Here we are, where 1 in 7 houses in 2010 have or are in Foreclosure! Banks would not modify 48% of the mortgages of people who applied for it.
I know of people with good jobs that asked for the modification and paid their mortgage on time every month, but the banks would not modify the loan. There is no advantage to the banks modifying loans, but they went along with it all, pretending they would due to the Trillions they have received from ALL of US!
In fact there is small print on the modification applications, that said if the banks decided not to modify the loan, they then had a right to foreclose without notice. Normally people have to have 4 weeks notice of their houses being foreclosed on by the bank. Many people have had knocks at their doors, being told their house was sold that morning in foreclosure! Those people had been paying their temporary modification loan amounts, but the banks had decided not make it permanent, so they foreclosed without notice.
The Federal Reserve which is a PRIVATE BANK - it is NOT a Government entity - YET it takes our taxes and obligates all of us in the U.S. to debt! In obligating us to debt it feels like doing, it has hidden how much it has given the banks, it works under secrecy. A reporter with Bloomberg sued the Federal Reserve in 2008, for them to release who they had given money to. The Federal Reserve lost the suit and appealed. **side note - the reporter who sued, has since met an untimely death*** the Appellate court has refused to overturn the other judges decision, saying the Federal Reserve HAD to release all the information of who they gave money to and in what amounts. Now, it seems the Federal Reserve is taking it all the way to the Supreme Court. I won't hold my breath with their verdict, we all know the Supreme Court is bought and sold, they are not about Justice any more. They do the bidding of Big business now and mostly side with Big Businesses.
Back to the banks and housing...... seems MSM will be blaming any "recession" that is coming back on housing prices and home sales. In July existing home sales dropped 12% from June ***(revised figures - Down 27.2% in July)*** - the largest drop in sales over a month since 1979 (Carter in office and interest rates at 19%). They won't mention how the banks have screwed people or committed fraud, or how the Federal Reserve has printed money and given it to the banks and their friends. They won't mention how the U.S. government has wasted Trillions on Wars, that were based on lies. They won't mention that if the government had given the people the money directly (about one million dollars per household) we would not have any problems at all. People would have purchased houses, cars and luxury items and less money would have been given away. We would have a thriving economy and people would have started businesses and employed many. We would have little unemployment and people would be spending lots in all areas of the economy.
Instead we have a government that is falsifying and manipulating the markets and commodities and they are buying the treasuries themselves, secretly, so no one will know that the rest of the world has a vote of NO CONFIDENCE in the United States anymore.
The government is also creating every kind of oppressive law possible. Even going as far as people not being able to have their own gardens. The government wants complete control of everything the people do and eat. Of course those in charge of our food at the FDA and Agricultural Dept. are All previous Monsanto executives. They of course will make sure Monsanto controls all the food and seeds of the United States. If you have not seen "Food Inc" the documentary - It is a Must SEE! But it will get you sick in how Monsanto controls the farms of the U.S. through intimidation and taking the land away from farmers by suing them.
How is it, we have allowed our nation to go so far down hill? Oh, the Fluoride in the water basically keeps people calm and not standing up to how the government is over stepping their bounds. We are no longer a Free Nation, and if anyone still thinks we are, then they have not been paying attention to what is really going on. We are a nation of manipulation and are intent on controlling the resources of the world in what ever manner it needs to be done.
At what point will people look at the Fraud being committed by the banks and the government and say enough is enough? When will people Stand Up and Say: "I AM MAD AS HELL AND I AM NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE"?
I am not talking about a violent revolt - I am talking about an Intellectual Revolt, including showing the Main Stream Media as they really are! They are propaganda Tools for the government and the elite. They shape those who watches, the opinions they want the people to have and what way they want the people to think.
I am asking for all Those with MERS Mortgages to STAND UP and contact Lawyers in your area, start calling around and ask if they will being willing to do a Class Action Lawsuit in your state Against MERS! I am asking for everyone to look at their Mortgage and see if it is a MERS mortgage and if it is STAND UP to Show the FRAUD the Banks have committed with MERS! Look at some of the links I have provided on my MERS post.
Spread the information about MERS! Look at the Updates - Lets work together - Lets Expose the Fraud of the Banks and this Government, by allowing the Banks to do what they have done. The people have suffered and being kicked in the face by the banks and government, there has not been one law passed that has actually helped the People - only big businesses and the banks since 2008. They have pretended to try and help the people, but just as the modification program has been a HUGE FAIL - it has Hurt more people than it has helped!
I won't even get into the Lies and cover up that the government is doing for BP down in the Gulf! That is another whole subject. But many are going to die from the Government lies, if they eat the seafood from the Gulf! I don't understand how the Government gave up our sovereignty to a Corporation. They have allowed BP to control the military and police in the Gulf, they have allowed BP to control the media information of the Gulf, they have allowed BP to control what testing is done on the water. They have allowed BP to try and buy all the Universities science departments throughout the U.S. - so they could control the science information of the Gulf. Obama LIED - He did NOT Swim in the Gulf - he was in a lake off the Gulf with his daughter in the ONE picture the White House released of his vacation down there. If he had actually swam in the Gulf... don't you think they would have allowed the media to actually witness it? There is NO way he would put a foot in the water or allow his daughter to touch the Gulf water!
The Gulf situation is for another day.... Right now, I am appealing to Everyone to get the information out about MERS to everyone they know. Lets start something Big, that can not be ignored and the media will have to acknowledge all the suits against the Banks, as of now, they have completely ignored what is happening around the U.S. and judges ruling against MERS.
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