
Friday, March 28, 2014

An Insider reveals the Experience on a Natural Farm where they used GMO corn and round up

A friend of mine (Sage) worked on a 'Natural Farm' for a year.  She has left it for various reasons and wrote an article about it for me to publish.

This is her information about how GMO seeds and round up were used on a Natural farm and how they get away with it and still charge the Organic prices.

For those who want to understand the Truth and What to ask about and look for, when you are searching for true non-GMO food including meat.

Edit to add - An article about Heinz and their 'all natural' products that are made with GMO corn.

Here is truth, Sage has asked me to get out to the public 

There is a distinction between organic and natural farms. That is one of certification. The organic farmer goes through a process of years of record keeping and submitting to the certification boards overseeing the organic foods. The natural farmer is not certified but does utilize organic farming processes in producing our food. The true natural and organic farmer is on the front lines in the war for our food and deserve all of our support. No, what I'm speaking of here is the modern-day carpetbaggers..... those farmers that don't really care about the outcome or which side ultimately wins out, just so long as they profit from it.

I worked on a so-called 'natural farm' for a year and got an insiders look at the manipulations and lies of these 'natural' farmers. Corn season is just around the corner and there will be waves of folks pouring in to various farms anxiously looking for 'non-GMO' corn. It is then that they are informed of the sad news that due to cross pollination, there is very little non-GMO corn left in this country - and those are small pockets or areas. The particular farm that I worked on had a neat trick for that question.....

So, this particular farm grew their own feed corn (BT corn - which surrounded a smaller area of human consumption corn, which was started with non-GMO corn seeds. That is the corn that this 'natural' farmer spoke of whenever they were questioned about the GMO/non-GMO issue. They would admit that there was very little non-GMO corn left in this country but always stated that they did not use GMO products and that they started their crops with non-GMO seeds. They don't mention that they use RoundUp on all of their fields. They neglect to mention that they absolutely know that the BT feed corn is cross-pollinating with the non-GMO corn, for obvious reasons.

That's bad enough, but then there's the issue of the BT and RoundUp corn being fed to the livestock, which people are paying top dollar for because they're being told that it's non-GMO meat. A good number of the folks seeking this product are under doctors orders or have health issues that require they only consume grain-free meat or non-GMO meat. Here's the trick this particular farmer came up with to snag this type of consumer.... feed the BT corn to their chickens but tell the consumer only that they grow their own feed corn, neglecting to mention that it is not the same as the 'non-GMO' corn they grow for the human consumption market. They also claim that their beef is totally grass-fed and finished with 'shelvage' which is grown on their farm. This could include grasses or grains. The farmer claims it is the grass-type of shelvage that their cows and lamb are finished with. Partly true, once again. Here's the angle on that one: they would feed the cows and sheep the corn that the chickens would leave in their feeders and also the bedding from the chicken roosts. First off, that's disgusting because of the prodigious amounts of fecal matter from the chickens that is being fed to the cows and sheep. But even worse is that the GMO's are going through the chickens to their eggs and into the beef, chicken and lamb that is being sold as non-GMO to the unsuspecting public at the same prices that the true natural and organic farmer must charge to cover their much higher costs of production. The fake 'natural' farmer that is able to produce many acres of GMO products so easily and inexpensively thanks to Monsanto, charges the same as those that must work much harder and spend much more to produce a safe food product for the consumer.

The farm I worked for was touted as a 'working farm' and encouraged school tours, etc. The tours were free but it was strongly encouraged to purchase a 'farm prepared' meal as part of the 'experience' - at $15.00 a head for lunch.

I assisted with a luncheon that was being prepared for a school group. The lady farmer had prepared a delicious lunch of various soups and casseroles using mainly ingredients directly from her farm. Before lunch was served, the farmer came in from the fields and gave a brief lecture on organic farming and then had to hurry off to spread some more RoundUp on his fields. Then the lady farmer went into the importance of producing and consuming only 'clean' foods. This is a very emotional subject for her as I watch from the sidelines.... the voice catches, the mouth droops, the chin quivers, the hand clutches to the heart - but, wait, where's the tears???!!!! Oh, they're just crocodile tears for the benefit of the poor unsuspecting children that are about to consume all of that BT corn and RoundUp.

