
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Two CMEs "Cannibalized" to Impact Earth tomorrow November 13th. same day as Grid going down drill

Spaceweather has this on their website:

MINOR STORM WARNINGA 'cannibal CME' might be en route to Earth. NOAA analysts suspect that two CMEs propelled into space by the X-class flares of Nov. 8th and 10th have merged into a single cannibalized cloud. It could deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on Nov. 13th, producing minor geomagnetic storms. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: textvoice.

Yes, they do say "glancing blow" to the Earth and "minor" storm. But they say Cannibal and I have never seen them use that type word before.   

All the information is on this video:

Earth is right in the center of the CME blast, you can see it here:

Solarham is a great site for solar information.

Please remember the U.S., Canada and Mexico are doing an Electrical Grid drill (grid going down) tomorrow and the Chinese military are in Hawaii doing a 'drill'.

Will anything come of this?  I don't know.  I do know whenever the U.S. is doing a drill, many times it somehow goes 'live' and the events happen.... 9/11, Boston, Sandy Hook, subway, etc.

What is interesting about the drill, is the U.S. is going to have thousands of National Guard troops, DHS on the ground ready and participating in the drill for 'control' of the people. 

  This is why thousands of utility workers, business executives, National Guard officers, F.B.I. antiterrorism experts and officials from government agencies in the United States, Canada and Mexico are preparing for an emergency drill in November that will simulate physical attacks and cyberattacks that could take down large sections of the power grid.

When I interviewed Arch Crawford, he said the 13th or the 23rd would be days of solar shots that could be the 'kill shot' (meaning grid down).

Here is the simulation of the CME hitting the Earth.

Here is the picture of the sun right now.

This is the NASA site that has everything on one site, especially watching the magnetosphere. 

Does it hurt to have some water, cash and extra food on hand?  No.

Dave Hodges - The Commonsense show has a good prep information page about it.  What people should have on hand, just in case. 


  1. Sherrie you have been looking at and studying these pictures/graphs of the magnetosphere for as long as I have known you, how do these differ from what you have seen in the past? Do you see anything alarming? Or will this be like all the other close calls and preparations for something extraordinary in the future? I also agree with you that it is a fact we have seen so many correlations between the Military exercises and actual events to connect the dots, so if this turns out to be a drill with no harmful effects for people then good but if it is something that they knew prior to a major even possible event, then it is criminal negligence to the highest degree. So many of us are at the tipping point now, have used all the preps such as extra food, batteries, money, and the like to where we can no longer do anything about preparing for a real disaster. Do you suppose with all of the 'tracking' they have been doing on us that they know this and will take us down when we are all most vulnerable? I KNOW all my purchases have been monitored, my grocery store actually keeps records on each customer! I had a bad melon over the summer but did not have a receipt, so they pulled up my name and phone number and printed off a huge long list of 'my' purchases! I do get cents off at the pump and save stamps for items like cookware, that is how they do it. I also shop with a debit card, credit card and foodstamp card, so yeah, not hard to know what I have and do not have. At one point I was able to pick up a few extra cans of things or some large bags of rice and beans, but even the dullest of minds can tell that we live month to month, hand to mouth with nothing left when the next month arrives. Think Stalin? All it would take is a few days to see total chaos erupt.

    Your Friend always Julie/Antar

    1. Exactly! I have not done anything either. We have had one "event' after another suppose to happen the last few years. Nothing ever did. So people get weary of it all. I am weary of it all and am not afraid no matter what happens. I won't live in worry or fear. Yes, I do want to get information out but it will be what it is.

      I have seen the magnetosphere pressed right up to the Earth previously when we have had strong flares. Will anything happen tomorrow? I have no idea. How it is all coming down is interesting.

      We are tracked in every way. That is also why they only want digital dollars and to do away with cash. So they are able to 'see' everything we have and buy.

      It doesn't hurt to have water stored. That is important.

  2. Sherrie can you find a link to what electric companies and the rest will be partaking in the Gridx exercise? I have exhausted every source I can find to no avail. I have read that over 150 have signed up, but would like to know as I am certain others as well if my power company is involved. Thanks


    1. They are just telling us it is electric companies. I have not seen which ones. Is all of this just another 'game' on the governments part? Who knows. But if we see lots of National Guard on the roads etc tomorrow, we will know they are playing their 'drill' out.

    2. True, seems like we would be hearing from more whistle blowers if there was indeed a real threat. However with all of the whistle blowers coming forward these days they may be keeping the truth away from even their own. Perhaps this is just a drill for the December comet...

  3. Soon there will be no spots. See spot(s) run (out). Look up solar cycle 25.

    Tonight's cme is from two X1.1 solar flares,rather small compared to what we've already experienced over the decades:
    X 9- 12s are common,and up to an estimated X45 in '03.

    If the grid goes out,it probably won't be from a solar flare. The solar cycle peaked in 1960,the biggest spike in11,000 years. A year ago, I was scared of solar flare EMP, then I saw a chart with solar cycle 25, I was all,,,huh ??? It's been an interesting read since. Same prediction for cycle 26/27 too,nill.

  4. Biggest news on my radar today is Russia takes the Suez without a shot fired :
    Vlad now controls Eu's NG and oil. Check and mate,mate.
