More and more truth is coming out about the Chemtrail program around the world. A German aeronautics engineer came out and told the truth about what he did to planes. He said they would gut a plane, install tanks and sprayers that are now Chemtrail planes. He said they spray toxic chemicals with polymer nano particles.
It is time for everyone to wake up and acknowledge the truth about Chemtrails. It is only through a mass waking up of the truth will the truth come out and we can demand a stop to it.
There is an internet force that is hired to lie and say it is only ice crystals from planes. That internet force even has a site that denies and lies about everything including Bld 7 falling down from fire. Which that alones proves that site is nothing but a government controlled dis-info site.
The hired internet trolls stop at nothing to deny the truth that everyone can see.
It is past time for masses of people to start demanding their elected officials in their states investigate the poisons that are being sprayed. Look around at the Alzheimer cases and cancer.
The few do not have a right to play 'God' and continue slowly murdering the people, animals and Earth.
When will those who have doubted or not looked up in the sky, 'see' the truth?
Besides the above video, here is a NASA Geoengineering conference from last year, where the NASA expert verbally besides written admits to Chemtrails.
Anybody can tak sound bites out of context and make bizarre claims.