
Monday, July 29, 2013

Fukushima Reactor 3 on fire and smoking besides Gulf Oil Platform burning

The media of course is silent and most people believe Fukushima problems are history.

Here is a video from overnight at Fukushima. You can see the glowing fire and smoke coming from Reactor 3. That is of course the MOX fuel reactor. Here is my original post about MOX fuel.

A huge amount of radiation has been detected on the West Coast and other areas. Also the amount of radiated water that has gone into the Pacific has been in the millions of gallons.

Here is the live camera for the reactors. It does not show a fire any more.

Besides this there is a platform in the Gulf on fire and leaking oil at an estimated 6000 gallons a day besides natural gas.

OH... the media is all over that one too... informing everyone.


  1. Fire? What fire? I see nothing remotely resembling fire. There is no fire.

  2. I luv you Sherrie! Keep up the great work!!!

  3. This was once labeled the No. 1 most dangerous thing to effect all mankind or something like that from Mike Adams awhile back and even he is not saying anything about it anymore.

    I wonder if people are being paid off with "grants" from the government if they just would shut-up about it?
