
Friday, April 11, 2014

Very Heavy Chemtrails 4/11/14. At What Point will people WAKE UP and Realize Chemtrails are murdering us slowly and Causing Alzheimers?

The Chemtrails are super heavy.

They are heavily chemtrailing the skies today.  April 11 2014.  

This has to STOP!  It is because of the poisons in the air, people are getting Alzheimers and Dementia.  It is because of the chemtrails bees, birds and animals are dying.  It is because of chemtrails we are being murdered with slow death!

People need to WAKE UP and DEMAND this be STOPPED!


  1. Hello Sherrie,
    I discovered your blog a few months ago and I really appreciate all the hard work you put into it. I live on the island of Jersey in the English Channel, just off the coast of Normandy and we are getting chem trailed and it is becoming more and more obvious. Last summer on the Brittany coast at sunset was the first time that it really hit home what was being done to us.
    0ur Prime Minister, David Cameron, denies all knowledge. Please see Chris Spivey's blog.[Not for the easily shocked] but he has a letter from Cameron which will interest you.

    1. Wow! I would have never guessed they would bother with such a small island as Jersey. This tells me that it has far more to do with just basic weather modification, as the contribution from such a small island as Jersey to the psuedo science 'Global Warming' nonsense must be miniscule. It must have to do with destroying the soil fertility or is just the blatant eradication of serfs?

      P.S. Ca-moron is a treasonous Israeli firster.

      Trying so hard to get people to understand but it is virtually impossible as most people now cannot think for themselves:

      Are lives are at the mercy of hideous psychopaths.

  2. How can anybody look up and say that this is perfectly normal??!!!! Doesn't anybody remember what the sky is supposed to look like? You're right, Sherrie. This has to stop. WE have to make it stop.

  3. De-Population Agenda at work.........

  4. Well if you look into radiation in Japan which spreading....the chemtrails....the chemicals they put in the foods...the diseases that appeared all of a sudden...there is a lot going on and no one seems to care

  5. It would be quit a litmus test for me to know if this stinking filth is being sprayed over Russia. If it isn't, then I think I could be quite sure Putin is definitely not part of the scum we have running/destroying the West'.

  6. I think as we speak Russia is passing through the DUMA a permanent ban on all genetically modified crops and food within the Russian Federation. I don't know about chemtrails though.

  7. Sherrie QuestioningAll
    5 days ago said on youtube:

    "The govt. always puts a label on people who disagree with them. Anyone who sees truth and questions what is going on, is then psychologically deranged in the government's eyes. I am proud to be considered mentally unstable by the government, because I question everything!"

    You need to memorise this and use it as a rebuttal to the happy slaves who submit to their serfdom lustfully.

    Krishnamurti spoke:

    "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

  8. An in depth about Chemtrails:

  9. HEAVY SPRAYING here in Tennessee. Everyone is very sick. We watched it coming but there's nothing we can do. God have mercy on our souls.
