
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Where are the *&%#$*@ sanctions against Israel for the genocide happening in Gaza? How come Israel can murder whoever they want?

At some point aren't people going to wake up?

Don't people see the propaganda happening against Russia and Putin?  Yet the silence from the world about what Israel is doing by mass murdering people they had caged up and imprisoned in the first place in Gaza!

What is happening is outrageous!

Israel has murdered over 600 people in a few days time but I am not hearing the U.S., EU or anyone else calling for sanctions against them.

Yet manufactured evidence against Russia which has not been proven, has people calling for war against Russia.  The old man McCain did a little stint on CNN saying Putin is a murderer today.

Remember Syria?  The lies of a chemical attack last year?  Remember how the U.S. and the world were outraged?  BUT Israel can get away with $%^&*# murdering everyone they want... and #$%^&*@ Silence from every government!

Why didn't McCain talk about the mass murders that are happening in Gaza?

Why is it that Israel is allowed to murder who ever they want and get away with it?  How is that right?

Where is the UN regarding this?  Where are the humanitarian organizations?

ALL money given to Israel must STOP!

Their rights to murder whom ever they want must STOP!

The world has to start standing up against this genocide, instead of looking the other way!

The looking the other way when 'allies' commit murder and genocide, yet lies against other countries who have not done what they are accused of is too much.

How do we stop this?  How do we stop the lies and murders?

Israel is not the chosen country of the world in God's eyes.  The Jews are not the chosen people of the world in Gods eyes.  We All are chosen people, including the Palestinians!  They have the right to live their lives in Freedom and liberty without being massacred by Israel!

All of us together are One people no one should be a slave to another nor any country have a right to murder others because they feel they are 'chosen' over all others.

Enough is enough!  If Russia was doing to East Ukraine what Israel is doing to Gaza we would be in WW3 with the U.S. and EU bombing Russia.  Yet Israel can do as they please and murder who ever they please.

Why is that?  Why is Israel allowed to murder anyone they want and bomb any country they want?

Where is the outrage from the media and citizens of the world?


  1. "Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws"- Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild. Zionist Jew family that is rich beyond believe. Pretty much control all the world banks and world media. This should answer your questions.

  2. People are afraid. Israel-firsters personally target israel critics. I work in hollywood, and have direct experience with this. Most people, sadly, are cowards.

    1. Especially USA politicians that have been bribed & blackmailed. with USA Tax Dollars.
      I have a strong suspicion a certain "preacher" is given a fresh little boy every time he flies to Israel, and all he does is videoed .....

  3. Sherrie, you have encapsulated everything I have been thinking and saying since this fiasco began. It is clear that 'israel' (I cannot bring myself to capitalize the name of this so-called 'state'), the US and the UK have become the Axis Of Murder. From Gaza to Eastern Ukraine, from S. Sudan to Nigeria, all they lust for is blood.....and resources to steal. Keep up your great work in telling the truth the way it is. D in Malaysia

  4. Some day you will come to the obvious (but politically incorrect) conclusion that Jews control the people who could do something about it. Jews rule the world, Sherrie.

    But, at some point, sleeping masses will awake to their depravity. These attacks quicken the day.

    And then, again, like HUNDREDS of times before, the people will force them out. Literally HUNDREDS of times already.

  5. What is so damn wonderful about Israel anyway? Silly little scrap of land that has so little to recommend it. Given my choice, I'd take Cuba any day (the island itself, that is).

  6. Poor people of Gaza. Israel was created by the British using the US Military to ensure there would never be peace in the middle east. They are a synagogue of Satan just as described and foretold in Revelation 2:9.

  7. About time someone tells it like it is. A rogue, militarized state has no credibility in the modern world. Stop all aid and business with the "butchers",....................NOW.

  8. jew hiding behind a Gharkad tree says "it is allowed to rape, kill and murder goyem", then what reasoning is there left to negotiate really with these non-goyem? Can one actually honestly reason with non-goyem? They have labeled the rest of humanity as sub humans!
