
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

China and other countries create new Credit Rating Agency due to U.S. controlled Credit Rating companies. China trade deals with Greece - No dollar

A summit forum was held in Beijing on the 23rd of June between many countries to create an independent and new credit rating agency.  The new agency is: Universal Credit Rating Group - UCRG.

China and other countries do not trust the current big 3 credit rating agencies, which are controlled by the U.S., they accuse them of being politically motivated and don't rate correctly.

They state just as the credit rating companies had Lehman Brothers in 2008 at a A- rating when they went under and how Standard and Poors downgraded Russia after Ukraine, which shows corruption.

On September 15 2008, Lehman Brothersan investment bank with a history dating back 158   yearssuddenly went bankruptJust before the incidentAmerican rating   agencies   had given an A-rating to Lehman BrothersWhy did the world rely on such unreliable ratings?Because MoodyStandard & Poor's and Fitch - the three biggest rating firms that take 96percent of the total market share - are all American companiesDue to   this anomalyother countries plan to set up an international rating agency constituted by agencies of multiple countries which does not represent the interests of   any single country or narrow group.
the ratings given by the Big Three are incorrectsecondlythe current credit   rating agencies are inefficientand thirdlythe credit ratings are often used as  political toolsIn the Ukraine crisisStandard & Poor's downgraded the outlook of  Russia  to "negative",whichin Villepin's opinionsuggested that the current system  is politically unreliable.

They accuse the current credit rating companies of being politically motivated and controlled.

It does not state all the countries who were at the summit and involved in the creation of UCRG, but I can guess Russia, BRICS and other Asian countries were there.

It appears that the world is leaving the U.S. behind in many ways, they are positioning themselves to be independent of the dollar and U.S. influence.

The Chinese Prime minister has been very busy.  Last week he was in the U.K and creating trading agreements with them without using the U.S. dollar.

 Now he has made agreements with Greece to trade with them using Sino-EU currencies without the dollar. 

More importantlythis kind of cooperation benefits businessSino-Greek economic ties,and wider China-EU cooperationLarge volumes of Sino-EU re-export trade can be done through the port to reduce costs.

Do people see what is happening?  First it was Asian countries trading without the dollar now China is on the move and creating trading agreements with EU partners.  That is huge.  The EU countries aren't afraid of the U.S. (Big Bad Wolf - who invades for dollar supremacy).  The U.S. can't exactly invade every country for dropping the dollar.  The writing has been on the wall but it appears it is going faster and faster in being written on every wall.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Trey Gowdy is able to get IRS Commissioner Koskinen to admit lies were told from White House and he doesn't know laws. Resolution filed in House "Dog Ate My Tax Return"

Trey Gowdy a Congressman from South Carolina who is obviously an excellent lawyer.  He grilled IRS Commissioner Koskinen and made Koskinen admit to not knowing much about the law or anything else and how the White House lied.

This is an awesome video and I wish all the Congressional officials were as him with finding the truth of all things in the government.

Through Gowdy's grilling, Koskinen admits he doesn't know any laws, even though he is a lawyer, he admits through cross examination the White House and Obama lied about the IRS scandal.  He lied about no criminal wrong doing.

I can say one thing, Koskinen is obviously very arrogant and appears to have been taking the whole hearing in stride and contempt until Gowdy grilled him as a great lawyer does to get to the truth.

A new resolution has been filed in the house, Steve Stockman from Texas has filed the resolution "The dog at my tax return" in the house.

WASHINGTON -- Taxpayers who do not produce documents for the Internal Revenue Service will be able to offer a variety of dubious excuses under legislation introduced by Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX 36) a week after the IRS offered an incredibly dubious excuse for its failure to turn documents over to House investigators.

“The United States was founded on the belief government is subservient and accountable to the people.  Taxpayers shouldn’t be expected to follow laws the Obama administration refuses to follow themselves,” said Stockman.  “Taxpayers should be allowed to offer the same flimsy, obviously made-up excuses the Obama administration uses.”
The full text of the resolution follows:

The resolution may be cited as the “Dog Ate My Tax Receipts Resolution.”

