
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Georgia House Committee Approves HB 885 - Going to House for Vote. Legalizes Medical Cannabis and Allows Research of what it cures

I had researched Cannabis 2 years ago.  I found that if it was legal, we wouldn't need all the various pharma medicines.

I found the CBD in Cannabis cured almost everything.  The CBD  of Cannabis does not get you high.  In fact literally all the best part of Cannabis goes up in smoke when it is burned.  It is the THC of cannabis that gets you high when it is heated.

Cannabis was legal until the pharma industry became powerful and had it declared illegal and a drug.  Imagine if everyone thoroughly researched Cannabis and what it did for you, everyone would have their own pharmacy in their backyard growing the plant.

Every single part of Cannabis is important, from top to bottom, including the roots.  In fact if you grind the roots up and mix it with an oil, then put it on a spot of where you are hurting, it will numb the area.

I encourage everyone who believes Cannabis is bad and simply a drug to do research, you will find Cannabis is one of the most important plants in the world.

We should all have the right to grow our own.  But I am sure where it does become 'legal' that won't still allow you to have your own pharmacy in your backyard.

In the state of Georgia, the committee passed the Cannabis bill HB 885, to go to the floor for a vote. 

A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Article 5 of Chapter 34 of Title 43 of the O.C.G.A., relating to the use of cannabis for treatment of cancer and glaucoma, so as to provide for continuing research into the benefits of medical cannabis to treat certain conditions; to provide for the continuation of the Controlled Substances Therapeutic Research Program; to provide for selection of academic medical centers to conduct the research; to provide for expansion of the review board and its duties; to establish the responsibilities of academic medical centers; to provide for the testing, storing, and dispensing by the Georgia Drugs and Narcotics Agency; to provide for immunity; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
Status History

1 To amend Article 5 of Chapter 34 of Title 43 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated,
2 relating to the use of cannabis for treatment of cancer and glaucoma, so as to provide for
3 continuing research into the benefits of medical cannabis to treat certain conditions; to
4 provide for a short title; to provide for legislative findings and intent; to provide for the
5 continuation of the Controlled Substances Therapeutic Research Program; to provide for
6 definitions; to provide for selection of academic medical centers to conduct the research; to
7 provide for expansion of the review board and its duties; to establish the responsibilities of
8 academic medical centers; to provide for the selection of approved pediatric neurologists; to
9 provide for cultivation and processing by a selected academic medical center; to provide for
10 storage and distribution of research medical cannabis by the Georgia Drugs and Narcotics
11 Agency; to provide for immunity; to provide for employer and employee rights and
12 obligations; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

But the journey to passage, even in committee, was not easy. State representative, Allen Peake, who drafted the bill, made the case to conduct clinical research trials in academic settings. That will allow a non-FDA approved cannabis to be grown domestically. The problem is that federal law prohibits that from happening.


  1. The are many benefits of THC, as well. That is what stops nausea and gives cancer patients the ability to eat.

    THC is what relieves the pressure in the eyes of glaucoma patients.

    THC is what helps the shakes in MS and Parkinson's patients.

    THC is the pain relieving portion of cannabis.

    THC is what helps a manic/depressive patient.

    Basically what I am saying is that the plant, as a whole, is what is beneficial. If we focus on the constituents, then this gives Big Pharma more ammo to synthesize those constituents and keep the plant illegal. I am all for eliminating their profits when something FREE can be grown for one's self.

    You don't have to smoke it, either.

    Vaporize AND eat, thereby getting the most benefit without any lung irritation.

  2. Good video on the subject:
