I have posted previously about the U.S. government NOT even discussing or setting a Fiscal Budget for 2011. They should have done this by April 15th of this year. Pelosi, NEVER even brought it up for discussion for the Congress!
So, as of Oct. 1st - in one day from now, the U.S. will NOT have a Fiscal Budget for 2011!
I would like to know first what the hell they plan on doing and second, why the Hell hasn't the MSM even mentioned this HUGE Fact? Correction - Fox News did mention there is NO Budget for 2011, last week.
CBS also did an article about it, last June.
The U.S. by constitution has to set a Budget for the United States, yet this year for the FIRST TIME EVER, Congress has ignored this very important Fiscal responsibility for the citizens of the U.S.
I guess they think no one would notice there is NO budget set.
So does that mean they can SPEND AND TAX as they want? Does that mean they have NO RESPONSIBILITY to the People of the United States?
What will happen come October 1st? Will they then just pass one multi billion dollar bill after another to pay for their wars and salaries?
People need to understand, this government now is completely UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
With a government not doing their constitutional responsibility for their citizens, how is it they can keep passing bills and those be legal? Will they pass bills to pay for their own salaries and make sure those are covered?
OH, one small thing about that. The government did not raise social security for the increase of living expenses, as they said there was no increase of living cost. BUT Congress and the Senate RAISED Their Salaries this year due to Living cost increases! So, here is another question............................... What data did they use for their salaries and what data did they use for the public's? A social security rate increase is NOT Good enough for the People, yet it IS Good enough for their salaries?
We NEED TO DEMAND FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY AND A FISCAL BUDGET FOR 2011 !! It is a Little late for that..... But better late than never!
What has happened to this government and people demanding their elected officials who get paid by the U.S. citizens tax money, become responsible to the citizens and start do their Constitutional Job!?
I am starting to think the 10% overnight devaluation of the dollar may be true. The government will have many bills come due, come Oct. 1st.
EDIT - 9/30/10 - Drudge has a Huge Headline Across their Front Page - "They Couldn't Even Pass a Budget"! So, The information is going to Get out today, I hope some MSM outlets pick it up. People will become aware for the First Time our Government Did NOT PASS A FISCAL BUDGET! They will pass One Spending Bill after another, it seems.
Someone on another forum posted a link to your blog and got this response:
Is this just a proposal that congress never bothered approving or is it something they passed and never bothered debating?