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) must allow taxpayers the same lame excuses for missing documentation that the IRS itself is currently proffering

Whereas, the IRS claims that convenient, unexplained, miscellaneous computer malfunction is sufficient justification not to produce specific, critical documentation; and,

Whereas, fairness and Due Process demand that the American taxpayer be granted no less latitude than we afford the bureaucrats employed presently at the IRS;

Now, therefore, be it resolved that it is the sense of the House of Representatives that unless and until the Internal Revenue Service produces all documentation demanded by subpoena or otherwise by the House of Representatives, or produces an excuse that passes the red face test,

All taxpayers shall be given the benefit of the doubt when not producing critical documentation, so long as the taxpayer’s excuse therefore falls into one of the following categories:

1.         The dog ate my tax receipts
2.         Convenient, unexplained, miscellaneous computer malfunction
3.         Traded documents for five terrorists
4.         Burned for warmth while lost in the Yukon
5.         Left on table in Hillary’s Book Room
6.         Received water damage in the trunk of Ted Kennedy’s car
7.         Forgot in gun case sold to Mexican drug lords
8.         Forced to recycle by municipal Green Czar
9.         Was short on toilet paper while camping
10.       At this point, what difference does it make?

In any case, IRS can see the NSA for a good, high quality copy.
Stockman’s bill comes a week after the IRS refused to turn over to House investigators emails from former Exempt Organizations Divison director Lois Lerner that would implicate agency personnel in illegal targeting of citizens critical of President Barack Obama.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Congressman Rangel (D) made the oddest statement. Did anyone catch it? Very Telling in what is happening to the Country.

I have been reading how Congressman Charles Rangel who is the longest serving Congressman in D.C.  He is from New York, Harlem district and has been serving since 1971.  He is 84 years old now.

His district is now 52% Hispanic due to immigration so he has a tough primary.

I was reading the story on Washington Post when I read something Rangel said that is at the least very odd and very strange besides telling in what is happening and where this country is headed.

Here is the paragraph that hit me very wrong:

“For the nation, these next two years are going to make history,” Rangel told the packed room at his birthday gathering. “These next two years are not the years for someone who just has pride and ambition, it’s for someone . . . who has the experience to guide the ship into the dark for the next two years.”

Do you see it?

 who has the experience to guide the ship into the dark for the next two years.”

He wants to guide the ship (U.S.) into the dark??????

I believe that is a very negative thing to say, besides a slip of the tongue.  Is that where all the D.C. people want to lead us with Obama?

The first line bothers me too...... "Next two years will make history."  Really?  How?  What are they planning?

Are we going into the dark now?  Haven't we been in the dark?  Isn't it light that we desire and deserve?

I believe his opponents should run with that sentence against Rangel.

I believe every single career politician, no matter the political side should be kicked out as Cantor was.

So, there you have it.... Rangel wants to make sure we are led into the dark for the next two remaining years of Obama's presidency and they will make history.

Update 6/25/14 - Too bad, Rangel won his primary.  Why do people continue to vote in the most corrupt politicians?  Why aren't people waking up?!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

IMF states headquarters may be in China in future . China in UK securing Trade Deals right now UPDATE Yuan Trade deal reached with UK, No U.S. Dollars

The U.S. is grasping at their waning control of the IMF, which is frustrating Christine Lagarde and other countries. 

Lagarde said the IMF needs to make reforms but the U.S. has been blocking them.  The IMF is suppose to be headquartered in the largest economy and that is going to be China in the future.  Lagarde said the U.S. is blocking China, India and Brazil who are coming up strong from having a voice in the IMF.

The International Monetary Fund's headquarters may one day move from Washington to Beijingaligning with China's growing influence in the world economythe fund's managing director Christine   Lagarde said early this month.
Lagarde also pointed out that the U.Sgovernment is an "outlieramong the G20 in  refusing to approve IMF reformand the IMF was trying to give emerging economies like China and Brazil a bigger voice through reform.
According to Lagardeon the part of countries like ChinaBraziland Indiathere is  frustration with the lack of progress in reforming the IMF by refusing to adopt the quota  reform that would give emerging economies a bigger voicea bigger voteand a bigger  share in the institution. “I share that frustration immensely,” she said.
 The U.Sis the only member with control weight in the votingmeaning that any major reform must be approved by the United States.

Now with Lagarde who is head of the IMF even saying the U.S. has waning influence besides saying the headquarters will most likely be in Bejing, that shows the writing is on the wall for the U.S. 

