
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Jim Willie Speaks with me about MyRA - 'Obamaretire' - Government take over of Retirement Accounts

Jim Willie spoke with me this morning about Obama's Announced MyRA - forced government retirement plan.

He said the bonds won't just include U.S. government debt bonds but they will also have the toxic Fannie Mae bonds which is still loaded with FRAUD!

He covers the many angles to forced pension fund conversion to special USTreasury Toxic Bonds
discusses the AIG and Lehman event a little.
covers tax angles and the volume of private pension funds targeted next
covers USGovt debt finance urgent requirements

Previous Articles:  Obama through Executive Order - MyRA - Government Retirement plan

401K's being put into government bonds without notice


  1. hey whats going on with the military / homeland security activity at the tn and ga border? supposedly theres a convoy of vehicles traveling down interstate 75

    1. Interesting!

      I was listening to the scanner earlier and heard some sketchy chatter between DHS and Atlanta PD about "flex cuffs" and rounding people up. I figured they were talking about what to do if they encountered looters or whatever. However I'm still a little wary thinking back to the exchange, I mean I'm not an alarmist or anything but if they are there to help so called stranded motorists then why take rifles and cuffs? It's weird.

  2. Keep it up Jim ... She said it .. standing up .. thank you.

  3. Sherrie, you are, as we say in England, a Diamond! Have only just come across your blog, courtesy of having watched your interview with Jim Willie on YouTube. Let me add that this is not only an American problem; it affects the whole world. People everywhere have to stand up against the global tyranny of the banksters, fascist corporatists and corrupt psychopaths running our governments, judiciary, law enforcement, intelligence agencies and military. I am standing up with you.

  4. Sherrie-thanks for the great interview! I discovered Jim Willie on and always look forward to hearing him. Now I've discovered you and will continue to dig! I've started a blog to try and wake up loved ones, family and friends and it is not easy to get people to want to listen and be shaken from the "Matrix". I would appreciate any advice that you or anyone could offer on how to softly wake them up>
    Please check out my blog and offer comments.
    Thanks for your work!
