
Monday, May 19, 2014

China, Russia, Brazil, Germany and all the other countries in the World should put Obama, NSA, CIA, Biden, Clinton and every official in D.C. on their own FBI list... as U.S. did to China

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Whenever I don't believe the U.S. could be full of hypocrisy any more, I am astounded at the idiotic U.S. government actions and absolute hypocrisy of this government.

By the U.S. putting Chinese military officials on the FBI most wanted list for spying on America through hacking of computers, the U.S. put itself at risk for countries doing the same to U.S. officials, in my opinion.

On May 1, 2014, a grand jury in the Western District of Pennsylvania indicted five members of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) for 31 criminal counts, including: conspiring to commit computer fraud; accessing a computer without authorization for the purpose of commercial advantage and private financial gain; damaging computers through the transmission of code and commands; aggravated identity theft; economic espionage; and theft of trade secrets.
Each provided his individual expertise to an alleged conspiracy to penetrate the computer networks of six American companies

How ridiculous is it that the U.S. put Chinese officials on the FBI list for doing something that the U.S. has done to every single country, head of state and corporation of the world through NSA.

The U.S. has spied and hacked all computers including sovereign country's government computers through the NSA.  The U.S. has committed espionage crimes against world leaders and corporations.

That has all been proven and yet the U.S. has the audacity to prosecute another country's military officers for getting into 6 corporations computers??!! 

I believe all the various countries should now put Obama, Bush, all of Congress, Senators, NSA, CIA, FBI and U.S military officials, besides all corporations that have been a part of the U.S. spying on their most wanted and arrest any of them if they go to their country.

What is really happening here?  Why is the U.S. damaging relations with the biggest powers of the world that can seriously affect the U.S. economy?

It seems to me the U.S. is purposely causing problems with Russia and China.  What is the actual end result that they want by isolating the U.S.?  China and Russia could dump all U.S. treasury bonds immediately if they wanted  and we know that China holds the majority of the U.S. debt.   Are U.S. officials purposely trying to cause the dollar to be dropped in trade?

Why are all our international relationships being damaged by the U.S. government?

Here are a few possibilities and reasons in my opinion.

First, the bankers are actually in big trouble here and it is all been covered up but can't be much longer, besides the government in debt by trillions more than has been revealed.

Second, due to in reality the underwater banks and U.S. government they need to have a reason or country to blame when it is about to blow up and they can't cover it up much longer.   They want to have the American people believe it is all other countries faults and not the fault of the U.S. government or banks.

Third, they want Russia and China to dump the bonds and the dollar in trade in a full blown event so the U.
S. can say "Look over there, it is their fault we are hyper-inflating and things are going down hill.

I can think of no other reason except things are about to come un-wound in the U.S. and desperate besides idiotic measures are being taken so the blame will be put elsewhere.

How will the propaganda media spin this?  Oh.... they are trying to hurt corporations and get trade secrets... the NSA only tries to protect the country through spying.....

The WSJ has a small article about the officials on the FBI list.   They of course spin it.

The Guardian has a long article about it.... and just as I thought, they are spinning it to be "NSA does it for country security not to find out trade secrets."

The US posture is complicated by recent revelations of widespread NSA surveillance that impacts the blurry area between economic and security matters. Since the Edward Snowden disclosures began, the US has drawn a distinction between spying for security purposes, which it considers legitimate, and surveillance intended to reap economic advantages, which it does not.

Some observers said China was all but certain to retaliate, economically or diplomatically. “Clearly, China will need to respond in some fashion,” said a trade lobbyist who requested anonymity. “Hopefully, advancements will be made that won't impact economic development for either country.”

Documents leaked by Edward Snowden showed the NSA targeted the Brazilian oil firm Petrobras, even as the NSA insisted that its Defense Department parent “does not engage in economic espionage in any domain, including cyber,” in a statement to the Washington Post.
Holder attempted to distinguish between economic and security surveillance in a Monday press conference. “All nations are engaged in intelligence gathering,” Holder said, but the current indictment involves “a state sponsored entity, state sponsored individuals, using intelligence tools to gain commercial advantages, and that is what makes this case different.”

Those are the only two MSM outlets that I found anything about the U.S. charging Chinese military officials with spying.

Here is another question.... will the American people as a whole look at it as I do?  Won't everyone be shocked at what the U.S. is doing and think for themselves that this is the height of hypocrisy of the U.S. government?

I sincerely hope our officials are all put on police list in other countries, including interpol's list as they should be.  They will then have isolated themselves due to their stupidity.   Because obviously the country as a whole is becoming very isolated.

Update 5/20/14 - China has proof that U.S. has hacked their government, corporations, and all other important computer systems in their country. 


  1. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

  2. The option that you have ignored, is that the USA PTBs want a "full out war", and they want it now.
    The USA lost its' only chance of total domination, by not destroying Russia as soon as Kosovo was done, but instead went after the Middle East.
    Every month that passes sees BRICS and NAM more powerful and more concerted against the hegemony.
    USA (NATO/EU/UK) has lost the propaganda war, except for the "My country right or wrong" crowd, and is falling further and further behind in public opinion worldwide.
    Manning and Snowden have indeed destroyed the USA, by exposing the lies and cant of the rulers. By showing the American people that the rest of the world was right all along, their leaders are lying criminals.
    If they can commit an Iraq or Libya on Moscow, then there is a small chance that the UA could continue for a short while, by looting and killing. Without this they are, as you say doomed and have a short window before the Tunbrils and Ropes are brought out by the American people.
    "To most people war is a supreme evil to be avoided if at all possible. And yet, we go right on having wars. To those who rule nations, war is a tool of power which is used deliberately. War provides the perfect excuse for a government to impose increased controls on its own people. By citing 'national security' the government can persuade the people that even highly dictatorial controls are for their own good. "
    Peter Beter, appointed Counsel to the U.S. Export-Import Bank by John F. Kennedy

  3. Strange how little Eddie, Assange and Manning never, ever mention the catalyst for the wars, Sept 11. I suppose that would give the game away wouldn't it? Gatekeepers and detractors, almost as obvious as 'Al Qaeda' and why they never, ever attack Jews or Israel. America is meant to be destroyed and these charlatans are helping pave the way. The poncing Jew has sucked its blood and will soon be off to a new host. America will become a sickly, obese slave colony that consumes GMO foods and indulges in sodomy.

  4. Sherrie please check your facts china doesn't own most of u.s debt it's about 10-15% at most of total

    1. When I said most of U.S. debt. They hold the most of one country. I believe most people understood what I was saying.
