
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

China: "U.S. promoting 'Values' to other Countries real intention to to take over and Control other Countries"

WOW!  The most scathing and honest (what all of us have been saying for years who are awake and aware) article out of China about the U.S. and their "freedom and democracy" push around the world.   This article is in the approved and government controlled Chinese news site: People's Daily.

It is not about Freedom and Democracy it is about the U.S. being able to take control of the other countries for their own interest.

I have said here many times on the blog, that the U.S. doesn't care about democracy in other countries, it cares about the resources of the country and getting control of them.  All someone has to do is look at the U.S. and their human rights abuses now and how they treat their citizens by spying on them in every way, besides killing innocent men, women and children in other countries.  

China is saying "Lay off promoting your 'Western Values' here in China and they state that the U.S. has caused the Russian problems from promoting 'Western Values' there.

China takes the mask off the U.S. in the article and says the U.S. is trying to take over countries without a shot being fired by giving "Friendly Advice."

If the U.S. really believed in Democracy and Freedoms they would not support dictators who commit genocide when it is convenient for them (Mugabe, etc) and they would not pick and choose who they felt was a dictator (wanting the resources - Syria, Yemen, etc).  

All someone has to do is ask.... What country has been the only one to invade and start wars in other countries in the last decade?   Of course all in the name of 'Democracy and Freedom'.   What Nobel Peace Prize winner has been trying to start wars on new fronts (Yemen, Iran, Syria) in the last couple of years?

China has now come right out and said the Truth about the U.S. and what they are really doing and why they are doing it, which is to take control.

Portions from article:

 Reading the recent policy speeches of western leaders might create the impression that most of the content concerns the domestic economy, the management of which is indeed a current and pressing task. However, closer inspection reveals an ongoing insistence on promoting 'western values' to the world. What lies behind this is not the objective of promoting values, but the intention of controlling other countries and maximizing western interests.

U.S. President Obama announced in the January speech of his second term: "We will support all democracy from Asia to Africa, from the Americas to the Middle East, because our interests and conscience drive us to act for those who yearn for freedom." Note that he put "interests" ahead of "conscience".

The West regularly employs the tactic of paying "democracy activists", who show their "conscience", by creating waves of discontent in our processes, the objective being to realize the dream of "beating the enemy without fighting". Western think-tankers have concluded that the Soviet Union is now destabilized by such waves to a very great degree. We must therefore be vigilant about this strategy, and never become confused by what purports to be friendly advice. Of course this should not prevent us from opening ourselves up and learning from what is positive in the west.

In terms of the virtual, three decades ago concepts like "democracy", "human rights" and "freedom" carried a halo of sanctity, and the non-western world did indeed look up to them as it struggled with its economic problems; a few people even began to regard them as precepts. But more than 30 years have passed, the halo is fading, and people are increasingly driven to ask: How can the situation in the western countries be so bad if western democracy is so good? Why are things still such a mess after a variety of "color revolutions" in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan? Such questions provoke deep reflection.

This is a typical example of western discourse hegemony, to which some of us are willing to enslave ourselves. China is China, and why should China need to turn into the United States? This is something that will never happen. China's chosen path, its theories, its system will be welcomed by and win the support of its people if they can bring about the great revival of the Chinese nation.

Lin Yifu worked for several years in the World Bank. He has told reporters that while he once hoped to gain expertise from the west to help China's economy to develop, eventually he came to realize that the west is far from perfect, and that many countries and regions have succeeded in achieving development without slavishly adopting the methods of the west. Clearly, economy and political structures share common features. Success will come to those who have a clear view, independence of thought, and the capacity to summarize learnings and achieve steady improvement. As with individuals, so with countries.

Obviously, other countries have seen through the U.S. and their push for "freedoms" around the world and what it is really about.  I am sure they have known this behind closed doors but to come right out and say it seems to me they are firing a shot across the bow of the U.S. and warning them to stop what they are doing in China.

It is time for the people in the U.S to see what the U.S. is doing and it isn't about Democracy and Freedoms.  I hope those in the military see the truth and it is sad to know they aren't fighting and dying for freedoms but for U.S. control and domination of other countries for their resources.


  1. i know this for a long time and us pivot in asia. disaster when US gets involves - Warning to all ASEAN countries - you invite US and she destroy you...

  2. Wendigo - USAID Foreign-Led Conspiracy To Destabilize Governments:
    Pentagon has concluded that the time has come to prepare for war with China

    Blog: Pentagon has concluded that the time has come to prepare for war with China