Here's my suggestions about how to find a true natural or organic farmer to get legitimately clean foods: educate yourself and ask the right questions. When you go to the farm, look around and observe the fields and livestock. If there is nary a weed to be found in the fields, ask the farmer how many people work those fields. If it's a very few, then you must ask yourself how they're keeping the weeds from overtaking their fields. The farm I worked for was very proud of the fact that the farmer mainly worked all of those acres by himself, which was impossible without the wonders of RoundUp and BT products being applied. Ask where they get their feed from and whether any of it is treated with RoundUp or Monsanto products. Ask if they feed any corn or grain at any time to any of their livestock. Pin them down. Watch them closely as you ask these questions.... there are always 'tells' that indicate they are lying or avoiding the truth. Follow your instincts as you ask these questions. There are many good and dedicated natural farmers out there so keep looking until you find one that you feel is honest and then give them your total support because they need it. They work long and hard hours to produce their food and must charge higher prices to do so. The fake 'natural' farmer takes the easy route but still charges as if they're putting in the time and labor to produce a so-called 'clean' food product and they count on the fact that the average consumer is concerned about their food sources but have very little actual knowledge about the issue. Educate yourselves. Ask questions. Don't be afraid. You deserve nutritious and clean food.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My Rottweiler, Shiraz, Loves to Sing with the Happy Song, by Pharrell. She sings every time it comes on. Video.

My rottweiler, Shiraz who we got two months ago from the animal shelter, loves to sing the Happy Song.

This is the only song she does this to.  Every time it comes on, she begins singing.

Enjoy and to put a smile on your face!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Sea Turtle Rescue Release from Loggerhead in West. Palm Beach Florida. His Run for Freedom, Beautiful!

I was in West Palm Beach Florida last week with my daughter during her Spring Break (that is why there were no posts from me).

We went to the Loggerhead Turtle Rescue in West Palm Beach, where my mother volunteers at times.

It was beautiful how this turtle ran to the water for FREEDOM.    It had been rescued off the pier after being hooked on a fish hook.  It was found to have a few fish hooks in it and had surgery.  After a few months at Loggerhead it was ready to be released on 3/18/14.

Here is the video of it being released.  Being there in person is much different from watching it on video.  It really was awesome how it ran for Freedom.  It had been blindfolded until they put it down, so as soon as it saw the water it ran as fast as it could.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Hacked Email from U.S. Army Attache in Ukraine - For False Flags to occur so U.S. can take military action against Russia

Image in one of the hacked emails, I got out of the file share download of all them. (3/13/14)  This image was in the email to Igor about framing Russia for bombings.  Notice the Red Xs. 

Putin is a big thorn in the U.S. side and they want to do something about him.  The U.S. created the problem in Ukraine to be able to control the country and the resources.  The U.S. was/is behind the revolution due to them wanting the President out who was pro Russia and not Europe.

The U.S. and Western governments inserted a Pro-European acting President.  That President even called on the U.S. giving them nuclear weapons a couple of days ago. 

First paragraph of article:
KIEV, Ukraine — Ukraine may have to arm itself with nuclear weapons if the United States and other world powers refuse to enforce a security pact that obligates them to reverse the Moscow-backed takeover of Crimea, a member of the Ukraine parliament told USA TODAY.

The U.S. media is acting as if Russia invaded the country, when in reality the U.S. is the one who invaded the country before Russia.  Russia is only protecting their assets in Crimea.

The U.S. went in and got all of Ukraine's gold reserves and flew it to the U.S. for 'safe keeping'.

A source in the Ukrainian government confirmed that the transfer of the gold reserves of Ukraine to the United States was ordered by the acting PM Arseny Yatsenyuk.

Now, if anyone is willing to read the TRUTH about Ukraine and the history of what is happening and why, this article details the TRUTH about the situation.   It is a long article but it is worth the read, because it is of course about the resources that Ukraine has and how the Western governments want those, besides to in dept the country through IMF loans.    Russia was staying out of Ukraine's problems overall, until they got forced into it, with the U.S. causing the revolution.

Remember China has come out and blamed the U.S. for what is happening in Ukraine. 

We know how the U.S. will create false flags so they can do a military action, just like they tried in Syria, with the chemical attack that was really caused by Saudi Arabia.

A Jason Gresh emails were hacked, he is the Assistant Army Attache at the U.S. embassy in Ukraine.  The emails discuss setting up bombs and a false flag to blame Russia.  As he says in the email, so "the Pentagon and Company can act."

