
Friday, February 1, 2013

Iceland kicked OUT the FBI when they arrived to investigate Wikileaks! AWESOME!

Now this is one of those events where you jump up and say "F YEAH!"   

When the  Minister of the Interior of Iceland found out that FBI had arrived in a private jet at the airport to investigate Wikileaks.  He got right on it and kicked them OUT of the Country of Iceland!  He said they were not welcomed in Iceland and made them leave!
(This happened in 2011 but the information about it is just being released today)

From article:

A group of FBI agents arrived in Iceland in August 2011, requesting collaboration with Icelandic police authorities to investigate Wikileaks, as revealed by Wikileaks spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson on RÚV’s news magazine Kastljós last night.

“The FBI came here in a private jet and landed at Reykjavík Airport. According to my information—which is very solid and I have had it confirmed—Minister of the Interior Ögmundur Jónasson was notified of their arrival and reacted angrily because it is unbelievably presumptuous to come here this way,” Kristinn stated.“According to my information, he demanded that these agents pack their bags, embark the plane and leave the country,” Kristinn added. “I know that this was later discussed within the government, which formally objected to U.S. authorities.”
Ögmundur confirmed Kristinn’s statement to RÚV, saying a group of foreign agents came to the country in August 2011, requesting assistance to investigate a certain affair. Their request was rejected as it is unnatural for foreign police forces to carry out investigations in Iceland, the minister reasoned.

Here is another article with the same information.

I would love to live in Iceland if it wasn't always so cold!  What a great country.  I have written about them previously and how they convicted the bankers for the collapse.


  1. Well done, Iceland! Leading by example.


  2. i wish every country had the balls you have give em hell last time i was there i should have bought me that nice woolen sweater siegfried

  3. There is much many nations, ours included, could learn for the actions taken by Iceland and it's people. It is a joy to see people willing to think outside the (IMF) box and resolve issues.

    Sherrie, I do not remember it being so cold, but then I was looking out a huge picture window while next to a raging fireplace. Sadly, I woke up and have never returned to that dream, but maybe some day :)

  4. Khm...what are the requirements of obtaining Icelandic citizenship ?

    Please let me in !!!!!!

  5. small is beautiful. strong is beautiful. simple is beautiful. honest is beautiful. go Iceland.

  6. Iceland was selling citizenship to anyone with about $25k (I think that was the amount) a few years back. I think it was in 2009-10. Alex Jones had one of their political figures on the show and that person told Jones that they were selling citizenship to any foreigners that had the money to buy Icelandic citizenship and enough to start out on their own (not get on the "public assistance", as they call it here in the good ole' US of A. Way to go Iceland in kicking out the FBI. Now if only we could kick out the FBI, IRS (Fed Reserve), DHS (TSA), etc. Bunch of damn criminals is what we have running/policing this country. Wonder what the gun rights are like in Iceland though??? Can't be much worse than what we are gonna have here soon.

    1. Accurate information

  7. Congratulations Iceland. Can I come and live there?

  8. Ögmundur Jónasson - well done indeed.

    But watch your back .. these people are not noted for their forebearance!

  9. Iceland is not cold, Greenland is covered in ice and very cold. Iceland is green with moderate temperatures.

    1. Good call. The summers are about the same as you get in San Francisco... I think that there is no real warm weather ever may be hard on some. But if you like moody weather and do not mind temperatures hovering within 10-15 degrees of freezing on average throughout the year, including the coldest months, then it shouldn't be so bad. San Francisco has cold summers, because you want it to be warm, but their spring and fall can be glorious. I think Iceland is a little challenged on the warmth, to be fair. But it is not bitter cold, and the people are obviously thoughtful, warm, concerned for one another. I'd live there. I learned to love San Francisco summers, and miss them in over-heated LA.

  10. A Big Thank You to Iceland. Love you Iceland. You are truly for freedom and human rights!

  11. well done Iceland keep them out IMF will rob your country blind

  12. iceland did it again!! go on and show the world that there is an alternative way to handle intel, banks and politics. much love

  13. God knows we need more Icelands on earth. They got rid also of their pig bankers, corrupt polticians an rewrote their constitution. Good thing they are far from the USA or else it would've been hard to accomplish. I just hope they are not accused of "harboring terrorists" and get democracy..LOL

