
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Argentine Pope - "Francis the First" (13) - New Pope Elected - at 7:06 PM (13) Italian Time on 3/13/13 (13) - Age 76 (13)

Just a note and something to think about.  If you don't think that the person who was elected Pope wasn't already decided upon before 7:06 PM Italian time... you aren't looking at all the numbers.

White smoke at 7:06 PM which is 13 in numerology and he was elected on 
3/13/13 =  3+1+3+2+1+3=13  

That is a planned and orchestrated event and number.

The pope hasn't been announced yet.  I just wanted to get this information out there and people aware of it.

I will update the numbers when they announce his name (at what time) and then he shows himself.

Update - 2:13 PM 

Exact name announced at 8:13 PM Italian time

Argentine Pope- Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio -  Pope Name: Francis the First

He was born 12/17/1936 = 11

He is 76 years old = 13


Pope Francis the First 

A really in your face of numbers 76 repeated due to the time of White Smoke, Age and name that all equals 13.  Besides the date they voted in the new pope.  Always look at things deeper and you will see how things are planned.   Wow, I am laughing as it is so obvious.

(Sorry, somehow I missed the exact time he came out to speak, I was on the phone.  Does anyone have that?)

Edit to add - I was notified he came out at 8:22 Pm (12) Italian time and began speaking as it turned to 8:23 (13).

Update - he just came back to speak a second time at 8:33 Pm to say Thank you to the people - 3:33 PM Est.

He is the first Jesuit to be elected Pope and the first non-European Pope. (correction - news organizations were saying he was the first non-European Pope - he is not - my mistake for putting in info from some MSM outlets - A site that is correcting many here.  But his parents are from Italy)

For those who believe 13 is an unlucky number.  That is not true.  For some bizarre reason we have been led to believe 13 is a bad number.  13 is the power number!  It is either used for good or bad.  It can either be of enlightenment or destruction.  So this Pope has number 13 everywhere, from the date, times, name he chose, to his age.  How will he use that number of Power?

In Italy, number 13 is considered lucky.  Let's hope they are correct.

Update 3/13/13 - 6PM est.  Someone sent me this via email, so I am putting it in here - another interesting bit of numbers about the new Pope:

Using Hebrew Numerology converted to the sounds of the Spanish alphabet (In English the J = 1, and the hard G as in "get"= 3, but the name Spanish name "Jorge" the J sounds like the English H = 5 as does the G. The G's in the Spanish name Bergoglio however are hard) -->
JORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO57255 41217 252373317
Jorge 5 + 7 + 2 + 5 + 5 = 24 -------------------------> 2 + 4 = 6Mario 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 7 = 15 -------------------------> 1 + 5 = 6Bergoglio 2 + 5 + 2 + 3 + 7 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 33 --> 3 + 3 = 6

I did a video of the numbers.

Update 3/14/13 - The new Pope seems to be very compassionate and very down to Earth.  He has already refused the 'special' treatment.   If what I have read is all true, then I hope the new Pope will be a Power of 13 to the High.

Then there is this article of the Pope possibly being involved in the kidnapping of 2 Jesuit priest and crimes against humanity. 


  1. If he is elected Pope Pius XIII, then it is clenched!

  2. Another pedophile scum installed. (under the Law, anyone aiding and abetting a crime, is a criminal also, and should be taken away to prison).

    As to the smoke, it must stink to high heaven. Bwahahahaha!

  3. 7:06 is also 6 hours and 66 minutes

    1. Yes, and if you read John 6:66 you will notice it is the disciples who did not believe the words of Jesus and turned around and walked away from him.
      The body and blood of Jesus is truly present in the eucharist.

  4. You can make numbers do almost anything you want. There's no freaking conspiracy here. Be less moonbatty.

    You do alternative news a disservice by posting claptrap like this, and by extension you damage Mike Rivero's reputation by cross posting on his site.