What he means by company, I would love to know.  What company is this?   The U.S. government?  Is that the 'company' he means?

Video with the hacked email from Jason Gresh to the acting Ukraine PM assistant:

Link to emails

((UPDATE 3/13/14 - Ukraine Anonymous hacked the emails -link to emails file share download:  - I have opened up the file.  There are lots of emails in it from the people involved.    For those not believing the hacked emails, just look at the files.  All of their emails were gotten.  These are real.  Also Silence says a lot from the media and governments.
Image at top in one of the emails, I got from when I downloaded the file share.))

Translated Emails from Ukrainian to English below video:


Email from Jason Gresh:

Events are moving rapidly in Crimea. Our friends in Washington expect more decisive actions from your network.
I think it’s time to implement the plan we discussed lately. Your job is to cause some problems to the transport hubs in the south-east in order to frame-up the neighbor.
It will create favorable conditions for Pentagon and the Company to act.
Do not waste time, my friend.
Jason P. Gresh
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army
Assistant Army Attaché
U.S. Embassy, Kyiv
Tankova 4, Kyiv, Ukraine 04112
(380-44) 521 – 5444 | Fax (380-44) 521 – 5636



Oleg , an urgent need poshumity on behalf of Russians at the airport in Melitopol. This should be done by March 15 . Sam understands why.
First of all you must contact Pasha Tarasenko. You must know him , he is a local Liberty and has a theme.
Before you arrive 10-12 boys from the Centre. Top fighters Trident . Chief Mike there , you should know it too . Details will know him. We need people to meet and provide everything you need.
Proceed with caution. Speak only Russian. 25 team is executing combat missions , so do not do them much damage to aircraft . There is a lot of scrap metal, with it you can do anything . Damaged aircraft you specify. It is essential that all was as real attack neighbor's Special Forces. But without corpses.
Give me again your account. The money will come in time, do not worry.
See the appendix . This is an example of action. Decisions are made in person.


Basil , you must quickly carry out proactive in Melitopol. There's 25 aviation brigade . Must zamaraty our sworn friends and good neighbors. I think you understand me.
Just proceed carefully and cautiously. 25 brigade combat mission out , so do not do them much damage to aircraft . There is already damaged aircraft , that He can do everything. Yihny board numbers you give. Remember , you need everything to be as real attack of the Russian Special Forces.
Brigade commander there is a reasonable man . Details of know he will not, but in extreme cases it can turn to. We did come.

Who Igor is:

Chief, Bilateral Military Cooperation Division
Main Directorate for Military Cooperation and PKO
General Staff, Armed Forces of Ukraine
tel +38044 481-5407
cell +38067 407 97 40

Update - PressTV has an article about it out today 3/13/14 with the picture I have at top. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Photos for Sandy Hook victims created in AP's media photo use site, month before shooting. Video proof.

The guy had access to AP's photo site for media use at  college.  AP has now restricted that photo site, after his videos have come out. .

He was able to do searches of photos uploaded to AP for stories with a pre date of December 13, 2012.

The site, shows when the photos are created and submitted to AP for media use, they all have 'creation' dates.

Remember Emily Parker's fund on Facebook was created the morning of December 14th 2012, which many noticed.  How was a fund created and a page created on FB before anyone knew who the victims were?

Some of the photos that show creation dates long before the event, could be attributed to the camera takng the pictures having the wrong date set internally, in my opinion.  But other pictures as Soto's graduation picture that was taken at her graduation in 2008 and has the correct creation date of that day, yet it was submitted in November of 2012 to AP for a victim of the shooting.

The guy Timothy Hunter who did the video, does a good job and has done the research to bring out the information.

What the video shows overall is the fact the pool of victims photos were created and put into AP's photo site for media use, the month before the shooting.

He shows through screen captures how the victims of Sandy Hook, many of the photos were created November 23 2012 from directly on the AP site and before they shut it down.

This site has some information about what is in the video with the screen shots, but I highly advise watching the video, as you will be able to see him do the searches on AP and how the dates were predated to the shooting.

