
Thursday, February 21, 2013

New Times Square Billboards for the media "Start Telling the Truth - STOP Censoring the News"

LOVE the Billboards on Times Square now!  

I hope people pay attention to the billboards and think about the distraction and propaganda of main stream media.  They should add: CNN, MSNBC, FOX, and all MSM. on the billboards, besides NBC, CBS, ABC. They are all controlled media.   It is through the internet that we find truth and the important news.  

Stopcensoringthenews  paid for the billboards.


  1. It's a start, but I fear the mainstream media is way beyond repair and I have relied on the internet for unfiltered information for quite some time. The internet is the current takeover target of state run media and must be protected.

  2. The mainstream is way beyond repair, but this message will help wake up even more people. Some will see this and ponder, "wow, is my news really being censored?"

  3. Thank you for reporting! Will help spread the word.

  4. Better to tell people to turn off their TVs if they want any news at all.

  5. Wonderful!!!
    Hope to see something like this in Japan also...
    Love & Peace

  6. Sorry to have to mention it, but, everyone seems to be missing one important falsehood:
    "liberal" media??? Seriously??

  7. Boy, talk about a WAKE UP CALL!! This is absolutely Fantastic!! Wish we had something like this in Idaho.

  8. We need these billboards all over the country. With Obama trying to scare Americans with HIS sequester, the media should tell the real truth instead of lying or hiding the truth about who's really at fault. If the media would tell the truth Americans would be floored.

  9. people should seek truth and not believe everything they are told without credible evidence or established facts provided. The inconsistency of what we are told and what is actually happening becomes more apparent when claims lack proof and/or shown to be irrational. If the source or those presenting these claims are questioned regarding said inconsistencies fail to respond or provide answers time after time should be seen as suspect and motives questioned. The more that is revealed the more apparent it becomes.

  10. I hate to break it to you folks but these billboards will be ignored by everyone who isn't already on your side. Just using the phrase "the liberal media" makes those of us who like the liberal media zone you out. Also, the website at looks like a joke. It resembles some sort of sales site for a self written ebook. Although I am probably wasting my breath there considering what this site looks like. Oh well.