    Just because you're a "contributor" doesn't mean every stray tinfoil-laden thought needs to be shared.

    1. Actually it is up to Mike to put what he wants on his site. You may feel this is all nonsense. But it is not. Those at the 'top' do things by numbers. Numbers mean a lot to them. From 9/11 to 7/7. Always look at the numbers to understand deeper meanings. No this is not a disservice to alternate news by posting this. This is in fact a definite alternative news article, as it is very telling.
      I believe people will find it of interest too, I sure do. The Pope is a big thing in the Catholic world. Numbers are a big thing in those who try and control the world too.

    2. You obviously work for the puppet masters with your irrational and dogged defense of the indefensible jerks who run our planet. If I wanted to hear a bunch of establishment BS I'd watch the evening news where you get your ideology and tainted information.

      Kinldy piss up a rope Anonymous 3:46pm..if you don't like the information presented here you don't have to read it...

    3. To Anonymous [Wednesday, March 13, 2013 at 3:46:00 PM EDT]
      I used to pooh-pooh the numbers stuff when it was brought up immediately after 9/11. It was after researching the numerology/astrology connection I began to change. The dark underworld has its rituals and numbers are important. I saw the numerological cites dealing with flight numbers, numbers of passengers and other aspects of that day. I did other flight checks to see if I could conjure up four flights on the same date that would fall into the same numerological pattern. For weeks it was attempted to no success.
      Why did the events of 9/11 happen on that date? Why not 9/16, or 10/26? That date is important for two reasons:
      The importance of the numerals "9" and "11" in numerology, and;
      The "marketing" of the date for control of the masses. Nine/Eleven is a much more memorable slogan than "Nine/Sixteen" or "Ten/Twenty-Six."
      And don't forget the "911" phone number tie-in.
      The same holds true for 7/7. Why not 7/29 or 8/2?
      So folks, do research on things before blabbing away. This is not to be offensive because there was a time I said the same things in the first days after Sept. 11, 2011.

    4. Just because we may not believe in the validity of numerology, it doesn't mean that the psychos who rule the planet don't. They give themselves away with this stuff.

  5. Another Illuminati Goomba, why do we care???? It's all bread and Circus, nothing more...

  6. omni domni "puer sexus incipit!!"

    1. I just worked on translating what you wrote. From what I gather, you wrote "Omnipotent rule stinks sexual - it begins" Is that pretty much what you meant?

  7. There will come very soon a day that everyone will care...and those un aware will become aware but for the ones who get all their 'news' from MSM and/or choose to stick the proverbial 'head in the sand' are in for a rude awakening...
    notice, I care not whether you agree or disagree... really, I don't... those will find out soon enough

  8. Sherry is correct...MIke has the final say...These neoconjews are about to receive the real vaticano sword from power number13!!!! to love it...avenging angels against the more turn the other cheek...enough is enough.

    1. Let's hope it is that way and not the other way around. The 13 is so in your face in every way. It is a definite planned pick from name and times and age etc. So... for the good or bad - with what is actually THE Power number.

  9. He is not Pope Francis I, they must have a II before there is a I
    Also, First non Europeon pope? when did Africa, Syria and Jerusalem become
    part of Europe?

    1. You are correct about the Non-European part. I have corrected it. They are saying his name is Francis the First. That is how it was announced from a Cardinal on the balcony.

    2. I think he is the first pope from the southern hemisphere (and from the western).

    3. Anon: As regards I, II etc .. for each time a Sovereign or King uses a name first, it is proceeded by I (which is Roman Numeral for 1; the second time the same name is used it becomes II (2) and son on.

      Sherrie: Francis the 1st is written Francis I (1) he has therefore changed his name (in effect) from Jorge to Francis I (or Francis 1) ... in using the Hebrew System of Numerology, then his first name now naturally adds to 6, with his middle and surnames both being 6, he is/has made "the number of his name 666)...the Jesuits are well versed in this LOL! (not?)....Indeed, a powerful 2 edged sword this mix of 13 & 666 ... with I beleive the Jesuits & Vatican being fully aware.