Even though the whole B.S. interview with Peter Lanza has come out in the New Yorker, trying to convince everyone that people who are fans of Ron Paul, are possible mass murderers and secretly violent people who are fascinated with guns.  I believe many are questioning the whole shooting and they are having to try and counter that.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Recorded Phone Call to Movie Theater in Danbury Ct. regarding Adam Lanza and "Dance Dance Revolution" game

In my post/video about Peter Lanza and his interview with a lot of propaganda and about Adam Lanza being a Ron Paul fan, gun fascination and obsession with mass murders.  Peter Lanza mentioned how Adam went to a local movie theater and would play with the Dance Dance Revolution game there for 10 hours at a time.

I decided to research the movie theaters in Newtown and near by areas.  I found only one that was a possibility and called them.

Funny, how he was talking with me, but the moment I mentioned Sandy Hook and Adam Lanza he referred me to the Corporate Office.  No one appears to want to say anything there about the shooting.

Here is my call to the movie theater that does have Dance Dance Revolution at it and is about 15 to 25 minutes from Lanza's home.

Why is it every video that I put any information about SH in before it is uploaded, it doesn't want to fully upload?  The last video of this recorded call I had to delete as it would never upload completely after 20 minutes.  This one I thought was fully uploaded and I began to put the information in.  Then it showed it was still processing it.  Very strange.

Peter Lanza Speaks "Adam a Fan of Ron Paul, Loved Guns and Obsessed with Mass Murders"

How photo shopped can you get?

After all this time, Peter Lanza did an interview with the New Yorker magazine. 

Overall the article says,  Adam difficult when growing up, they took him to many psychiatrist and he was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, he Loved Ron Paul and Guns.  He began a 'private fascination with mass murders. 

The whole article is B.S. in my opinion. 

What it does it try to tie Ron Paul people with guns and nut cases who are capable of mass murder. 

The article says Nancy took Adam to the gun range and had her obsession with guns. 

We know that is not true.  Nancy Lanza did not have any guns registered in her name and there is no record ever of Adam and Nancy Lanza going to a range to shoot.  

This is all besides the fact that there is a good video of Nancy Lanza not being real and being Annie Haddad.  I put different videos up of the characters of the 'shooting' and who is real and mainly the fact no one appears to be real. 

I believe this article came out due to so many now doubting the whole Sandy Hook shooting.  They had to try and bring something out that makes people believe it happened once more. 

Funny how they only have a little bitty picture of Adam with Peter in the article from when he was 10 years old.  

Here is the video showing all the B.S. of the article and how there are things that can now be tracked to see if it is real.  Adam supposedly was signed up at Western Connecticut State College, he was a member of the Newtown High School Tech Club, he would go to a local movie house and do the Dance Dance Revolution game for 10 hours at a time and continued to do that one month before the shooting. 

For those who live in the area, there should be some type of record of Adam, especially witnesses at the local movie house of a guy that danced for 10 hours straight.  

How is it they can say that Adam began a 'Private' obsession with mass murderers?  If it was private and Adam hid everything and destroyed his hard drive.... how can they make that statement?    

The whole article was created to be a psych ops job for people to relate Ron Paul, those who stand by our Freedoms to have guns and mass murders all being one and the same.   They try and get people to relate one to the other on a subconscious level by all having the statements in one sentence after the other. 


Update - I called the Movie Theater in Danbury that has Dance Dance Revolution and recorded the call. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Hypocrisy of the U.S. against Russia going into Crimea is Astounding! WW3 - Not Bombs but bonds?

I am sincerely astounded at the hypocrisy of the U.S. and Western nations.

They are so outraged that Russia would go into the Ukraine area of Crimea and try to calm the events that are happening there.

We know that the U.S. was behind the revolution of Ukraine due to the recorded phone calls.  We know that the sniper was a U.S. supported person.

But I am astounded that the U.S. and how the media and government are so outraged at Russia for doing what it is doing.

Obama signed an Executive Order against the Russian 'invasion' of Crimea.

small portion of order:

 I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, find that the actions and policies of persons -- including persons who have asserted governmental authority in the Crimean region without the authorization of the Government of Ukraine -- that undermine democratic processes and institutions in Ukraine; threaten its peace, security, stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity; and contribute to the misappropriation of its assets, constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat. I hereby order: 
Section 1. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person (including any foreign branch) of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in: any person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State: 
(i) to be responsible for or complicit in, or to have engaged in, directly or indirectly, any of the following: 
(A) actions or policies that undermine democratic processes or institutions in Ukraine; 
(B) actions or policies that threaten the peace, security, stability, sovereignty, or territorial integrity of Ukraine; or 
(C) misappropriation of state assets of Ukraine or of an economically significant entity in Ukraine;

Can people think critically?   Can people realize that the U.S. has invaded other countries in the last decade because they are the 'police and democratic saviors' of the world?  The reality is they need the resources of the countries they invade and all the heroin production of Afghanistan.

