
Friday, August 30, 2013

General Wesley Clark Proves U.S. to Invade and Take over Syria since 2001 - Obama more War Mongering than Bush Was!

This video proves two things.

First there is NO difference between Obama and Bush!  

Second the U.S. has wanted to Invade and take over Syria since 2001.

I want to say... I Hated Bush!  I hated everything that man did!  I wanted our country to be a Moral country once again!  I wanted a President that would restore our Freedoms, Liberty and Morality.

Obama lied in every speech he made to get elected in 2004!  People believed him, including me at the time.  I believed that he would restore our Freedoms!  I believed we would not go and invade other countries because we wanted to grab their resources and money.

Yeah... I was asleep at that time!  But the day of his first inauguration, somehow I knew that the man was not who he said he was.  Since that day, I have never watched another one of his speeches.

Yes, I fully admit, I was taken in by the LIES!

What Obama has proved being the most war mongering President we have ever had is there is NO difference between him and Bush.  They and all in Washington are controlled by the same people behind them, pulling their puppet strings!

With the UK government voting against a Syria attack, Russia and China warning the U.S. there would be severe consequences our Peace Prize Winning President wants to go it alone to attack Syria.

What is funny, all those who are Democrats still are totally behind Obama!  They are so BLIND and support all his violations of the constitution and all his war mongering!  They refuse to wake up and see the TRUTH!

Even though I wrote the above, I have noticed that Huffington Post a completely Democratic bent news website has an article about Obama going it alone and did not put up a complementary photo of him up.  Besides that the comments are totally against Obama and compare him to Bush.

The Syria situation is so upsetting.  Because those who are awake know that is was the U.S. government behind the chemical attack that murdered thousands of people in Syria.   Remember a few months ago, another chemical attack was first blamed on Assad and the Syrian government, then the truth came out that it was the rebels (U.S. backed) that committed the murders of innocent people.

There are multiple videos out that show the Syrian Rebels constantly murdering innocent people. They murder children, women and anyone who supports Assad. These are Who the U.S. government backs, supports and provides the gun and ammunition to Murder the people of Syria! THIS IS OUR GOVERNMENT! WAKE UP!


Here the Free Syria rebels murder men for being a certain religion and backing Assad. They call them dogs and disfigure them.

We the people continue to be silent in the U.S.!  We the people continue to let a lawless government of the U.S. continue to invade other countries and murder people around the world.

It appears that those who are suppose to be our representatives in D.C. are staying as far from the people as possible.  They are staying in their hands off bubble.  An article on business insider today has the fact that our representatives no longer want to be in front of those who voted them in.  
They can not defend being little puppets for those who control them, instead of doing the Will of the People who voted them in.  We have no representation anymore of "For the People and By the People" government!   It is time for people to Wake Up and get every single politician voted out of D.C.!

U.S. constantly uses chemicals against their citizens, from Chemtrails, to GMO food to Vaccines, besides the water. Understand the U.S. leads the chemical attacks upon their citizens! We are bombarded with chemical attacks from our government every moment.


Because the controlled media lie and tell the people what to think because the people can not critically think on their own anymore?

I don't hate anyone in the Middle East.  I don't hate Muslims, even though this government and media perpetuate hate.

Everyone of us on this Earth are here for Truth!  Truth of who we are.   We could actually change the world if we stopped being led down a path as sheep to division and hate.   If we actually put our energy into LOVE for ourselves, our Earth and Each other, we could instantly have a different society and world.  The vibrations of LOVE would be unstoppable!

PLEASE do not Hate!  Please put your energy into PEACE and LOVE!

 This video shows perfectly what is happening in the world today.

The hate and division that is and has been created by those who "control" the world and media.  They create hate between people because they feed off of it and it is a way of controlling the people.

It shows small children hitting a defenseless child and terrorizing her.  It shows the hate and violence that is perpetrated in this world against others due to their race or religion, etc.

After I watched it last night,  I actually went to sleep with tears in my eyes wondering how we can stop all that is going on from war to hate that has been created.  

Miley Cyrus showed at the VMAs  perfectly show how our society has been led down a path of low moralities and becoming the lowest in vibration possible, besides accepting a new normal of low.

What has been created for our world is Hate, division, violence besides being the farthest from LOVE of ourselves and all others.

It is so sad and I have prayed for everyone in this world to see their own Truth and to see LOVE in themselves and everyone  else!

That is really all we can do, since we have no way of stopping wars and lies from governments so they can keep taking over the world and controlling other societies.

The only thing we can do together is put our energy and to visualize LOVE and PEACE for everyone!  To visualize everyone waking up to the TRUTH of our POWER and what we put our Energy into, comes about.

We need the 100th monkey for things to change.

I am upset over what is happening so I am pouring more and more energy into PEACE that begins with me and radiates out.

It sounds silly to combat this with LOVE and PEACE, but once we fully understand how the Universe works and the POWER of ourselves and where we put our energy.... then we understand the difference each of us can make.  It is the only way I can make a difference for the world, since I have no control over what our government does.  The Only control I have is where I put my energy and I Choose PEACE and LOVE.  Sounds naive?  Well... try it yourself and see how it makes you feel and how naive it really is.   What runs this world is our energy, what manifest is through our energy.  Do you want war, hate and division?  If not, don't put your energy into what the media and government want you to.  Try it...

1 comment:

  1. Excising a cancer is violent, but ends up saving the body.

    It is impossible to have this peace you talk about among us when the cancerous cause of the division is never excised.

    You called them, "the same people behind them, pulling their puppet strings!"

    So, I ask, who are all of these Washington clowns subservient to?

    When it comes to all the 7 countries Clark spoke of (5 now completed) what do they all have in common? Who are they all commonly against?

    Who has been the loudest and most voracious about attacking Syria and Iran?

    Who hit Syria with a nuke according the VT?

    The answer is the same to every question.

    BTW: for years my saying has been, "Ne'er an R or D Again!"
