
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Most Bizarre Saturday Night Live segment ever. Jesus on a graphic killing spree.

The most bizarre Saturday Night Live segment I have ever watched, is embedded here, though I am not ever going to watch it again.  I watched it on SNL last night and was disgusted and shocked as it is so graphic and repulsive.

 I have tried to figure it out, besides of course it meaning to be as other movies in violence and killing. Why did they use Jesus as the one doing the killing in such a graphic nature? What was the real point of this? Because it sure was not funny.

WARNING: Graphic - Blood and Gore


Please give your in put on what they were really trying to get across here.   I have been surprised there is no media is talking about this.   It seems it would be very controversial, yet there is only silence online about it.

What is your opinion of this.  I would seriously like to know.  I just don't get it and find it revolting.

Edit to add - 2/18/13 - I found that Huffington Post has an article about it.  They also say he came back to take revenge on the Romans who crucified him, why say that when the Romans did not crucify him.  But the comments are all supportive of the segment.


  1. First, it is so obvious that it is meant to lower your vibrations at a time that vibrations are rising. Second, it is a distraction to pull us back into the 'us' against 'them', the 'religious' against the 'theists' or the blacks against the whites or the democrats against the republicans - whatever it is that will keep us divided and unable to see that we are all in this together, including those that would subjugate us. We are all one, people, we live and die as one.... we will ascend as one. This ain't no competition. God will not leave one shard of himself behind. I'm pulling for all of us because I want out of here - I want to go home!

    1. I agree. This isnt the time for more hate and division..this is the time to come together as ONE.

    2. hey sage! stop whining, I already told you, you wouldn't be leaving for a while. get over it.


      your other soul


  2. Glad I missed the broadcast this time,
    I'm speachless, I don't know what to think of it, but a guarantee my daughter won't be watching it.


  3. The goal of Judaism has always been to destroy Christianity and to destroy its true meaning of love, respect, and compassion for your fellow man. These ideas fly in the face of all aspects of Judaism which is based on selfishness and greed....

    Therefore it makes sense that the JEWISH Saturday Night Live crapola show would do its utmost to paint Jesus Christ in as bad a light as possible.

    They are doing as their own Protocols outline... And as long as we allow them to continue, it will only get worse...

    1. Very well put NTS, Thanks for calling it the way it is. As our founding father said, "They [the Jews] work more effectively against us, than the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in... It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pest to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America." �George Washington

    2. Can you imagine if it was MOSES or some famous Rabbi portrayed in this way? The silence from the John Hagees of the world is stunning. When piss Christ was exhibited a few years it generated protests- everywhere but in the land of the hypocritical Evangelicals and Xtian Zionists. Those who led world outcry were none other than the Hezbollah of Lebanon!? Not kidding.
      Where is the Catholic League? Or the Judas Priesthood of CUFI and their apostates? Pat Robertson and CBN??
      Perhaps the performers/SNL producers are so blatantly jews that they wont touch it. Incredible selling out and betrayal of their OWN religion.

    3. It is very interesting that the producers allowed this segment to air, knowing the uproar it would create, but did not air a segment that shows how our government is bought and paid for by Israel. Here is the video:

      Just goes to show who runs our media and country!

    4. Hey guys, I am angry about this. Wont be supporting or watching SNL at all now.

      But this is not about Jws v's Christianity. They WANT US TO FIGHT with eachother. They want the great religions to fight with eatchother while they watch on getting rich on selling us the weapons and stealing the resources. A very old tactic. They want us to think it's the Jws.

    5. I agree I will never watch SNL again this is just awful

  4. If Lorne Michaels should read this .... come on buddy - I've been watching SNL for decades and I KNOW you can do better than this. Don't make me go all anti-semitic on you. Lay off Jesus, Mohammed AND Moses. That's just taking cheap shots and insulting followers of all the Abramic religions.

  5. If we look back in history at the Puritans, we can see that they patterned themselves on "Old Testament" values. The Mormons took polygamy from it. The Seventh Day adventists celebrated their sabbath as Saturday. The Bronze Age values of the Old Testament are far more militarist and conquest-minded than the anti-imperial values of the New Testament. So turning Jesus into one of the militant types of the Old Testament is very much in the violent American tradition, where religion gives permission for aggression. I would even argue that using the crucifixion at the centerpiece of the religion (early art in Christianity dwelt more on the Good Shepard and other peaceful images) could be like "waving the bloody shirt" to justify attacks on people deemed to be non-followers of Christ, even his killers. It's not a simple story of just SNL propaganda. It's part of our history and self-image as a people, sad to say.

