
Friday, October 25, 2013



We all need positive thoughts and energies during these times.  I am going through my own change.  As much as I have feelings and thoughts about the injustice that is happening in this world.  I am changing in the form of not concentrating on the negative but to turn it around.

I will be posting more things about WHO WE ARE and how WE can change the world through out thoughts, attitudes and energy!  We are the ones in control of what happens.  It is now up to us to change our energy from anger, hate and disgust into Seeing Love, Light, and Truth coming forth to ALL on Earth and for everyone to demand FREEDOM!

There are things it says, as our "shopping needs" being from unexpressed creative needs, when it is all part of our brainwashing, in my opinion.

We have been brainwashed since birth to desire things outside of ourselves.  But it is time for everyone to know the real value of our lives is within us, not how we dress or how much we have.  It is who we ARE and our inner power to create the best for ourselves and our world!

We have to exert our FREEDOM Rights to have them and that begins with the Truth of ourselves and our World!


I have linked this video before and am linking it again.  It is a powerful video that works on your subconscious to Free you from all negative influences and energies directed at you.    I always feel much clearer and harmonious after watching it.


  1. I added this to my blog a couple of years ago. This is what I wrote back then (and feel the same way today):

    I wanted to share the site and a video contained there which I found phenomenal in its way it addresses the Sheople of the world and the few “Wayseers” that seem to be tuned in to reality of control and manipulation.

    I like how the author describes “The Way” and I wonder if this makes sense to you. Please visit The WaySeer Manifesto to see what this is all about (I have not joined the group), but the video is moving and hits at something I have been thinking about lately.

    When Jesus said He was the Truth, the Way and the Light, I believe that this is what He is talking about. Not that one must believe the plethora of Christian religious mumbo-jumbo, for that is really just seekers chasing their tails. This also addresses the issue I have with what so many “Christians” insist their Christianity actually is and what they call it: Judeo-Christian belief. To me, the very idea is akin to believing two radically different ideologies of what God is all about.

    Can anyone argue that the Old Testament, Judeo-God is a vicious monster intent upon revenge, murder and issuing very strange and unachievable rules and regulations? Can people who read the New testament see a radically different God being portrayed?

    One of my favorite passages found in the Bible relates to this subject. It is where Paul describes what the Old Testament (he was addressing the Torah), a book of laws, has been abolished and that there is a new way. He calls it the law of the spirit of Christ Jesus. I won’t bother you by quoting a bunch of Bible verses, but simply go to Romans 7 and 8 and read a bit to understand that Paul was explaining that this “law” they were once all under before Christ’s spiritual law was implemented is now dead and he actually equates it with “sin and death”.

    It is this “law of the spirit of Christ Jesus” that resonates with me and seems to mean something very similar to what this video is discussing.

  2. Hi Sherrie,

    Very inspirational. Thank you for posting this video. I'm looking forward to more from you.

    Your posts have a new tone to them. Looking forward to solutions, not back at the problems. This mirrors my own path, where at first I had to swim through a wave of fear and overwhelming shock when I first awakened to just how messed up things are in this place. Then I began to look at how I could isolate myself from the madness. Off-grid homes, alternative energy solutions, gardening and food production. Everything designed for self-reliance. I confronted every fear head-on, and starting taking actions to do something about preparing to handle the adverse situations that scared me.

    Along the way, something magical happened. I stopped fearing. I found inner peace and happiness. I realized everything I needed was within me, that I had done as much as I possibly could to handle any 'reasonable' contingency and then some, and what remained I really could do little to predict or prevent. As I started focusing on solutions, instead of my fears, I felt empowered, and found peace and inner calm.

    You see, we don't need a revolution, we need a REPLACEMENT.

    We are playing a game of attention, where the prize is your spiritual currency and energy. Where you SPEND your time. Where you PAY attention. It's a game that vies for your time and attention.

    I see so many who are just waking up falling into common energy traps.

    1) Newly awakened, trapped by problems. There are the newly awakened, who enter the realm of fear of the unknown. Their attitude (like mine was) is "OMG. Look at all these problems. Look how bad it is! All the corruption, and greed and brokenness. What are we going to do?" This group falls into the energy trap of focusing attention on problems, or better yet, feeling overwhelmed and helpless at the magnitude and pervasiveness of the problems. They end up shutting down, and doing nothing.

    2) Fixers. Those who say "OK, lots of problems. But I'm going to FIX the system. I'll work within the broken system and tweak and reform and eventually make it work." Whether through peaceful means ("Let's just vote in a new set of people and everything will be fine."), or revolution ("We'll use a military coup to remove all the garbage"). All of these types fall into the trap of thinking you can repair a 'broken system', when really the problem is a fundamental design flaw of the system. When a monetary system is designed to impoverish some and funnel money to others, you can't FIX the design. You have to scrap the design entirely and start fresh with an entirely new solution.

    As I see it, a peaceful and meaningful way out of these traps is to simply build a better future that makes these old corrupt dying systems irrelevant. When you see an obviously superior solution, why would anyone ever want to go back to using a broken one?

    Replace those failing systems with alternative ones designed to work correctly and put your time, attention, energy into new solutions and never look back. Let the dying beast moan and groan and die in complete loneliness and inattention, as the rest of us move into a future of self-reliance, sovereignty, and abundance.

    You see, a human who can provide for himself, who is not dependent on others, not dependent on a system, is a FREE human, and hard to control. The system fears your freedom more than anything, because in your liberation you no longer depend on it, and it relies on your dependence for its very survival. Become independent and free, and let the system you no longer need (and never really did) die.

    The solution always was, and always is inside you. Stop looking externally for solutions 'out there'. When each of us can find the answers inside, is when we find our peace and freedom.