Not just that.  It appears that China is now making deals with Britain.  The Premier of China is there today on official business.  I have read these type statements before in the Chinese news websites.  They don't say it directly but it typically means, they are securing deals in trade eliminating the U.S. dollar.  Just read between the lines. 

Chinafor its parthas a huge marketlarge foreign exchange reserves and a   competitive manufacturing sectorLi saidpointing out that the complementary  strengths of the two countries mean they have many areas for collaboration.

"We look forward to stronger cooperation in financeinfrastructure constructionamong othersandmore robust exchanges in researcheducationand culture," Li said. "We look forward to win-winengagements."

UPDATE 6/19/14 - China reached a Yuan trade deal with the UK.  U.S. dollar bypass. 
Just as I thought and read between the lines in the Chinese article.  The UK has reached a trade deal with China where the U.S. dollar will not be used.

While four other nations had already signed such accords withChina, the U.K.’s deal yesterday made it the first European country to do so. London has been competing with cities includingFrankfurt to become Europe’s offshore yuan hub. Direct trading of the yuan-pound pair is scheduled to start today.
“Given the sheer pace and scale of growth in renminbi trade, the opportunity for London cannot be overstated,” Peter Sands, group chief executive at Standard Chartered Plc in London, said by e-mail yesterday. “The appointment of an official clearer is a logical step in London’s development as a leading offshore renminbi center.”
It appears those that had never dared stepped on the U.S. toes previously are not worried about it now.  There must be much more going on that we as the public are not aware of.  
 This is saying the U.S. is going downhill where as other countries are becoming the leaders and more financially stable and prosperous.  

I can only imagine how upset those in the top tier of the U.S. government were upset at Lagarde making this admission in the public and if our closest ally is securing trade with China, without the dollar possibly.  

I don't believe a single media outlet in the U.S. will relay this statement and information to the public.  This is not something CNBC will broadcast. 

China will be the largest economy in the world very soon.  Why does the U.S. continue to piss them off?  China has been turning away from the dollar in their trade.  They have a very tight relationship with Russia now.  We all know what is happening with our relationship with Russia.  

The writing is on the wall and now even those organizations that the U.S. has had the most influence with are frustrated due to the U.S. grasping at the melting straws. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Bush is to Blame for Iraq - War based on LIES! Put Blame where it belongs. Obama is to Blame for Libya, Syria (arming/training rebels), Ukraine (CIA behind unrest)

I have been completely stunned by so many blaming Obama for what is happening in Iraq all over the internet.

Do people have such short memories?

Do people not remember that Bush, Powell, Tony Blair and corrupt politicians are the ones who invaded Iraq in the first place, all based on Lies?

Edit to add:  Unbelievable.  Blair is in the news today... Blaming Syria for the Iraq problem, not the initial invasion by him and Bush! 

"We have to liberate ourselves from the notion that 'we' have caused this. We haven't. We can argue as to whether our policies at points have helped or not; and whether action or inaction is the best policy and there is a lot to be said on both sides. But the fundamental cause of the crisis lies within the region not outside it," he wrote. Mr Blair added that it is a "bizarre reading of the cauldron that is the Middle East today, to claim that but for the removal of Saddam, we would not have a crisis".
 Mr Blair, who said he was not calling for allied troops to return to Iraq but all measures short of that, including air strikes, said the major cause of the current conflict was the civil war in Syria, together with the "sectarianism of the Maliki Government" which had "led to the alienation of the Sunni community".

Obama is not to blame for Iraq, Bush Is.  Did people want an ongoing never ending war with the U.S. never leaving Iraq?

Bush went into Iraq so Oil companies could get their hands on all the oil underground there.

It is ridiculous that people are blaming Obama for what is happening in Iraq.  Saddam may not have been the nicest person, but Iraq was stable before the U.S. invaded it.

Obama is to blame for Libya and making that country unstable by being behind the rebels there.  Syria for arming and training the rebels there.  Ukraine for being behind the unrest there and taking over the government.  

So let's put the blame where it belongs.  Look at it all honestly.

Both Bush and Obama have made the Middle East and other areas completely unstable.

It is so crazy.  Yet, Obama wants to now go into another country and make a complete mess of it, based on Lies... Syria.  

Obama is said to be considering bombing Iraq and Syria together. 

The Obama administration is urgently considering an air assault on Islamic extremists that officials told the Guardian could be directed at targets in Syria as well as Iraq.