  6. Hi Sherrie,
    Pretty obvious this is an attempt to shift the blame for the death of Jesus, a true prophet of the Almighty, from the real murderers-the children of Israel, to the Romans. Nothing more, nothing less.

    1. There are other ways than that. To have the killing spree that was shown with all the blood spurting everywhere was horrid. It was much more graphic than it needed to be. How were people suppose to find that in the least bit funny?

      I appreciate people adding their thoughts and opinions about this.

    2. accordingly the so-called "Children of Israel"
      [Gen 49 & Deut 32] had been winnowed twice and were during the time of Jesus barely a smattering of true Israelites from Judah, Benjamin and Levi who had at that point in time never heard of anything or anyone called a "Jew"...

      the "Jewishness"...the "leaven of the Pharisee" and the criminal cabal "Money Changers" were essentially a racket seemingly working in covinous collusion with the Edomite Herod...and was begiinning to bear the bad fruit of the bad figs of conjunction with all the other twisted notions that arose fro the BAD FAITH NATURE and Character of Talmudic Judaism or at that time called The Tradition of the Elders....

      Jews, so-called, cannot be Israelites as Jesus clarified @ John 8:44...but one must also consider that the Khazar [ASHKENAZI] "Proselytes" [740AD] are in fact being played for "FREIERS" by the Edomite {s} so-called "Jews"...

      The Parable of the Good Samaritan is about a "Sepharvaim"

  7. It was a Quentin Tarantino spoof.

    1. Spot on. I can't believe no one else thought this. This was my first impression upon watching this. C'mon people, lighten up. It was an obvious Tarantino spoof!

  8. I can shed some light on this. As a comedian, we walk the edge of sanity in a desperate search to find material that, hopefully, will open the eyes of the audience to the world as we see it. Sometimes we cross over that edge in our efforts, but that is truly in the eyes of the beholder.
    In this skit the writers are showing how our modern society glorifies, and now defines, heroes as people who seek revenge to the highest degree that they can. It is a satire on recent films and their focus on murder as good thing to be admired and respected, as long as there is a motive. The writers here are showing a mirror to the viewers that enjoy revenge films and the concept of revenge. In this mirror, the author hopes, the viewer will see what they have become and stop being such a bloodthirsty crazy person.
    The idea of using Jesus is to remind people that we used to think of heroes a bit differently and why this new way of thinking is so wrong. It is almost to say that this would be the bible if it were written today. It very well illustrates how we have fallen from grace. The extra violence is necessary in this case because it reflects the extra violence of modern film.
    Personally I think they held back a little, especially in language used, but that has mostly to do with the network which has no problem showing violence, but has a huge problem saying certain words. Yet another sign of our degrading society...

    I LOVE everything you do Sherrie :) Keep Questioning all ^^

    1. Thank you! You have a very good analogy for the reasoning of the skit, considering it is suppose to be a comedy show.

      Everyone has provided thoughtful answers and reasoning. I was repulsed but have figured there is another meaning I could not grasp.

    2. Nah. It was a chance for knuckleheads to imitate Tarantino AND blaspheme at the same time. No higher meaning was intended, though they did lay the blame on the Romans.

      It was meant to offend good people. Hollywood won't stop making violently offensive material as long as their audience licks it up. This is hot buttered popcorn to them..

    3. This sounds like rambling, incoherent rationalizations to me, little more. Justifying garbage with nonsense- after the fact.

      However- if the explanation was that a self-declared "Christian Nation" of praying, yodeling Evangelicals/Xtian Zionists was rampaging, pillaging, and slaughtering all over the [Muslim, for now] world in the name of Jesus? THAT would make sense.

    4. As Clint Eastwood once commented, people watch his movies "for the Vengeance, not the Violence."

    5. Thanks for writing what I wanted to. This is rather brilliant satire. The whole cultures obsession with bizarre vengeance movies and gratuitous violence is what is being parodied here. They are comedians, not some conspiracy against christians.
      Pretty brazen of my fellow anonymous to call this "rambling incoherent rationalization" when it is so carefully worded and thought out. Saved me the trouble of writing something saying the same thing, but perhaps not so rationally or coherently.
      Love Sherrie... Don't let up on Newtown, we are in danger somehow...

