
Thursday, May 8, 2014

I found this assignment my daughter wrote for school "Dear Envy", A letter poem

I just found an assignment my daughter wrote for school.  I am blown away by it.  I had no idea that she had this level of thinking.  Children do not communicate on a whole to their parents, their deep level of thoughts and views, in my opinion.  My daughter and I discuss many things and I have always tried to in-still critical thinking in her.  Even from when she was a toddler, I allowed her to make choices with things.  I would explain if she decided to play with a toy one way, then she would break it and another way it would not break.  I then allowed her to choose how she would play with that toy or other decisions as simple as that.  I allowed her to break the toy if that was her choice.  Why?  I did that so she could understand for the future how to make good decisions and choices.  She would break the toy and then realize she now lost it, due to her making a bad decision to play with it the one way, thus she suffered the consequence of it.  She then knew, she needed to fully think through what she wanted and use critical thinking in making good decisions.

I allowed her to make decisions on many things including if we would go one place or another or take a trip.  My family and friends always felt I gave her too  much power and I was the adult and should have always just said what we were going to do.   But I wanted her to feel the empowerment of good choices and enjoying that choice, to the full understanding of bad choices.  Also by empowering a child and having them feel they have some say in things, I believe helps them not rebel later in life due to not feeling empowerment of self.  A child that is empowered is not frustrated, compared to a child that has no say at all.  Think about it, our sense of self and confidence comes from our inner empowerment and self knowledge.

I don't believe parents on a whole fully think through that they are blessed with their child right now and it is not a 'power trip' but to help them be the full 'soul' they are and for them to have a wonderful life, when they have left the home and on their own.  I want my daughter to go through life making great decisions from critical thinking and have confidence (not ego) in who she is.

One other thing, I have always told my daughter to never make fun of another child.  I have explained to her that kids that put down other kids is actually due to insecurities and the kid trying to feel better about them self.  A child that has confidence in themselves feels no need to try and make others feel bad about themselves.

I have been blessed with a very emphatic child, who cares for others who is considered a nice, sweet girl and who teachers have given a school wide "Good Citizenship" award to.  Even from a young age, she has tried to help other kids in various ways.  It is not just from the way she has been raised, I believe it is her 'soul' in the first place that makes her who she is.  Hopefully I am helping bring out the best in her so she can have a totally beautiful and loving life.

I just now found this assignment, that is a letter poem, I feel this shows depth of character and understanding of negative forces in our lives.  I am copying it here.


I wish you wouldn't sneak up on people. 
 You pinpoint the most innocent and unsuspecting people to cut open 
After you originally violate them, it is a never-ending pathway

I bet you love to sneak up on unsuspecting victims
You creep and crawl inside them until they spontaneously combust
You are a silent, ticking nuclear bomb
You begin by infiltrating them like a tiny whisper from the back of their head
You hide yourself as something good, pleasant, sweet
You build up to be a hurricane that devastates lives, families and friendships
After you course through their blood and destroy relationships
You put the people to joust in front of the world to fight till the death
In front of everyone they bash each other's outer armor until their souls are cut apart
Only then one wins

You are a sin and the devils tool
After you finish your trauma you are left like a crimson stain on a white, previously unbroken soul
You are never fading and always reminiscent to the people destroyed by your power

The way you use your sleazy power for evil while coinciding with the devil is your worst fault
You are the devil's tool while you are used to pry open people's hearts while the devil slithers inside
with his serpent ways
After you drip your poison into the veins of the pure you step aside while the devil undertakes the rest
I know you could use your power no other way

To my home wrecker friend who never seems to cease. 

I found the above poem (which she got an A+ on) to be deep in understanding how envy or jealously of another ruins relationships and takes people down.  I just had to put this on the blog, but I wonder if I will suffer the consequences of this decision, when she finds out?  :) btw: She just turned 15.

Update - 4:25pm.  I just let my daughter know I found her assignment.  She is embarrassed and said they had to write a poem in 10 minutes time in class and that is what she came up with.  She doesn't feel it is good either.  Well.... I let her know that many have seen and read it and feel differently.  :)


  1. This is insightful writing. Your daughter has excellent discernment.
    It shows you have taught her well what to avoid. I hope I'm as successful with my child. :)

  2. I like the way you communicate with your daughter, and I love her message. I'm sharing this.
