
Friday, July 18, 2014

Ukraine Air Traffic Control routed MH17 through War Zone - not normal route and had them fly lower than they requested

MH17 7/17/14 route in Red, through War Zone.  Different from previous routes

Update - Kiev Air Traffic Controller says it was Ukrainian Military who shot down the plane.

The Ukraine Air Traffic Control was in complete charge of Malaysia flight MH17.

They had them fly a route directly through the war zone and out of the way than their normal flight and they had them fly lower than they requested.

UPDATE 7/21/14 - Russia is PROVING Ukraine shot down the plane and the air traffic controller was correct a Ukraine military jet was by MH17 when it when down... and Ukraine had BUK missile systems set up that day.  Not through propaganda but through PROOF in Satellite images! 

Edit to Add 1:54pm:  Ukraine government confiscated all recordings Ukraine Air Traffic Control had with MH17

More articles about MH17 I have posted:

Hacked emails calling for False Flag in Ukraine so U.S. can act against Russia

Update 7/21 - Russia PROVING Ukraine shot down plane through satellite images

Bombshell - Air Traffic Controller in Kiev said Ukrainian military shot down plane

Absolute Reason why the U.S. could have been behind the shooting down of MH17

Missile Guidance system intercepted in Finland going to Ukraine from Vietnam

Ukraine routed MH 17 through War Zone, not normal route and had them fly lower than they requested

No other countries are blaming Russia for MH17 except the U.S., U.K. and Australia


  1. Great story Sherrie--u made it onto Mike Rivero's page--keep up ur good work.

  2. I have found more evidence indicating a controller from Spain gave evidence to the same.
    Flight MH17 could have actually been MH370 aircraft that disappeared. It is very strange to have a aircraft from the same airline suddenly destroyed. 370 could have been used as a false flag. The aircraft used in 911 were still registered and used after 911. The registration and serial numbers of these two flights need to be examined.

  3. Replies
    1. Really now. How is that? Showing the truth? Yep, if there is one thing that happens over and over again. Those that work to uncover truth are called all types of names by those whose job it is to obscure it.

  4. Your opinion is not truth. Please check - the flight was going over regular international route L980. All shown on your diagram routes are closed due to annexation of Crimea by Russia. Because Ukraine Air Traffic Control does not have any control anymore over there and Russian Air Traffic Control of that area is not (and will not ever be) approved by international agencies. I also suggest you to check the routes over Afghanistan, for example. You'll be surprised what area they are flying over. Who could imagine possibility to have highly sophisticated antiaircraft weapons being given away to terrorist group?

  5. Dear Anonymous,

    1) The previous flying route is NOT over Crimea. Buy a map.
    2) Kiev admitted to having the control of the aircraft at the reroute, although it may not be true.
    3) By that, I mean the US pentagon may have remotely taken control out of the pilots hands using the anti-terrotist system "Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot System" on board all 777s. The same system used to hijack MH370. To substantiate this further, I would have to research the actual flight route to existing waypoints in the area, but personally don't care. The only reason I suspect this is because Kiev refused to turn over the ATC tapes, and the cockpit voice recorder data is not public and being hidden as well. Once the system is initiated, all communications are shut down, and the Flight computer takes over on a separate, inaccessible power supply. I imagine some foreign pilots may not even be aware their aircraft is equipped with it. Their would be no communication with the ATC tower form the point of initiation, a good reason for Kiev to hide the tapes. The pilots would be frantically in an uproar in the cockpit like in the latest AirAsia crash...trying to pull the circuit breakers on the Flight management computer, only to find it does no good. Another great reason to hide the cockpit voice recordings, as is being done. Also, the fact that MH17 was downed the day after Russia signed the formal BRICS accord pact is no coincidence. I hope you read this Sherrie, and realize there is no "mystery" to the MH370 disappearance, it was BUAP. I listened to the hundreds of hours of experts and federal investigators speculating BS on TV, and not once was this system (obviously used) ever even mentioned. You can look it up (even on WIKI), but they are not telling yo about it. Why, because it was responsible, and the Pentagon is the only one with the encrypted codes and the satellites to covertly transmit them. Have a nice day.