  9. Characters from the Bible that never existed.

  10. Seems to be a parody of Django unchained?

    1. Also a parody of Inglorious Basterds.

      Rather obvious parody on Tarrantino's revenge fantasies. My question is - was this article meant to be a parody on idiot Christians?

  11. Well said, northerntruthseeker,
    Most people don't comprehend how we've sold our souls to satanists. Beware the Talmud.

  12. Of course it is a parody of Django, that why it was Jjesus. This is not the question, rather the question is why Jesus? There are a couple of reasons, as already described: 1. Jesus is supposed to be love, peace and forgiveness, so this is as opposite as possible (the shock comedy part) 2. Sat Night is Jewish from top to bottom, so poking fun at the Christian messiah is great fun!

    Don't forget to write your state representatives demanding a bill or hr banning future appointment of dual citizens to congress. America should come first, second and third!

    1. "Jewish from top to bottom."

      Don't they have an Iranian cast member?

  13. This is one reason why Jews have outworn their welcome everywhere they've gone throughout their history.

    1. You bet it is, they have always been an audacious arrogant tribe to say the least. Where they will go to after America is beyond me,maybe the south ple that is if the Penguins don't mind.

    2. "Where they will go to after America is beyond me.........." Name the countries that do not have any jews in them? Every country in the Americas is represented, all of Europe, I would venture all of Africa etc etc. Seems to me they have a beach head every where but maybe Iceland?

  14. Did you forget they got in trouble last week for the "anti-Semitic" skit they didn't broadcast? This is in acquiescence to that. This is their punishment.

  15. Jesus is about more than 'peace, love, and forgiveness. He's about truth and righteousness. He threw the money changers out of the Temple, and called many of the Rabbis of his day Satanic. He was right then, and right now. Many Rabbi's are Satanic still, and look at what the 'Rabbis' are doing to our economy. Money changing. Making money from thin air and charging everyone including our own government to use it. Judaism is truly a Supremacist religion which believes all non Jews are simply subhuman beasts made to serve Jews. They 'drink our blood' on a daily basis.


  16. Remember the Holomodor, when Jewish Bolsheviks killed 10 Million White Christian Russian. They hate Christ with a passion, and are dedicated to destroying Christianity as a religion, and killing his followers. I've heard enough about the Holocaust, we need to understand Jewish mass murder and overall intent. Check out 'Why not Christianity. You can see the Jewish story of the death of Christ too. The Sandhedrin killed him, not the Romans.

  17. ...defiling, killing and torturing characters instead of real masterbating, another light, it kind of shows how lamebrain the action killers of regular run hollywood videos really are (and how uninteresting movies might be if they were all religious dogma! )

  18. You know in all the comments I have not heard one person, including you Sherri not grasp that this EVIL.

    Has everyone been deceived so that they cannot even tell between good and evil anymore?

    Has everyone been deluded by the philosophy of liberals of moral relativism?

    Has everyone come to the point of the character of people in the "last days" as spoken of in Timothy?

    The spoof is clearly evil and blasphemous!

    1. OH, I feel it was VERY Evil! To put into people's minds the image of Jesus killing others so horribly is nothing but evil. Jesus is complete Love and Forgiveness and to LOVE ALL others. So they portrayed him as a killer of un-forgiveness. That skit still bothers me tremendously.

    2. I did find this offensive almost as much as snl keeping Jesus out of silent night when they sang it because of the new town shooting. They have been bashing/removing Jesus and Christianity alot lately and as much as i like the show im about to completely stop watching it and tell others to do the same.

  19. Django Unchained and Inglorious Bastards both ultraviolent to the point of being cartoonish feature themes of Jews and their stooges killing goyim. Tarantino wraps his anti jew message in Hollywood Hyperbole so he gets away with it. Plus his films make money. Just my opinion.

  20. The parody is one more block on the wall on their war on christianity. They wont stop until christianity is gone or eliminated. Let me tell you, they are doing a great job, while we sleep and soak their garbage. They are using comedy as the weapon to undermine christianity.

