
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

U.S. secret flights to North Korea with equipment. Threatened Japan, when they found out and asked about it.

All the rhetoric that happens around the world with the U.S. threatening one country or another is most likely all bullsh**.  The U.S. is most likely working with the dictators behind the scenes, except for those they want out now (Syria).

Why do I say that?

The U.S. secretly flew into North Korea last year, providing them with equipment, besides who knows what else (nuclear secrets/bombs?).

Not just that, when Japan figured it out.... this administration threatened Japan and their relations with Washington D.C.!

At the end of the article linked, they "suppose" why the U.S. secretly flew into North Korea.  They said it was "For getting the remains of soldiers from the Korean war."  Give me a break, if that was the reason that information would be all over the U.S. media.  I remember in the 80's the constant news about the U.S. wanting to recover the bodies of soldiers from the Vietnam war.  It was a big deal and was all we heard about for months with them negotiating for the bodies.

What is absolutely outrageous is the U.S. has been giving a horrible dictator equipment and help in who knows what ways.   A dictator that does not allow the people to be free in the least and kills them besides starving them to death.

The same online news site has an article about how Japan knows that the U.S. is holding back information about North Korea's nuclear tests from it's allies, by giving limited or bad data to them.

North Korean camp

North Korea last year made a statement about U.S. and the people's right to own guns.  Needless to say they said "It is evil, for people to own guns in the U.S. because people kill other people with them."  The statement says "The people should not have that right and guns should be controlled."  You really have to laugh, because of course a dictator would say that.  Guns threaten those who want to completely control the people, that is why they have to be taken away.

North Korea has death Gulags/camps where they have an estimated 150 thousand people imprisoned.   Google just released maps of NK with locations of death camps this last month.

We have a right to know along with all other countries what the U.S. is sharing and giving to North Korea.  There are UN resolutions against North Korea and the U.S. had labeled them "Axis of Evil."  

Here are sanctions against North Korea and what is banned from any country trading with them:

  • Embargo on arms and related materiel
  • Ban on exports of certain goods and technology listed by the UN
  • Prohibition of procurement of arms, related material and other goods and technology listed by the UN
  • Ban on provision of certain services
  • Ban on exports of luxury goods
  • Restrictions on admission
  • Freezing of funds and economic resources
  • Commitment to take cooperative action to prevent illicit trafficking in nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, ballistic missiles and their means of delivery, related materials and technology
  • Ban on import and purchase of goods and technology listed by the UN
  • List of goods and technology subject to ban on exports and imports (other than luxury goods)

When Japan, a friend and ally figures out that the U.S. is flying into North Korea, they threaten them and the relations between them?   That is unacceptable!  North Korea is just across the Sea of Japan from Japan and they have a right to know if NK is receiving help from the U.S.  and what the U.S. is providing North Korea.

Seems to me, the U.S. now needs to answer to the UN as they have obviously broken the UN sanctions by providing equipment to NK.  The U.S. has become the world bully, which is obvious since the U.S. administration threatened Japan over their secret flights to NK, though I doubt a word will be said about it at the UN.

I don't hold any illusions that the U.S. media will mention these secret flights and threats made to Japan.   What is the U.S. getting out of the secret flights/meetings with North Korea?

North Korea threatened South Korea with "Final Destruction" at the UN. 

Article about the secret missions:

Senior U.S. administration officials held secret talks in North Korea on at least three occasions in 2011 and 2012, The Asahi Shimbun has learned.
Although the visits had potential implications for Japan, Washington did not inform its security partner at the time and only informally confirmed one of them when the Japanese side pressed, government and other sources in Japan, South Korea and the United States said.
The U.S. State Department even warned the Foreign Ministry against making further inquiries, saying they would harm bilateral relations, the sources said.
U.S. military planes flew from an air base in Guam to Pyongyang and back on April 7, 2012, and again on a longer visit lasting from Aug. 18-20, the sources said.
It is believed that those aboard included Sydney Seiler, director for Korea at the U.S. National Security Council, and Joseph DeTrani, who headed the North Korea desk at the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence. DeTrani left the post in May.
They met with North Korean officials and discussed policies following the death of leader Kim Jong Il in December 2011.
The North Korean delegation included Jang Song Thaek, vice chairman of the National Defense Commission and husband of Kim Jong Il's sister. Jang is widely considered to serve as a mentor for Kim Jong Un, who succeeded his father as his nation's leader.
The Japanese government only learned about the flights after receiving reports from hobbyists monitoring activity at military bases and also analyzing air traffic flight plans.
When the Japanese side submitted an official inquiry, U.S. officials expressed frustration that the request had been made, citing the subject's confidential nature. The State Department warned Japan against inquiring further, saying Washington-Tokyo ties could be damaged.
The third visit that The Asahi Shimbun has confirmed is one that took place in November 2011. Sources said at least one military aircraft from the Guam air base loaded heavy equipment, including bulldozers, at Yokota Air Base in western Tokyo and flew to Pyongyang.
It is believed that the delegation included officials from the U.S. Pacific Command. They met with North Korean officials and discussed efforts to recover the remains of U.S. soldiers killed during the 1950-53 Korean War, the sources said.
When Japan inquired about this visit, U.S. officials unofficially confirmed that it had taken place, the sources said.


  1. THANK YOU for your diligence!

    Mad Angel on FB

  2. The US military empire needs constant strife worldwide to justify it's existence and to keep expanding. Death & Destruction Inc. needs to keep manufacturing new customers else the suckers paying for it all might realize it's a scam.

  3. Japan is one of the US's closest allies. Israel, Poland, the UK need to prepare for the time when our "representatives" abandon them or worse. Especially Israel considering the Arab Spring is encircling Israel and jew-hater Chuck Hagel may get nominated (he is the kind of guy who would follow orders to blockade or attack Israel).