      Also, if you reference Nostradamus re this, it speaks of 666 coming from the 50 degree (where he's born) and if you query Nostra's use of the unknown meaning of Gog and Magog, well, the anagram/s are clearly displayed within his middle name and surname! Furthermore, both Revalations & Nostradamus both mention double-edged swords....(13 & 666?!)
      Also, he is the 266th Pope, thought to be the last, and thought to be connected/named for Peter of Rome (translated from Latin I think)...this Pope would finally end the Vatican and destroy it, after things are brought out into the open and cleaned up!
      ...The only interestng thing I can find here slightly connecting this is that Francis of Assisi (who Francis I has taken his name from) well, his father was called Peter.

      Sherrie, I came accross your blog quite by accident, wondering if anyone else was game enough/or thought of any or all of these things!

      Conspiracy theorists will now abound!? I'm sure the Jesuits/Vatican are well aware of all this - so what are they planning EXACTLY???!!!
      D.M. (yes they're my initials, bit of a "joke/spook" thingie if you or anyone else reads Nostradamus!

      P.S. John: Think this is about right

  10. Wherever the number 13 here means good or bad or both, it surely hold significance. People can either see it or they don't. The truth is out there and everyone can do their own research but not everyone is ready to accept other possibilities as oppose to what they told in mainstream media and by the government.

  11. For those who really don't believe in the numbers game- you got another thing coming.
    i've been researching and connecting the dots for 7 years now..... it's all true.
    FYI 3+1+3+1+3=11 not 13.

    1. FYI - you didn't add the 2 in 2013! Yes it equals 13 - add the 2! :)

    2. Very good Sherrie ... this is correct

  12. this sherrie bitch is cray cray, never trust a blonde!

  13. Remember, it is bad luck to be superstitious.

    (Oops, that was 39 letters & divided by 3 is ..... 13!)

  14. Hello Sherrie, "Francis the first" is 15 letters and not 13. Could you please explain how is it 13 letters?

    1. Go to a numerology of letters and put Francis the First in. You will find the number of all the letters together comes to 76 which equals 13. It is not the number of letters in the name but the number of what each letter stands for.

  15. oh 2013
    At the top you had it written as 3/13/13= 13

    1. You are correct, I did write it out that way. But when I did the addition of the numbers, I wrote the numbers out for the addition with the 2. I added the 2, since it is part of the day. I can see how you had missed the 2 in it.

  16. now the jesuits have two popes; the black that is kept hidden.
    and now the white pope, that will be the public face of the new world order
    inquisition. this is no joking matter. the world is in for a reign of terror just
    like the one we gmo humans have perpetrated on the natural world. make your travel plans early and happy trails to you all.

  17. I was specifically watching the time because I knew he would make his appearance at either 3:13pm (ET) or 3:22pm. The announcement Habemus Papam! ("We Have a Pope!") was made at 3:13 pm ET. At 3:22 pm ET the Pope made his appearance. 13 is rebellion and a big Illuminati number, and 322 is another of their favorites!

  18. do you remember the movie 23? I know its just a movie but before the movie started it had historical dates that was a bad omen...3/13/13 comes out to 23 ( 13+13-3=23 ). I sure hope that this isnt going to turn out bad...

  19. Every old photo from The Skull and Bones always shows 13 standing men. I've looked at three different photos.
    just like jesus and his 12
    13 months in a year, not 12.
    Or how about the U.S. 1 dollar bill, where for some reason everything equalls 13 (count the objects within the circle where the eagle or pheonix is)

  20. Another thing, this guy, this Dark Horse, I wonder why they chose a guy from Argentina? What's in it for them? Is it that tptb want to bring in Argentina and/or the rest of S. America back into the economic circle?

