
Monday, April 14, 2014

RISE UP Video! This is perfect considering everything going on and the Celestial Events this month. Taking Our Power Back!

This is a Great Video and is perfect considering everything going on this month, including the 'Grand Cross' and Eclipses too.    This is about Truth of us being enslaved by those in Control.

We are the Ones who need to Save ourselves!  It is through a change of our own consciousness and understanding that we have the Power!  We are the Power!  Through our changing the way we think and stop being controlled by the media, government and organized institutions to limit our thinking or believing power is outside of ourselves.  We can change all that is happening in the blink of an eye.  We have the power of the planets with us, we need to use the power by putting our Energy in Love for ourselves, Earth, each other.  When we understand the oneness of us all and not see, race, gender, culture, religion, political affiliations, or anything else that is meant to divide us, we start seeing the truth.

Right now, if there is one thing I am asking everyone to do.  Is Feel Love for something!  Expand your Love, be it for someone else, an animal, Earth etc.,  farther out to surround you and where you are.  See your Love going up higher and higher.  Love yourself and while you are doing that, forgive yourself for anything you feel bad about yourself, from the past.  Then forgive another for something they did.  Once we take a step forward in Love and Forgiveness we set our intentions and RISE UP.

I sincerely believe we all do make a difference, we create all things in our world on a personal level and global level through our thoughts and feelings.  Doesn't it feel better to have thoughts of Love instead of anger or fear?

The energies are here for us to change what is going on and to be Free.  It is up to all of us to embrace the energies and to harness them for ourselves and others in Love.

This is from John Garret who did the 'Wayseer' video.  This one is



  1. BLM Selling Out America - Fabian Calvo
