
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Missile Guidance System being smuggled into Ukraine in June intercepted in Finland. Won't say who going to. Ukraine shot down airliner in 2001 with BUK missile

I have uncovered the fact that Finland intercepted a shipment of missile guidance systems being smuggled into Ukraine from Vietnam.

They will not say who was the intended recipient in Ukraine.

Ukraine shot down an airliner in 2001 with BUK 300 missile, first they denied it and then had to admit it.

NATO had two airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) planes in the air at the time of MH17 being shot down. One was in Romania and the other in Poland.

UPDATE 7/21/14 - Russia is PROVING Ukraine shot down the plane and the air traffic controller was correct a Ukraine military jet was by MH17 when it when down... and Ukraine had BUK missile systems set up that day.  Not through propaganda but through PROOF in Satellite images! 

More articles about MH17 I have posted:

Hacked emails calling for False Flag in Ukraine so U.S. can act against Russia

Update 7/21 - Russia PROVING Ukraine shot down plane through satellite images

Bombshell - Air Traffic Controller in Kiev said Ukrainian military shot down plane

Absolute Reason why the U.S. could have been behind the shooting down of MH17

Missile Guidance system intercepted in Finland going to Ukraine from Vietnam

Ukraine routed MH 17 through War Zone, not normal route and had them fly lower than they requested

No other countries are blaming Russia for MH17 except the U.S., U.K. and Australia


  1. Finnish Customs keep finding interesting stuff. Reminds me of the large number of Patriot Missiles they found 2-3 years ago in the hold of a ship reportedly going to Shanghai, and the large amount of explosives they were hidden amongst. I remember there was a scramble to claim they were legitimately being shipped, then the story seemed to disappear.
    In this case, there is so much BS surrounding it and the immediate "the Russians did it" finger pointing, it seems like a deliberate act to initiate conflict. The truth will thus be obscured by the ensuing widening of war, perhaps resurface decades later as a "conspiracy theory", just like the Gulf of of Tonkin, USS Liberty, the Lavon affair etc...etc...

  2. Well well well what have we here then? Excellent work Sherrie puts so called journalists to shame!
