
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Obama Saying the U.S WILL STRIKE Syria because it is a National Security Issue, but will get Congressional Approval - Assad committed the Chemical Attack

Obama is saying the U.S. will strike Syria.   But he did just say he will go ahead and get Congressional Approval for the war.  He proclaimed he didn't need Congress's approval but will go ahead and get it.

He spewed a lot of rhetoric full of LIES!   He forgot to mention how many times the U.S. has poisoned others and murdered others through chemical and biological weapons.  He didn't mention the depleted uranium we have spread around Iraq.  The poisons that are sprayed in our air every day with chemtrails, poison of our water with fluoride and our food with GMO.

He didn't mention how Israel uses chemical weapons and murders people all the time.

What an absolute Bullshit speech!

Here is his speech.


  1. As I was waiting for the President to hit the podium I thought I may be seeing history being made here. Either a world war is going to start or for the first time the comments sections of the internet are going to stall a major policy move. People don't bitch to the deaf ears of their "representatives" anymore, they go on the internet. And all the alphabet agencies who monitor our every move feedback "they ain't buying it" to the PTB.

  2. Obama has lost all possible credibility, so no matter what he says about Assad et Syria no one can give him the benefit of the doubt. He needs to come up with irrefutable PROOF, and even then the US has no mandate to govern the world; the reason so many people hate the US is because of it's meddling in matters that do not concern it, and doing it on behalf of a small Mediterranean country at that.
    The world is longer asleep and has seen the result of the lies the US has told over and over again about those that that little Mediterranean country has ordered it to.

    ENOUGH !

    1. Sad part is 99% of Americans don't really know who really controls America! Watch these Y/T videos "America Controlled By The Jesuits Of Rome" and this one "The Jesuits Control America From Georgetown University" also Google this site "Pictures of Papal Infiltration" and take a good long look at those pictures on that site also this one "ROME: A Few Photos of Their World Power" As they say all roads lead to Rome!

    2. Rome and the Catholic church are controlled by Jewry and have been for a long time. The Jews have been rotting Christianity out from the inside for a century. This is more of your servile, left-wing bullshit that you espouse so as to not have to criticize Israel. The same sort of crap as the 'WAR ON TERROR' is for oil and the 'Media is owned by the Chinese' The same heroic bravery you elicit whilst turning your back on the Palestinians (a great many who are Christian) who are being slaughtered and butchered en-masse using American tax-payers money. People like you have fed and bred this hideous Zionist ogre with your cowardice and apathy only to have it now turn around and bite your hand off. I am no doubt, because your sycophancy is so profound, you will no doubt thank it for devouring you though.

  3. He never had any credit anyway, nothing but a degenerate, Communist mass murderer who works and plies his trade under the banner of Israel. He has the leadership qualities of a turd bobbing around in the pan. If this scumbag starts another war on behalf of that 'shitty little country' Americans are really going to have to start to think about taking their country back before it ends up totally destroyed. It is no coincidence that all these countries that are being attacked are in close proximity to Israel and have a loathing for that artificial entity.

    If America gets in a tangle with Russia then you better be ready for some genuine bloodshed as Russia has some serious firepower and will decimate your navy with it's Sunburn Missiles which no-one in the world has ant defence against. The rules change with Russia as they can fire back, unlike all the defenceless countries you have been butchering so far for Israel.

  4. Sad,, how many times are we going to change our minds...drop the bombs ,,, ask questions later...just like in WW2

  5. Thank you Sherrie. Once again, the CIA contradicts the lies, as many CIA analysts did with Iraq and were subsequently purged or fired for whistle blowing.

    We're told, the FSA (so called "rebels", comprised mostly of a foreign hodge podge of islamist militants, mercenaries, and opportunists[who are losing against the Syrian people's army]) don't have access to chemical weapons.

    Not according to the CIA's 2007 report: Terrorist CBRN: Materials and Effects

    “Al-Qa’ida and associated extremist groups have a wide variety of potential agents and delivery means to choose from for chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) attacks…however, most attacks by the group—and especially by associated extremists—probably will be small scale, incorporating relatively crude delivery means and easily produced or obtained chemicals, toxins, or radiological substances…Analysis of an al-Qa’ida document recovered in Afghanistan in summer 2002 indicates the group has crude procedures for making mustard agent, sarin, and VX.”

    In the month of August 2013, roughly 800 people have died in Iraq thanks to the lies perpetrated 10 years ago by the Bush administration.

    How many Syrians have to die, so John Kerry doesn't have to admit something that the entire world already knows, so that he can't say that we have made a mistake.