  21. Sorry to burst anyone's bubble but our elected officials are already in the pockets of the Jewish Mafia(aka AIPAC). Anyone who has been paying attention to the Chuck Hagel nomination voting is well aware of this.

  22. I wondering how funny it would've been had they used Palestinians murdering Jews!!!

  23. It's a satire of the vast number of American 'so-called' Christians who cheer on the country's endless sadistic slaughter of brown & black people who live in poor nations on top of coveted resources in the lie that is the War on Terror, & all the other marketing labels for the various resource wars & the massive war profiteering that goes with it. Eisenhower had it in a nutshell with his final speech:

    Quote..."only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals so that security & liberty may proper together."

    Unfortunately when a large segment of the population willfully remains ignorant of modern propaganda & the true agenda's of the hubristic psychopaths who they gleefully elect to the highest offices of the land, while they fantasize on the 2000 year old Book of Revelations & the modern myth of Rapture, in an equally selfish slow suicide of mind, is it any wonder that a loving Jesus would desert them & come to reflect the militaristic fetish serial killer Jesus that appears to grip the sad American narrative of 'freedom & democracy' more & more, day by day.

    You need to watch this too:

    The sad, sad, result is the Christian sheeple more & more falling for utter rubbish like this:

    Wake up people!! The SNL Jesus is the future you are sowing for yourselves...

    Wake up!! Find the REAL YOU & THE TRUTH inside your own heart

  24. Forgot that people still watch tv. For that matter i forgot that people still believe the Vatican's lies. my bad

  25. I have a better idea. Everyone is so upset with the MSM news lying to them, SNL skits that deeply offend, and propaganda so obvious you would have to be a dolt not to see it.

    Cancel your cable and satellite. Simple, you will not financially support the lying piece of crap news, not have to put up with disgusting, and IQ lowering television programs.

    But you sheep never will, you will continue to finance those that would do you harm. I haven't had any broadcast television for going on 6 to 7 years. I am better informed than anyone that is brainwashed by the very same tv everyone complains about.

    I dare all of you to take a stand against the tyranny and lies, cancel all your tv, get your information from the alternative news.

    I double dare you! But nobody will, sad really, when they control you so much.

    Under Riman rule, only the Roman rulers could "pronounce" the death sentence.....therefore, to get Jesus executed the Priests HAD to take Jesus before Pilate.
    When Jesus was brought to trial before the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, he was charged by the religious leaders with grave offenses: “subverting [the Jewish] nation and forbidding the paying of taxes to Caesar and saying he himself is Christ a king.” (Luke 23:1, 2) This three-pronged charge actually meant they were accusing Jesus of high treason or, as the Romans expressed it, crimen laesae magistrates (today called “lese majesty”). Pilate recognized this when later saying, “You brought this man to me as one inciting the people to revolt.” (Luke 23:13, 14) In 48 B.C.E., the statute called Lex Julia Majestatis had made it an offense to engage in any activity against the sovereign power or the commonwealth of Rome. This law was given broad application so that, by Jesus’ time, virtually any insult to Caesar or any activity giving an outward appearance of sedition could be the basis for the charge of treason. Tiberius, the Caesar then reigning, was particularly sensitive to criticism or opposition, and his rule was noted for the encouragement of “informers” who would bring accusations against supposed traitors.
    Throughout the Roman Empire no king could rule without Caesar’s consent and appointment. Thus, Pilate, in questioning Jesus, apparently concentrated his interrogation on the issue of Jesus’ kingship. (Matt. 27:11; Mark 15:2; Luke 23:3; John 18:33-37) Pilate endeavored to free Jesus as guiltless but the Jewish leaders cried out: “If you release this man, you are not a friend of Caesar. Every man making himself a king speaks against Caesar.” (John 19:12) The term “friend of Caesar” was a title of honor often bestowed on provincial governors: but the Jewish leaders here evidently used it in a general way, implying that Pilate was laying himself open to the charge of condoning high treason, Fear of a jealous emperor was a factor influencing Pilate in pronouncing the death sentence on an innocent man. Meanwhile the priests loudly proclaimed their loyalty to the imperial throne, saying, “We have no king but Caesar,” thereby rejecting any theocratic rule. (John 19:13-16; compare Isaiah 9:6, 7; 33:22.) They objected in vain to the title of “King of the Jews” that Pilate had placed on Jesus stake. (John 19:19-22) The Romans customarily posted a sign identifying the crime for which a criminal was condemned.
    Also, since no Jew "in good standing" could be presented for execution by his Jewish Tribal brothers, Jesus had to be subjected to Herem (censure), expulsion from the Jewish community HEREM, expulsion from the tribe/community, therefore Jesus was NOT A JEW at the time of his crucifixion ..... Judas Iscariot, on the other hand, was still "in good standing".

