believe that this could be done! How could anyone have ANY Faith in ANY Legal Contract, due to the Government being able to Change that contract in the future, with Legislation?
How could FRAUD for over a decade be sanctioned? How could this government CONTINUALLY SCREW THE PEOPLE AND STAND BY THE BANKS?
All MERS Foreclosure Fraud Information at this link.
ReplyDeleteIn May 2005 we deposited and invested $200,000 in Real Property, where we recently found out that $118,800 was embezzled out of our property from Mortgage Lenders and Trust Brokerage Companies, namely Goldman Sachs through an escrow Transaction. The $118,800 in funds was paid to these embezzlers from the Investors unbeknownst that the securitization happened by encumbering our property and making up a fraudulent fake Promissory Note and Deed of Trust.
See the link for further information: https://fdaaccount.box.net/shared/a1pjz9sz5c
OK, John Carney, the writer of the "article" isn't an authority to say that. It's just his opinion. It should be noted that he has worked in various financial industry positions, and has some cronies to suck up to. He's nothing but a troll looking out for the spoon that feeds him.
ReplyDeleteState Law governs property transfers & ownership. Any Federal attempt to overstep those laws will be held up in courts for the next century.
If you are still thinking that voting will change anything, you need to catch up to reality.
ReplyDeleteMen and women are not allowed to vote. In order to vote you need to accept that you are a fictional entity known as a "person". Only "persons" can vote for other "persons" all of which are fictional entities.
The "persons" are the property of the bankers and you are deceived into supplying the "person" with wealth by means of your physical energy and work.
You do the work and your customer writes a cheque to the "person". When you deposit the cheque into your "person's" bank account you increase the wealth of the banker who owns your "person".
I go into this in a lot of detail at whatisknown.com. I show the solution to banker greed at whatisknown.com/video.html.
I am putting together a new video with all of my own documents to show how we are deceived, but for now check out the driver's licence video.
if they intend on fixing the system they should read a law they passed and bill clinton sighned called the nasara act the supream court put a gag on it but any politician that makes this known in a public statement as said in the law will activate the law and we need it now more then when they passed it into law so google it and happy reading
ReplyDeleteState your right of claim to your own sovereignty, stop paying into the criminal financial network that the goons in DC call taxes and turn your back on the 545 or so traitors who are fraudulently claiming to be our elected representatives. True freedom is the fact that every human being on the planet has no obligation to follow another mans orders or ideas. We follow by choice, not happenstance. Fuck the idiots on Capitol Hill and Wall Street! Aren't your bung-holes beaten and bruised to the point of agony? The only way it can stop is to walk away from the mess they've created for themselves on Capitol Hill. Let them fight their own fucking wars, let them pass whatever legislature they want, being sovereign unto oneself automatically unbinds any and all laws and statutes from having jurisdiction on you. Only your consent to their maniacal legislature can allow them to continue the razing of this once fine land and it's people..
ReplyDeletePass a law? Law, law, law? Say the word law over and over again and the word becomes meaningless. Now say "rule of law" over and over again and PRESTO, this phrase also becomes meaningless. If congress once again allows the hyper rich to gain their way there will be hell to pay. Mark my words, we are headed into chaos one way or another.
ReplyDeleteIn reality, the only thing that politicians & jew-banker/thieves(Wall St.) understand & fear is.....pure, rightous violence!!! Until these bastards begin to experience the "death penality" for their crimes (against humanity & GOD).....we will see more of the same ole' shit....i.e. = the financial sodomization of the working taxpayer & the ongoing perpetual destruction of our GOD given rights!!!
ReplyDeleteRemember this:....Washington(DC) cannot win a sniper's war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
H.R. 3808 ( Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act of 2010) legalizes foreclosure fraud. Obama 'pocket vetoed' it last week. Which means he keeps it until congress convenes and can possibly sign it at anytime. He made a big show of vetoeing it for the MSM but he can till sign it as I understand (correct me if I'm wrong). Be a sad day for the US if it happens, potentially the banks can take any property they want, encumbered or not.
ReplyDeleteFlash News...
ReplyDeleteGoldman Sachs, JP Morgan they ARE YOUR GOVERNMENT since 1913.
“If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.” –Thomas Jefferson
ReplyDeleteExcellent Kabuki!~!
ReplyDeleteThink Sherrie think!!
The goal is the failure of the entire system, the dollar which of course includes the banks, and the government.
60% Casualties. Gotta push that fear and anger, turn it to rage and violence. Nothing more destructive than a fear locked manboon, eccept maybe a clown at midnite.
The banks all fail, the government fails, chaos reigns.
Then of course comes the new order, new government, (for America a UN protectorate), with a new and global currency.
The plan all along, all else is kabuki, the means to the end.
Get mad, get violent, get crazy, and go with their plan if thats your calling. I say just get out some pop corn, watch the show, take care of you and yours, survive.
There is nothing you can do to influence the game at this point, at least nothing in a positive way.
But fan the fear and outrage if you want. But understand its the plan and will happen anyway. They dont need your help. In a politeness and sincerity to are wasting your time. This is going to be handled, its all taken care of.
Americans will pay until every bit of the goods they recieved by trading the world worthless little green papers has been paid fairly.
Cant fight the world on this, and trying will only end in a sterilized nation, to hot for much any life for generations.
Better this way for the world. Get used to the idea, coming itz...
This is what happens when you have criminals running for office and winning. Then they bring in their criminal friends and the "party" starts. We have a dilemma. Once the US government falls, the NAU agenda will be in full view and ready to take charge with the merging of US, Canada and Mexico. Due to the level of corruption in the governments of all three countries, most average people will go with the merger. They won't realize that was the plan all along....to beat down the american people financially, emotionally and physically....then roll out the solution....the North American Union. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said: “H.R. 3808 (Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act of 2010) legalizes foreclosure fraud. Obama 'pocket vetoed' it last week. Which means he keeps it until congress convenes and can possibly sign it at anytime.”
ReplyDeleteCitizens, it is true, Congress signed the legislation within 24 hours from the time that the mortgage forclosesures were suspended! 24 hours! That just demonstrates how totally corrupt Congress is! Obama has pocket vetoed the legislation and stalling for time.
How is forclosure fraud? Dont pay your mortgage and you will be kicked out... it reads that in my mortgage. Pretty simple
ReplyDeleteHow is gambling with people's money NOT fraud? Instead of going to jail when they lost, gamblers are rewarded with millions in salaries, bonuses and bailouts.
ReplyDeleteSupreme Court Justice William O. Douglas wrote a treatise (about 1970) called Points Of Rebellion, in which he decries "socialism for the rich, free enterprise for the poor". We must all band together to put a stop to corporate socialism, welfare for the rich.
ReplyDeleteForclosure is NOT a fraud, don't make me laugh...
ReplyDeleteOf course, you can view it as gambling with people's money, and yes, gamblers are not prosecuted, but this is about something else.