Russia went into Crimea to protect their assets.  They have a huge military ship base there.  Yet the outrage and rhetoric from the U.S. is amazing!

Here is a question for everyone.   Do you believe the U.S. would sit back, if a strategic military location, where they had Naval ships stationed was at risk for a take over?  The U.S. would invade a place in 1 second flat if something of their's was at risk.

So, let's put all of this in perspective.

The U.S. and their Western Allies, are the ones who began this whole Ukraine revolution, due to the President not being a patsy of theirs.  They have a lot at stake in Ukraine and they need someone they can control to 'lead' the nation.  All we have to do is view the Egyptian, Libya, Syria and see that the U.S. was behind the revolutions there.  Russia is protecting their assets and the people.  It is not an invasion and the people of Crimea want Russia there.  That is a big difference than what the U.S. has done against the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and all the other people they have murdered with drones in Pakistan and elsewhere in the world.  When the U.S. invades countries they murder the citizens as they go.  Russia is not doing that.

That is the TRUTH!  Remember the whistleblower, John Perkins from "Economic Hitman" the U.S. goes into countries and causes problems for their own benefit.

I hope most people see and understand the hypocrisy of the U.S. and start thinking critically about the whole situation and who really benefits.

As I posted before, the commentary from China, states the "U.S. may have over played their hand with Ukraine and the U.S. is delusional."

I believe we are at a point of one fraction is fighting against the other for 'world dominance' and it is all about power and control.

I am not blind nor dumb to think Putin is a saint and a savior to people.  He did not get where he is from being a 'nice' guy.  But I do like Putin a lot!

Regarding the economic front of the two fractions threatening an asset freeze of the other.

The fact Russia has threatened to dump the U.S. bonds they hold.  I believe China would be right there with them doing it at the same time.  World War 3 - not with bombs but with bonds!

This is what I wrote in an email to someone, I have been discussing the whole Ukraine ramifications with.

I have no doubt that China and Russia have put things in order for the past few years for this moment and they have protected themselves to do the dump. You know they work closely together just by the Snowden event. China let him out and to Russia he went. How much of Snowden's info are they using against the U.S.? Seems to me they have now gotten ways of recording phone calls. :) I believe Russia (even though Putin says not) has gotten all of Snowdens information and has shared it with China. How much of that info. has pissed them off, in what the U.S. has done against those countries, secretly. There are a lot more reasons than what we see for what is going on right now. Besides the dollar dump, will they dump information at the same time gotten from Snowden? Will it be a one, two punch to the U.S. where other countries who are our 'allies' get upset? I believe Russia and China have the major upper hand and that is why the U.S. can't really do sh**.  

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Multiple Aliases for the Adult 'Victims' of Sandy Hook. No birth records for child victims. Who are those children who sang at the Super Bowl? Look familiar?

I am so thankful for those on the internet who search for the Truth.  Together we all uncover the LIES and Deception of Sandy Hook.  We all do are different things regarding it.

I have watched the information about the Aliases of Nancy Lanza and have done multiple searches regarding that too.  The web of lies and many names she had is outrageous.  It comes down to the fact that it appears Nancy Lanza is Anne Haddad and is someone who was shown to us on TV already as alive and well.

There is information on Dawn Hochsprung too - it appears the names and aliases for her and how she is really related to the fictitious Peter Lanza. Think about it. There has never been one single interview of Peter Lanza. The press never hounded him to get a statement. He was never on TV once.


Then see this research that it appears all the victims of Sandy Hook were never even born.

Then we have the Super Bowl. Some very bright people immediately saw the resemblance of the children to the victims, albeit older than the pictures released.  There are more videos about the Super bowl and the children, you can do some searches on yt.

We the People through our own intelligence and willing to search for the Truth, uncover the absolute deception and web of lies, weaved for gun control and confiscation.

But more and more are waking up and will continue to do so. It is difficult to acknowledge the Truth of everything, but the more who do, the less the insanes can get away with.

