Well, the Congress People never fail to dismay me. What Idiots to pass a TRADE WAR against China Today!
As the article says, "What do they really hope to gain from this"?
It seems to me, the U.S. government Wants China to dump our treasuries they own, they are constantly taunting China and trying to rile them as much as possible! They hold our debt, they can take out our economy in one days time if they decided to dump the T-bills. Why are they doing this? What do they want to gain from this? Are they trying to propel the U.S. into hyperinflation and get a war started with China? When I say War, I mean a real war, where people get killed.
Where is the reasoning of this government? They pull these stunts and yet, they can not be fiscally responsible and do their constitutional duty by passing a 2011 fiscal budget.
All I can say is... those people who have not been paying attention to everything going on, are going to get a huge WAKE UP Call and Shock at some point in the future, when they wake up one morning and our stock markets plummet, metals shoot sky high and the cost of basic living has gone through the roof.
Seriously, people need to WAKE UP and see what is actually going on!
A Very important News Article about China and how dependent we are on them for our most essential rare Earth minerals in defense. This Bloomberg article is about how the Pentagon needs China's minerals, because in the U.S. all the factories shut down that produced the items and shipped the factories to China. The prices are now going through the roof for the items - 4 times price increases in just day's time. So.... with the Trade WAR approved, seems to me, it is going to get a lot worse Real Fast now.
EDIT - 9/30/10 - Bloomberg has a Headline article regarding the Congress passing the bill this morning.
China is not happy about the Bill passing with the U.S. government trying to control China's currency and policy.
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