
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Putin Totally Blast the U.S. saying; U.S. has invaded Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan against International Law and they Bully the World

Putin is Standing up and he is telling the truth.  You will never hear this on the U.S. media channels.

Putin said the U.S. is a big bully and says U.S. will make countries regret not bending to their will.

He says the U.S. invaded Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan illegitimately and Russia is being completely legitimate in going into Ukraine.

Obviously Russia and China are not going to be bullied anymore by the U.S., I believe that sentiment will spread more and more to other countries.  The U.S. has been the bully of the world for decades and the time is ending.  China has joined with Russia regarding the Ukraine situation and as I wrote last week, China stood up to the U.S. during the G20 meeting.  

I believe from the network movie... the phrase; "We are mad as Hell and we aren't going to take it anymore." is what Russia and China attitudes are to the U.S. now.

The days of U.S. bullying the world is numbered.


  1. Americas Govt is the biggest hypocrites.. I say Good for Putin and any other country that stands up for american givt.. America is the most evil country in the world... Not the Americans..because I am one and proud.. but the regime of it's satinic govt officials...

  2. As long as Jews remain in control of America, don't expect anything different. Over the past 5,000 years, they've destroyed countless countries and are well on their way to destroying the United States Of America.

    1. there is a difference between Jews and Zionist. I believe you are referring to the Zionist in control of the U.S.

    2. There are ample sources that deny what you claim (although I hope you can explain the difference you suggest there is). These are just two easy to find Jewish sources.

      There is no Zionism without Judaism:

      Zionism IS Judaism:

      I know its not politically correct to point out the obviousness, but if you question all, as the header says, then you need to question this and stop with the PCness.

      It is obvious who controls this country simply by their tremendous over-representation in critical areas that are not supported by their numbers in the population.

  3. Zionism is the ideological wing of International Jewry. Who do you think has been only too happy to slaughter the Palestinians and bulldoze their homes these past eighty years and erect new homes to be filled up with invaders? They are Jews, plain and simple. Israel, the mass-murdering parasite state, built on a lie is solely comprised of Jews and it is expanding all the time as more and more Jews carry on these mass expulsions to fulfill their psychopathic, religious goals.

    The amount of misery, death and destruction these Jews have been allowed to get away with thanks to the spineless lefties excusing them for their horrific actions is the biggest crime against humanity that has ever been perpetrated.

  4. Good - tell the US administration to go and take a flying leap. The world will not take it anymore.

  5. Has everyone just gone mad! Putin is a freemason, Ex-KGB. He is part of the NWO. His role(actor) is to come across as truther and to show how bad our government is behaving. All of these dipwads want one government and to do this they need to cause chaos and to destabilize the governments. They're trying to do this with the USA. It needs to be done slowly. Mind control the people into believing that we have a say is the illusion!

  6. All of this for 1 agenda TEST GROUND experiment for New Weapons, there will always be wars, conflicts, invasions, anarchy, lawlessness and so on, we are programed for these scenarios. Governments do not control a county nor the people, but co prate business its a business, for pure suffering of the soul that's the agenda.

    to be honest nothing makes sense really.

    it,s what we are and who controls us is the questions we need to understand.

    STAY PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, FINANCIALLY AND SPIRITUALLY FIT and you are a winner, a bit of a long shot for most but block all the negative energy and consecrate on one BE GOOD BUT ALSO BE STRONG.

    GOOD LUCK my fellow beings stay Good and Safe.

  7. Thank GOD we have Putin to stop these scumbags of doing what they did in Libya Iraq and every other country they’ve started this civil unrest in, they just keep using the same old formula PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION!
    Like this article says it’s all about ‘One World Taxation and IMF as Global Central Bank Underway”
    These articles explains why what’s happening in the Ukraine is happening!
    Jesuit/Rothschild Deathblow to the World II. “We” want to Destroy Europeans, Create New European People Accepting Suffering, Poverty, China-low Wages”
    How The IMF Will Loot Ukraine

  8. hitler was the only one that got closest to takin over the world but lost America is having a shot at the title a wonder who will ever sucseed in taking over the world obviostly whover loses will get portayed as the badies in the history books for the new generation to fill the boots with..

    1. If you think, even for a second, that Hitler "got closest to takin over the world" and compare it to what the USA has done since 1945 by putting controlling forces ON EVERY CONTINENT, then you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

      If anyone has "takin over the world" it is us.

      (I can't believe I even have to write such an obvious comment)

    2. Wow, that childish nonsense sounds so anitquated now, do they still brainwash children in American schools with the 'Hitler wanted to take over the world' babble? I suppose they must as they still force feed them the Anne Frank travelling roadshow book that was written in four different hands and in biro even though biros weren't available. If HItler wanted to take over the world, why did he make a peace offer to Britain and why is the peace offer he made to Great Britain still locked up in archives with a D-notice on it? The only reasaon Hitler went through the Frogs was he need to stop the British landing on the beaches. The alcholic, gambling, half-Jew Churchill was by this time in the pocket of the World Jewish Congess and the loathsome Jew, Chaim Wizeman who had paid all his gambling debts off and saved his family house from going into receivership. Even the Zionist Journaille now concedes Hitler made offers to the whole of Europe so he didn't a two front war to fight on and he could smash the Jewish Bolsheviks unhindered. These Jewish Bolsheviks now run the EU-SSR and the USSA and ironically Mother Russia is now the only real obstacle in their path to creating their new world order.

  9. America you old war whore it is time for God to destroy you!

  10. "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away." - Benjamin Netanyahu.

    A comment made by Benjamin Netanyahu to Jonathan Pollard (convicted traitor and spy) upon exiting Pollard's jail cell.

  11. America is fighting against terrorism and not to invade other terrirtories and she respect nation sovereingty not like Russia and China malicious intention to acquire everything that their eyes can see by force and intimidation.God Bless America...the BULWARK OF DEMOCRACY AND THE OPPRESSED..
