
Monday, September 3, 2012

Very Important - Ron Paul has to hear "People want him to run, Independently" He doesn't know the amount of people for him... I got this from the Conference call.

UPDATE 9/4/12 - The Washington D.C. number is being answered.  I just spoke to someone in his office and he said he would pass the message along that Ron Paul needs to run as a third party candidate. 
Edit -9/4/12 - 11:23Pm est Remember Ron Paul is on the Tonight Show - Tonight

I was on a Conference call tonight regarding Ron Paul.  The Daily Paul had the information about the call from a delegate from Alaska.

Evan, who held the conference call had spoken to Ron Paul.  He stated that Ron Paul had no idea the amount of people that supported him.

Evan said that Ron Paul needs to hear from people this week! asking him to run as an Independent! 

He gave out the phone numbers for Ron Paul  here is his Congressional website.

Washington D.C. - (202) 225-2831
Texas office -( 979)285-0231
Victoria Texas office -( 361)576-1231 

Here is the website to sign the petition for him to run as a third party at Ron Paul 2012.

Evan asked for everyone to go to that site and sign the petition for Ron Paul to run!

He empathized that this information needs to get out to the public and everyone that is for Ron Paul.  

PLEASE pass the information around  to everyone you know, Ron Paul has to hear from us all immediately, imploring him to run.

We need him!

He is the ONLY Person that is actually for the People!

Edit to Add:  Video of Michael Steele, previous chair of the Republican party on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, said that what they did to Ron Paul in Tampa was the "Height of Stupidity and Rudeness"

Edit to Add 9/3/12 - I had a great idea.  Ron Paul is going to be on the Tonight show with Jay Leno tomorrow - Tuesday 9/4/12.  We need to use the contact form for the Tonight Show and tell Ron Paul to RUN as a third party candidate that way too.  

What I put on the contact form:



Edit to add 9/3/12 - 3:25 Pm  - I was sent the following information about Ron Paul's attorney being interviewed before Ron Paul goes on The Tonight show, so I am putting it in for those interested.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 4th, before Ron Paul appears on Jay Leno, Ron Paul's attorney Richard Gilbert is being interviewed by Global Voice 2012 Radio at 5 p.m. (PST).

Richard Gilbert - Where do we go next after the RNC?

Or call in to Listen: 1-646-716-4984



  1. Thank you for sharing that Sherrie :-) Evan in Alaska

    1. Listen to the interview of Richard Gilbert live or recorded here:

      Someone who did not like hearing what Richard had to say pulled the plug on the show, but the show WILL go on!

    2. Excellent show! The recording should be up soon.

  2. I signed it and posted it on facebook,hopefully many of my 800+ friends will see it and sign it also. Lets get this DONE.

  3. No Ron on ballot, no me at polling booth.

    1. I agree. I wrote that I will NOT vote this year or ever again. I will not be a part of the game of the establishment anymore.
      Ron Paul is the People's candidate. He is not a party candidate.
      There is no difference between the parties, it is all a game. They are controlled by the same money and people behind the scenes and they all do the bidding of them. Ron Paul is not controlled.

      I wrote about my not voting and have gotten a lot of negative comments regarding that. I will not vote for Gary Johnson, as I had not even heard his name before last week. I vote for truth, not the second guy.

    2. Sherrie,
      If you had not heard Johnson's name before last week, may I suggest that you weren't watching the GOP debates, which means you haven't been paying attention for very long. Also, just like Ron Paul, the media is, largely, ignoring him. Please see from last May.

    3. I only watched the videos of when Ron Paul was allowed to say anything (which was rarely). I could not stand listening to all the lies and bullshit that would come out of the other people's mouths. So no I did not watch the debates. I don't play the game of politics anymore, once I woke up.

      Ron Paul is the only person I have paid attention to.

      I watched the video you linked with his answers from the debate. They were good, but they were not Ron Paul.

      I am very serious. I will not play the establishment game anymore by voting. I will only walk into the voting booth if Ron Paul's name is on the ballot. It will be my first Presidential election to not vote, since I have been able to.

      I have awoken to the game. I will not sanction their game nor play it anymore by putting my vote in for their arranged candidates.

      It is a revolt, see.... I am saying "NO" to what they have planned by NOT voting. They are controlled by the same people.

    4. Then, Sherrie, dear, you need to WRITE HIM IN!!! But don't just avoid voting!!!

  4. I called the three phone numbers listed. His D.C. phone inbox is full, and the other two numbers just ring and ring. Perhaps they, too, are completely full.

  5. I don't believe for a second he is not aware of the amount of support he has, this is nonsense.

    1. Actually, from what Evan said on the conference call. Ron Paul really does not know the amount of people he has supporting him. He thinks maybe there is a couple of million behind him that is all.

      Evan tried to tell him it is MUCH MORE than that.

      That is why it is important that Ron Paul UNDERSTANDS there are millions behind him.

    2. Who is Evan and why should any of us believe he has the inside track to Ron Paul?

    3. Ron Paul - by asking people to let him know if they want him to run Third/Independent Party - is doing one of two things: 1) He genuinely is seeking feedback from people, as to whether they want him to run INDEPENDENT PARTY (and whether they'd vote for him, as an INDEPENDENT, not as a REPUBLICAN - as some people are staunch party supporters), or 2) He is obviously setting himself apart from the other candidates, none of which ever asked the people whether they wanted them to run or not. Does anyone else see this? He wants to know what Americans think about him running as an INDEPENDENT, BEFORE he makes the decision! Can you imagine OBAMNEY asking YOU, for YOUR opinion, as to whether he/they, should run, or not! OF COURSE, OBAMNEY would NEVER ASK AMERICANS WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT ANYTHING! We've gotta get this guy into the White House, so decent people in this country have a voice again.

  6. Ron Paul won't win. As an independent, he would steal some votes from Romney, but not enough to defeat him and not enough to beat Obama. Paul running as an Independent gives Obama a larger victory.

    You people floor me. You state you won't vote because the system is corrupt, then you go right back to wanting to vote for it again. Like a beaten woman wanting to go back to her husband because this time, he's changed. So what, the system is broken, but him getting back in will make it unbroken again? Paul's opponents will see he's running, and be so impressed with his integrity they'll stop cheating? Ha!

    The American system is winner-take-all. It doesn't matter if Paul gets 10%, 2%, or 49%. There is no such thing as "sending a message with your vote". The only thing that makes your vote matter is if your guy wins, (and even then not that much).

    So why would Ron Paul run an election he cannot win? Why would he end his political career with a massive defeat? He cannot win! Why would you have him sacrifice himself for YOUR benefit?

    1. It is called a rEVOLution!

      It is called Standing UP for TRUTH!

      I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR ROMNEY NOR OBAMA! I will not "sanction" with my name all that they plan on doing to the U.S. and to the citizens. They are both controlled by the same people!

      It is a REVOLT by NOT voting... if Ron Paul is not on the ballot.

      Ron Paul would not be sacrificing himself for our benefit.

      Ron Paul would be standing up for FREEDOM and the FRAUD the RNC - GOP did to him!

    2. exactly WHO the hell are you? What gives you the say that RP can't win? the msm? These people out there who just INSIST they know.....let me inform you of something...ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. You are the type that just folds at the first sign of difficulty...guess what? We dont need you and never will.

    3. There are a LOT of Democrats so disillusioned by the Trojan Horse Obama that Ron Paul would likely take a large chunk from an Obama vote, too. Not everyone buys into the bogus party lines anymore. The idea that a vote for Ron Paul is a vote for Obama is pure poppycock.

      Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich spoke last year about being willing to work together for the good of the people. I would love to see an Independent ticket that reaches across party lines--bringing the best of both parties and those with integrity, as well as a commitment to peace, diplomacy, rebuilding the US infrastructure, and (with Kucinich) a good environmental influence as well. Kucinich got gerrymandered out of the Senate for making too much trouble about illegal invasions and non-declarations of wars ... so he's available for a VP run.

      Sound crazy? Look at the farce of US elections now? In Europe they routinely have people of different parties working together. Why not think outside the box? Our system is crumbling before our eyes. