June 1st the govt. votes on continuing the Patriot Act.
It is important for people to stand up for their freedoms. If we don't stand up we lose it all. We can't live in fear as the government wants us to, just so they can spy on every single person and everything we do. Understand this is not about fighting terrorism, this is about knowing everything about every single citizen.
Every citizen is considered guilty by the government and they spy on every thing we do and spend. John Oliver makes the conversation funny and shows how people are not concerned unless it involves pictures of dicks. Yes... I wrote that correctly.
Must watch video.
As a side note. I have not been writing on the blog due to trying and getting my own life straight. I start college (Diesel technology) and have been in a flux in trying to get what will be my new home fixed and straightened out besides getting it up to Tennessee. I bought a boat to live on and have had all types of work needed to be done on it. It has been an ordeal to say the least.
did you see how CNN cut that skit up and made it look like he admitted causing a national security threat saying meekly, 'yeah that's a problem' even put the bleep but made it look like it was an expletive scolding by Oliver?