    The first Latin American popiola. my foot! He's Italian! They were careful to choose an Italian, a White Racial Italian.. ...AND, of course, the obiquiousness, of being a jesuit. There's no popiola that's not a jesuit.

    1. He was not a dark horse. Rumour is that he was "runner-up" last election.

    2. John: He was actually going to be elected last time (had way more than the majority of votes), but pleaded to the cardinals that he not be elected at that time!

  21. "The announcement Habemus Papam! ("We Have a Pope!") "

    I also have tlo laugh at the church presenting themselves as superior because they speak Latin. They want us to think so, but Linguists and Historians state that church Latin is the Vulgar Latin/ Low Latin that the lower classes used in Ancient Rome. High Latin, that the Patricians and Caesars used, is unknown, today. Heh!

  22. I am still waiting for the promised new Vatican shower product - Pope on a Rope, guaranteed to wash your sins away.

    1. "...Pope On a Rope..." Wow, is that Kosher, Jason?

      FYI, Spain is now fast tracking 50,000 visas for jews to resettle sure to book early before
      the Spaniards figure out who was really behind the Madrid train bombings nine years ago!!!

      Via con dios.

    2. when will the Jews accept Pope as their messiah?

  23. 1 + 3 = 4 Heart Center 4th Chakra

    3 - 13 - 2013 = 13 = 4

    ad numerum

  24. Have any of you seen the Death card for the Rider-Waite tarot deck (#13)? It almost looks like an illustration for St. Malachy's prophecy for the final pope.

  25. The smoke rose at 7:06pm. The Cardinal came out at 8:12pm, 66mins later. The Pope was announced at 8:13pm, 67 minutes later. This was either staged, Gods work, or the most amazing coincidence EVER!

  26. Well Sherrie, you got your numbers right. The new pope is from the Light! Read more of what I am saying here:

  27. Malachy's prophecy is correct, peter the roman has been elected to lead his faithful flock from one persecution to the next

  28. Mmmm playing with numbers!
    Four is the creation number and it has special significance to the earth. Four is the number of directions: north, south, east, and west.

    Luke 13:29
    And men will come from east and west, and from north and south, and sit at table in the kingdom of God.

    The number four indicates universality. It is universal participation.

    Four in the scriptures portrays universal observation, worship and adoration as in Revelation 4:6-8
    ...And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all round and within, and day and night they never cease to sing,
    “Holy, holy, holy,is the Lord God Almighty,
    who was and is and is to come!”

    The number four tells me Pope Francis is a good Pope as all Pope's before him.

  29. el papa es el sucesor NÂș 265 de San Pedro ver

  30. to those who don't believe in numerology.... here is a coincidence then for you... 9/11 happened on a Tuesday..... why not Monday or Friday.... isn't it odd or just random..... you tell me.....
    George Washington was sworn in as the first president at the church where 9/11 occured.... the entire land at the time belonged to the church.... the church was danged by a tree whose names means the messenger.... the country was created under God.... since he has seemingly left us....

    so sceptics here's were it gets interesting... in history there have been many Christos figures.. the particular one Christians follow was said to be born on 12/25/0000... which is incorrect.... the 3 wise men are Orions belt... the virgin mother is the constellation Virgo... TUEsday gets its name in honor of the Norse God of war TUI......
    so you get Washington sworn in under God at a church which latterr attacked which wasTuesday 9/11/01 Jesus was born on 9/11/-03 B.C.

  31. The church was saved by the harbinger tree which represents the messenger, yet everything else was destroyed.... the numbers are real.....432 look that up and never question it again.

  32. This is because in the biblical numerology the number 13 means apostasy; depravity and rebellion. Open your eyes these are signs of the times... Catholic church is the whore of Revelation book... The antichrist and apostate church!!! Get out of her before it's too late!!! Babylon is burning!!!!

  33. How about this for a theory.
    White smoke at 7:06pm, which is 6pm + 66 minutes
    Therefore 666!