Seriously?? Syria??  Why?

Syria is stable over all.  The rebels that the U.S. backs are doing the same in Syria that is happening in Iraq.  The U.S. backs rebels who behead and murder innocent, men, women and children of the country.

Let's look at what the U.S. has done honestly.  The U.S. is in Afghanistan and won't ever leave because of the Poppy crops and the money from heroin, which the CIA brings in.

You only have to look at the heroin epidemic that is happening now in the U.S.  Heroin was not a problem until the U.S. went into Afghanistan.  You only have to put 2 and 2 together.  Yes, Bush is to blame for Afghanistan too.  That will be a never ending war, due to the billions in heroin production.  Bush wars, reasons: Iraq-Oil, Afghanistan-Heroin.

There have been articles recently about the heroin epidemic recently... here are just a few of them:

U.S. in grips of Heroin epidemic - News Journal
The Horrific toll of U.S. heroin epidemic - BBC
Teens overdosing on Cheap Heroin - Fox

The real facts are, both Obama and Bush have caused what is happening in the Middle East in various countries.  The U.S. has done more damage in making the world unstable and empowering those who we consider terrorist.

I find the name ISIS, odd for being a name of a rebel/terrorist group.  ISIS

It was said that Isis tricked Ra into telling her his "secret name" by causing a snake to bite him, the antidote to whose venom only Isis possessed. Knowing his secret name thus gave her power over him. The use of secret names became central in many late Egyptian magic spells. By the late Egyptian historical period, after the occupations by the Greeks and the Romans, Isis became the most important and most powerful deity of the Egyptian pantheon because of her magical skills. Magicis central to the entire mythology of Isis, arguably more so than any other Egyptian deity.
Isis had a central role in Egyptian magic spells and ritual, especially those of protection and healing. In many spells her powers are merged with those of her son Horus. His power accompanies hers whenever she is invoked. In Egyptian history the image of a wounded Horus became a standard feature of Isis's healing spells, which typically invoked the curative powers of Isis' milk.

The truth is, the U.S. does not invade other countries to help the people in 'Democracy' no matter what political side (left/right).  The U.S. invades other countries on false premises for power/assets/resources/control.  The U.S. Presidents are all controlled behind the scenes by their handlers along with all the other D.C. elected officials in Congress.

I sincerely hope people look at the truth honestly and realize the U.S. is the one causing the complete unrest and instability in the world.

We are behind the terrorist groups.  Funny how we go back and forth from supporting terrorist groups to fighting the same groups that the CIA created.

Wake Up!  At what point will we get back to the morals this country was founded on?  At what point will the U.S. people say no more?

I find it very interesting that McCain, Graham and others are saying with absolute surety that ISIS is going to attack the U.S.

Here is the question with that?  How do they know that with such conviction?  Isn't the NSA the one who is going to protect us and fore-knowledge through their metadata and collecting what every single person does on the internet/phones and banking?  How will we have an absolute attack on U.S. soil, if we have a government organization that has gotten billions so it won't happen?

I have no doubt that there will be a terrorist attack in the U.S. once again and I have no doubt that U.S. backed groups will be the ones who do it.  I have no doubt that the U.S. will then clamp down on any remaining freedoms we have had left and they will do it all in the name of "The War on Terror."  I have no doubt that people won't see the situation honestly in seeing the U.S. is the terrorist group of the world.

It is really sad that people don't look at situations honestly and the U.S. will stop at nothing to obtain what they want and cause unrest around the world, with it all based on lies.

The only other question is... Where will the U.S. decide the best place for a terrorist attack to be on U.S. soil, by their terrorist groups they created and back.

Don't forget, Benghazi was really about arming rebels in Syria.

Besides we don't have a Congress with a back bone... Obama should have already been impeached for many different reasons, as Bush should have been for many reasons and lies when he was in office.

The real facts are, we need to get every single career/corrupt politician voted out of Washington, as Cantor was and start a new with a Congress and Representatives that really do reflect the 'Will of the People'.  I can only hope that people are wake enough in all areas to vote out ALL of them.  Pelosi, Boehner, Reid, McCain, Graham.... ALL of them, both left and right.  Only then will we begin to have a responsible government that will impeach the President when needed and will put the U.S. back on moral standing.