Friday, March 7, 2014

China's Official News Site - Commentary; U.S., Delusional,Blamed for Ukraine Crisis, Forced Pro-Russian President out.

China's official state News Website has a scathing commentary on Ukraine and what is happening there. 

They call the U.S. 'delusional' and were behind the ousting of the Pro Russian government to install their own controlled Pro Western government.

Understand China's leaders will not come right out and say these things.  They allow them to be said on their official site through commentary.  The person that wrote the article works for the news site and is not an outsider of it.

This is showing China's sentiments about Ukraine and the U.S., in how they really feel.

There is no doubt China stands with Russia and what they think of the U.S. in this article.


BEIJINGMarch 7 -- For a brief momentWestern leaders might have stopped to congratulate themselves for their "accomplishmentsin Ukraine.

With their backing, Ukrainian opposition protesters successfully toppled the pro-Russian governmentforcing out the president they loathe and dealing a humiliating 
 to thKremlin.

The West's strategy for installing a so-called democratic and pro-Western Ukrainian government did not get anywhere at all. On the contrarythey have created a mess they do not have the capacity or wisdom to clean.

Last but not leastWestern leaders were delusional when they believed theywith dented moral authority and shrinking financial coffers, could still take up such a grand task of nation-building.

The West itself also becomes a loser as the fiasco in Ukraine will surely erode its credibility.

For the rest of the worldonce againpeople see another great country torn apart because of a clumsy and selfish West that boasts too many lofty ideals but always comes up short of  practical solutions.

Big Difference between Sandy Hook and Other School Shootings. Lt. Vance screws up in his first Press Meeting.

News Helicopter coverage of McNair Elementary school in 2013 - Evacuation of Children

What is the Big Difference between Sandy Hook and the other school shootings that happened last year?

The Big Difference of SH shooting coverage to other schools.  No helicopter news coverage.  No showing children evacuating.  All other school shootings show this.

Also, Lt. Vance screws up in his first press conference.  Listen to him and watch the guy next to him.

Helicopter News Coverage of school shootings, including McNair last year compared to SH.

Note:  I say McNabb for the school shooting last year in Georgia.  I know it was McNair school.  So sorry for my constantly saying the wrong name in the video.

Recent information  and videos about SH:

Police Dash Cam does not show any children being evacuated. 

What bothered me about the Candles in Sotos windows.

Soto's Room changed for pictures, inside and outside:

Video of Police getting lost responding to SH shooting... turns around 4 times and ask people where the school is. 

Video of school - mold, wires hanging, Windows covered with stuff. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sandy Hook Police Dash Cam Video does not show children evacuating per Official Timeline.

The One and only photo released of children at SH.  Suppose to have happened at 10:47 AM - would have been in front of police dash cam shown below.  Never happened in front of dash cam.  They were not running, but walking. 

There is a Police Dash Cam video of the parking lot of Sandy Hook.  I show the official timeline as written out by the Police of what happened and when.  

The official timeline says they began evacuating the children at 9:58 AM from the school and walking them across the parking lot to the firehouse.

The official timeline of the evacuation of children from the school to the Police dash cam. No children are ever seen during the time they should have been going across the lot.  

Here is the State Police site to view the Police Dash Cam video.

There are different times going to 10:03 AM of masses of children being evacuated at one time from the school and going across the lot.

The dash cam video has a few redacted seconds, but they are only seconds of time and there would be no way of getting the children across the lot in that amount of time.

Watch the Police Dash Cam showing the parking lot compared to the official Timeline:

Recent information  and videos about SH:

What bothered me about the Candles in Sotos windows.

Soto's Room changed for pictures, inside and outside:

Video of Police getting lost responding to SH shooting... turns around 4 times and ask people where the school is. 

Video of school - mold, wires hanging, Windows covered with stuff. 

Update 3/6/14 - See the Big Difference between Sandy Hook and other school shootings last year. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Putin Totally Blast the U.S. saying; U.S. has invaded Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan against International Law and they Bully the World

Putin is Standing up and he is telling the truth.  You will never hear this on the U.S. media channels.

Putin said the U.S. is a big bully and says U.S. will make countries regret not bending to their will.

He says the U.S. invaded Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan illegitimately and Russia is being completely legitimate in going into Ukraine.