    1. but at that time there were in fact no actual Israelites called "jews", just as today...

      actual descendents of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi at that time while identified geographically as "Judeans" the Idumeans [Edomites] which constituted the "jewishness" of the leaven of the Pharisees and the blood lust for spilling innocent blood..

      conspiring to have Jesus Crucified which would prove the Promise of Redemption for {Nonjewish} Israel...
      [12 Tribes/Company of Nations] - the majority of whom had been taken, hundreds of years before, in the Assyrian captivity and were in "Europe" being the lost sheep of the

      House of Israel that Jesus directed his disciples to spread the Good News...."No One HAS to be in "BONDAGE" [DEBT] to the economic terrorists offering "easy credit terms"...

      ....see also THE STONE OF DESTINY

      No One on Earth HAS to be a "Jewish"...GREAT NEWS !!!


    I am a senior citizen who was raised Roman Catholic in the church. At the age of 7, I realized how ludicrous it was, top to bottom. It took decades to shake off the fears that were ingrained into my tiny brain.

    When I left the church completely in 1967, the Vatican, other Christians and the Jews got together in a conference called Vatican 2 and changed the religions. It was negotiated in secret. One of the deals struck was that the Christians would no longer teach that the Jews killed Jesus. Another was that the Jews would be gifted with the Holocaust. Off brand Christians got the Rapture.

    Up until 1967, I as a Catholic in the public school system had never heard of the Holocaust. The parents of my generation, my aunts, uncles and neighbors had all been involved in WW2. Yet, not a one had ever mentioned that word or Jews. My uncle had liberated a concentration camp in Poland. The only Jews that were mentioned in my short life were the hook nosed pirates that killed Jesus.

    The WW2 generation would love to scare us children around the campfire with scary stories of the horror of storming the beaches of Okinawa and fighting hand to hand with Japs who wouldn't quit, or the Boesch (Germans)who would sneak into their foxholes at night murdering soldiers as they slept with long knives and cutting their ears off. No mention at all of 6 million Jews being gassed and cremated, that would have been a great scary story.

    Years later, because Mel Gibson created such a stir, I watched his movie, where the Jews tortured and murdered Jesus. What a snoozer, I could not stay awake. It was all a rehash of what had been drummed into my brain as a child. What caused the big brouhaha was that Mel went off script, he wasn't agreeing to go along with the negotiated lie agreed to at Vatican 2.

    When Tarantino made that ridiculous film Inglorious Basterds, it was a gift to the Jews, some called it Judaic Porn. This SNL skit is just more of the same laid as an offering to the feet of the Jews to absolve themselves for going off script with the Hagel parody.

  28. Why must these always degrade into fools quoting from a book of myths? Seriously folks, it's time to grow up and leave the myths behind.

  29. Sherrie, you seriously need to chill. It was a spoof. It was more about making fun of Quentin Tarantino and his gratuitously violent movies of late than it was about Jesus. If you have seen "Inglourious Basterds" or "Django Unchained" or even "Kill Bill", you get the joke pretty early. Nothing to be shocked or disgusted about.

    Sean McWade, Babylon, NY

  30. Folks, look, the bottom line is this: There is no 'god'. It's time we put the fairy tales to bed, ok? Have a nice day! : )

  31. Ridiculous if the head of Goldman Sachs would ever be seen cleaning toilets?? Jesus isn't doing the heavy lifting when the "chaff" is being separated. Kikes need to be cast out.

  32. There comes a time when tolerance becomes the enemy and last night SNL reach that point for me. I look at where we are and who we've become and have to look in the mirror and say why do we tolerate this...? I'm done with SNL.

    If I ever watch SNL again it will only be to boycott the advertisers.

    "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men (and women) to do nothing."
