
Monday, March 11, 2013

Remembering Japan 2nd Anniversary March 11 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami, Fukushima

I wanted to take a few moments to remember the people of Japan and what they are still going through, two years later.

The earthquake of March 11 2011 is something they are still dealing with today.  The world is still feeling the effects of Fukushima.  Many in Japan still live in temporary shelter that have not been able to move back to their homes in the Fukushima area or had their homes wiped out by the tsunami.

We should all take a few moments and hold them in our thoughts and prayers and hold them in Love.  Remember to hold our planet Earth too in Love and Light for healing!

Beautiful music by a Japanese artist:

Amazing Grace with Whales by Ceclia

Angel by Sarah McLachlan

1 comment:

  1. If I remember the perps pumped the ionosphere several days previously. Your date should be 8.

    Like the taking down of the twins, the date is the eighth day pumping.

    Just like Norway a year later, a government that would not play with the stage play and scripted outcome got hit.

    RS loverley, give it some YMO.

    La Femme Chinoise (Budokan 1980)

    There is a MF big rumble coming on out there now that Europe has been taken down.