  14. In 2009,I had filed 4 complaints,at the Boston,MA,USA,office of the FBI,for crimes against humanity,which had been perpetrated,against my person (And others).
    The 4th time,that I had filed,I had learned,that no file existed concerning my complaint.
    Then Senator,Ted Kennedy,had gotten involved.The FBI was instructed,to send the progress,of their investigation,to Ted Kennedy, & then Ted Kennedy,would foward it to me.
    I found it prudent,to leave the USA,soon after Ted Kennedy had gotten involved {Sept. 2009].
    Ted Kennedy died soon after (While I was staying in Ireland),& I received no follow up,on the investigation by the FBI.
    I was told,by the FBI,that they do not operate outside the USA {Though I am living in Bangkok, & the FBI has an office there ... 'SLOW KILL-TORTURE',has been continued,against my person,in each of every 14 countries,that I had gone to,since the CSIS contracted torture began.
    The good news is,that I had just gone to court (Bangkok),for hitting a complicit,felon police officer - court officer,while previously being arraigned in the court.I was aquitted,due to my having been involuntarily implanted,with nano implants,designed to modify - influence behavior,also covert DEW + Chemical/Drugging assaults,conducted against my person.

  15. Absolutley Fab!.. so many countries could learn from Iceland.

    Anyway, how arrogant of the Yanks to think they could just turn up and conduct an investigation as if they owned the place.

    1. Oh but that's the New Thing isn't it? The Yanks have taken possession of Planet Earth in their minds and can do ANYTHING ANYWHERE at ANY TIME. Drone Attack anyone??

  16. We must never forget that 666 Million of the Chosen Ones got gassed to death by the evil Goyim in the Holocaust; so this kind of anti-Semitic behaviour has no place in the civilised, DEMONcratic world...

  17. You could move there, but you would never learn the language...

  18. Next time they come kill them all

  19. Iceland is leading the way. Iceland showed us to just vote on things and the corporations and bankers can't control a politician and allow them to screw the country. If we voted on wars there would be none. If we voted on GM food or vaccines we could stop this and if some corporation lies, then they are closed and put out of business. The same with a doctor. If they lie they are executed. This nonsense has to stop.
    Iceland doesn't have many Jews or blacks and it's why they can do things we can't

  20. I hope the FBI or CIA tries a stupid stunt against the country like try to assassinate these people who threw them out and they let this be known. I love the fact they kicked them out.
    You can imagine the rest of the world like in the Middle East they just roll in and take control. Iceland said get out you creepy warmongers. Iceland is making enemies. First the bankers and now the FBI. Stand yor ground

  21. Iceland has shown the world what a country does when it becomes to big and powerful. But one thing I would warn those guys in Iceland. I would NOT board any planes. If they stay in Iceland I don't think the Mossad or the FBI will mess with them, but if they were to fly the plane might go down.
    ICeland rewrote their constitution and this means we can rewrite ours. Yes, we could rewrite it and include that the American people vote for wars and if we are going to invade a country. One very important thing is to vote on whether we should have quit growing hemp. This is how you stop corporations from controlling your country.
    Iceland showed us and now we can demand it. All we got to do is just forget everything else. Just demand we vote for everything.

  22. The FBI visited my mom's friend in 1993 for speaking out and going to meetings about mercury in silver fillings. This is not America anymore.

  23. Good too see a smaller country finally sticking up for itself!

  24. Now THAT is a sovereign nation! (Despite their other antiChrist practices, this action should serve to embolden other nations against these invading devils!!)

    Well done Iceland!! (I think that Bobby Fischer actually renounced his US citizenship and became an Icelandic citizen...I think he would be pleased to hear of this.)

    1. I think Bobby got kicked out because he was a pain in the ass, actually.

  25. This... is... AWESOME! Dear U$$A Empire: Your shipment of *FAIL* has been delivered. Bwhahahahahaha!

  26. I will admit, when I read the headline, I thought "what's the weather like in Reykjavik?" As I read the story, I was most pleased and impressed with the disrupting of the israeli-inspired US posture around the world that it has the right to anything, lawful or unlawful, it deems necessary. That's when I thought I could live in Iceland. And I could. I am getting old, and this is bad timing. The young are brought up in the lies of 9/11, which built on the lies of 1960s assassinations and may not have any sense of what we have allowed to take hold, being part and parcel of a new and aggressive malefactor in world affairs.

    But the answer is to please try to fight the fights and turn things around here. Because if we can fix things here, we can then control the world in a way that is much preferable: the world will come to us, and emulate us, and love us. The us that we were.

  27. Too bad they didn't shoot the plane out of the sky.
