This is PROOF in my opinion - all the debt prison has been created on purpose!
What type of SOUL LESS Banks are running this country? That is WHO is really running the country. All those in the government are merely Puppets of the banks!
Goldman Sachs has released a document they delivered to the Federal Government.
Portion From link:
A report released today by Goldman Sachs says that if push comes to shove, the federal government will pay its lenders before it pays Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries. Debt service “should be seen as the top claim on government resources in most cases,” says the Goldman analysis.
If this does not totally and completely convince you that banks run the government, that we have been put in debt servitude to give away the complete wealth of the country to the banks, I don't know what will!
Now, WHAT will the government do now? Who will they protect the banks or the people? (Do I really have to question that?)
What will the people do, when it is found the government is going to pay the banks before the people?
These are the SAME banks that all the people had to bailout in the first place with all their taxpayer money!
These are the SAME banks that are betting and gambling the money away via derivatives (700 Trillion)!
These are the SAME banks that are giving themselves BILLIONS OF BONUSES with taxpayer money as they are getting bailed out!

I can add so much more to this!
I don't expect MSM to air this information - It is up to ALL OF US - To get people informed about this!
I did an article last year, with research on how Social Security is NOT an entitlement to the people. We pay into it fully and completely.
tHIS WON'T WAKE UP ANYONE SHERRIE!! I really hate to say that. The sheople think that "obama money" grows on trees. As a kid I remember seeing an old black and white movie about money growing on a tree in a famlies back yard,they go on spending binges and the family puts it in the bank, and towards the end, all the bills act like leaves and shrivel up and turn brown. That is our currency and culture. Anyone else remember that movie or knows its name??
ReplyDeleteSherrie, thank you. Sadly however, this article, nor nothing else of glaring hypocrisy will wake up the Amerian people.
ReplyDeleteWe get our news from the corporate media, the owners of which are also the largest holders of defense industry stock, thus the wars will also never end. They are also the major holders of backscatter machines, which is why we will never have a molestation free travel.
Oh, and did I mention that they are also the major contributors to BOTH political parties, thus they will ALWAYS get what they WANT, as opposed to what the poeple of America NEED
Sherrie, Bravo and thank you. Nothing will wake up the American people. That doesn't mean that thinking, caring people shouldn't continue to work for peace and justice. We should, as a principled minority can influence both the unthinking herd and history.
ReplyDeleteAnd what's crazier is, most of that "debt" service is just an illusion, digits in a computer "claiming" they actually represent real goods, when in fact, they only represent credit/debt. No way in hell the people of the world can pay off the derivatives unless they plan on conquering 10 planet earths and hauling the real goods home. It's simple a game of the top using their monopoly credit/debt to control all resources on planet earth. It's ALL paper...who produces the real goods? We do. Who consumes the real goods? We do. Who labors to build the real goods? We do. Who shuffles meaningless paper/digits around, they do. Why are we starving? Why are we going homeless? Because the respective soldiers of each country support this system, they back the currency, the military backs the monetary system in order to get the real goods from who they need to get them from. Nothing has changed. The monarchies would just go to the serfs and take their livestock and goods before as tribute, now the tribute is paid via electronic digits. And you have the top in all these wars fighting over these resources (claims) that are backed by digits in a computer/paper. Wow, just wow. The top doesn't have the real goods, they only have them until their respective armies (soldiers) turn on them. What happened in France? If GS tries to steal the people's digits this go-around, I mean outright empty their accounts, whoa, they'll need their armies. Too many people with nothing to lose, they will go ape sh*t.
ReplyDelete"What will the people do, when it is found the government is going to pay the banks before the people?"--I'm on SS. I'll let you take a wild a$$ guess what I'll do
ReplyDeleteThe largest part of the debt is money owed by the Government to the Social Security Trust Fund ($2.67 trillion or about 19% of the total debt). The Trust Fund has been fueled by money contributed by citizens. We the people should be paid back first.
ReplyDeleteI'm an American as as much as I hate to say it, the truth is most Americans deserve the shit storm that's going to hit them. So many stupid, ignorant, uncaring, self-centered people in this country...
DeleteRead this
Outlaw interest.
ReplyDeleteThat is the first step on the pathway to freedom.
Nationalize Goldman Sachs. The government can do this in the blink of an eye.
