
Monday, April 21, 2014

Proof: Chemtrail Deniers are the Liars. UN speaker talks about Chemtrails and what it is doing to our air and crops.

All those Chemtrail Deniers are proven to be Liars now!  A UN speaker discusses Chemtrails to the assembly, how it is sprayed from planes for weather modification. Besides what it is doing to our air and crops.

The Chemtrails are causing crop failures besides animal deaths and the slow agonizing deaths of people from the poison.  The aluminum is causing more Alzheimers and Parkinson disease throughout the population too.
It is time for people to become more aware and awake and look up in the sky to see what poison is being perpetrated upon humanity.

I will continue to post about Chemtrails and do videos of the chemtrails that are being sprayed in the sky.

Today we were suppose to have clear blue skies, instead we have lined Chemtrail skies.

We have to demand this be stopped!  We have to demand accountability from those who are poisoning the Earth!  We have to demand our politicians stand up to those behind the slow murder of humanity and the Earth.

We have to put a stop to this, not just for ourselves but for the future generations.

Full video of UN assembly at this link.

Here is the link to the site that Rosalind Peterson heads. 

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