Obviously Russia and China are not going to be bullied anymore by the U.S., I believe that sentiment will spread more and more to other countries.  The U.S. has been the bully of the world for decades and the time is ending.  China has joined with Russia regarding the Ukraine situation and as I wrote last week, China stood up to the U.S. during the G20 meeting.  

I believe from the network movie... the phrase; "We are mad as Hell and we aren't going to take it anymore." is what Russia and China attitudes are to the U.S. now.

The days of U.S. bullying the world is numbered.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Absolute Proof, Sandy Hook Soto's Classroom was staged for both inside and outside Photos. Inside changed from Outside.

This is absolute Proof that Sandy Hook Soto's classroom was changed depending on if they were taking inside or outside photos.

The video shows the photographs, the night of the shooting, the day after and then another time.

The video is proof Soto's classroom was staged for photographs.

If they staged a classroom depending on what type photos they were taking and lie in photos, then the whole 'shooting' is staged.

UPDATE - 3/5/14 -

Sandy Hook Police Dash Cam Video does not show children evacuating per Official Timeline.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

China Study Shows U.S. is the Biggest Violator of non-U.S. citizen Human Rights in the World

The U.S. proclaims it invades other countries to provide 'Freedom' for those citizens.  The U.S. government proclaims to is a humanitarian country that stands for Democracy and Freedom around the World.

The U.S. can say whatever it wants, but what it does shows a whole different story.

The fact is, the U.S. government (as I have said for years, now) is not humane at all.  People only have to open their eyes to see what they are and have been doing.

Drone attacks that murder innocent people on other sovereign country's soil.  Torturing prisoners.  Holding people without rights or trial.  Invading other countries.  Being behind the civil wars in Syria, Libya,  Ukraine and other countries to be able to have them taken over by those who they can control.

The U.S. doesn't even take care of their troops when they get back from overseas deployments.  They want to say they are mentally ill and such to be able to take their guns away.

We the People need to start being honest about what is happening in this country and start changing it through our way of thinking.  From fear to Love.  We need to stand up for the Power of "We the People" and become the moral and humane country we were back in the 1800s.

China did a study and they found in 2013, the U.S. was the worst human rights abuser in the world of non-U.S. citizens.  Of course the U.S. is the worst human rights abuser in the world of U.S. citizens too, but that wasn't included.  


BEIJINGFeb. 28 -- The Untied States is the world's biggest violator of human rights of non-American persons and has been strongly condemned for conducting surveillance and prisoner torture around the globea report on U.Shuman rights said Friday.

The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2013 was released by the Information Office of China's State Councilor the Cabinetin response to the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013 issued by the U.SState Department on Thursday.

China Rejects Corn from U.S. Stepping up inspections due to several shipments found of GMO Corn attempted to be exported by U.S.

China does not want GMO corn from the U.S., it just rejected a shipment of corn from the U.S. after finding out it was GMO.

China is stepping up it's inspection of corn imports from the U.S., due to finding several shipments of non-approved GMO corn. 

How come the U.S. allows genetically modified corn and other vegetables, yet even China does not want GMO corn.

How come our government allows our vegetables to be modified and essentially poison us but other governments are interested in maintaining their citizens health?

We have a right to healthy non-GMO food.  We have a right to have all GMO food products labeled saying what they are.   We already know from lab test, GMO vegetables cause cancer and many other ailments.

But as we all know Monsanto is in charge of our FDA and they are in fact intimidating and working on closing all real organic farms.  They are basically making it illegal for organic farms to exist and making it illegal to grow your own organic vegetables.  When I say organic, I also mean Heirloom non-GMO seeds.

China along with Europe and other countries do not want GMO seeds/vegetables and are having to be diligent in stopping GMO food from getting into their country.

I have no doubt, Monsanto wants the seeds to be smuggled into the countries and the farmer's crops/fields be tainted with GMO seeds.

From article about China:

China has returned 887,000 tonnes of U.Scorn shipments tainted with a genetically-modified (GMstrain not approved by the country's agriculture ministry since lastOctober.

These corn shipments were found to contain the unapproved MIR162, a strain of insect-resistent transgenic cornaccording to the General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine.

China detected the first batch of MIR162 tainted corn shipment from the U.Sin lastOctober in Shenzhenand found several batches at the country's different ports after that.

The administration urged local entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureaus to step updetection of the imported farm produce and return or destroy those tainted withunapproved GM components.