ReplyDeleteWell, the ACTUAL problem is that we were told to and therefore are supposed to take care of the needy of our communities or congregations if you like through faith, hope, and charity (free will offerings ministered by each elected Minister taking care of 10s, 100s and 1000s of families - WHICH IS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT FORM OF GOVERNMENT TO THE SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT WE HAVE ALL ENTERED INTO TODAY MOST THROUGH IGNORANCE AND GREED)which IS "love" as taught by Christ and plainly spelled out in the Holy Scriptures.
ReplyDeleteAmerica started out this way - yes, it did - if you go right back to even before the Constitution itself, a document of which is actually evidence of a nation already beginning to go the wrong way. As you all know a Constitution does NOT grant you any rights that you did not already have. There were also supposed to be at least five safeguards in any Constitution (you will find them in Deuteronomy) of which only one was included in any Constitution that I know of. In a nutshell we were told not to have a ruler or government in place that could do anything that would place us back into the bondage of Egypt - we did NOT ensure those safeguards were put into place.
Furthermore, no Minister or Pastor of any incorporated church is straight out telling anyone, nor have they done so for more than 100 years now, that what Christ taught was a DIFFERENT FORM OF GOVERNMENT that sets people free both in truth and in spirit. The Social Security or social welfare system we have in place today is what Christ called "Coveting your neigbour's goods" (just because it is done through the agency of government does NOT mean that is OK). No pastor or minister of any multi-million or multi-billion dollar incorporated churches are telling you this today, so how the hell do you expect to ever become free without first suffering the eventual devastating consequences that will come with the eventual and total collapse of the current usurious and Mystery Babylonian economic/monetary system?
How do you enslave a nation again? Easy - offer them "benefits" (which are actually taken at the point of a gun if need be from your neighbours) and they will be eating out of your hand in as little as a few decades or less.
Yes, the truth does hurt. To the point that perhaps even those reading this will probably (already) be thinking of a way to twist these simple truths to avoid having to actually "do" anything to set themselves and their neighbours free. It's OK - this has been the problem since the beginning so it is nothing new...
Look at your old land maps - you will find references to the 100th of so and so (meaning a congregation of 100 families under at least one or more Ministers who took care of the needy in your community through faith, hope and charity which are free will and voluntary offerings - or "burnt offerings" given by the families in the Communities). You see, this is what it takes to both become and then remain free.
On the other hand, it is probably also fair to say that most people would either not or at least find it very difficult to survive "freedom" today. It took Moses a long time to re-educate his people in Egypt about the alternative form of government that could and would set them free before they eventually left Egypt as an entire community.
Believe it or not, we are now in either the same, or worse position. It is difficult to believe this when surrounded by the colourful splendors and artificial creature comforts of Mystery Babylon, so many will not make it when the rubber truly meets the road.
It is a journey of repentance and going back the other way. It will not be easy but it is achievable and the more we go back the other way the more assistance and guidance of the Holy Spirit we can expect.
Anyway, in a nutshell we are currently living in a form of government that Christ and God told us never to return to again.
But most do not want to know that...
Nationalize Goldman-Sachs and put them all rehabilitating land contaminated by Monsanto's genetic B.S. and Round-Up at minimum wage. No overtime. No driver's license. No chaffeur. Just a bunk, rake, shovel, and a happy attitude. Their filthy lucre can go to compensate for the damage done by the evil they signed off on. White trash pencil-necks.
ReplyDeleteThis is no-sense and communist propaganda. It is only fair that banks be paid first. First of all, men like Goldman Sachs are hard working people which deserve their wealth. They provide us with jobs and so we can too if we work hard be as rich as they are. That is our good luck of living in America a land of infinite opportunities. Thank God I live in America and not in communist Russia.
ReplyDeleteyour completely wrong, i hope you get whats coming to you if your lying for a buck. go serve your master
DeleteIs everyone nucking futs? Yes, we have to address the social security funding problems that lurk in the not too distant future. If push comes to shove, NO, we would not simply pay the likes of Goldman-Sachs and tell our our citizens to take a flying leap. That is, not unless Goldman-Sachs has a desire to see every one of their facilities burned to the ground in the revolution. In a push comes to shove scenario, debtors will have to take their lumps as well as those who rely on social security and medicare.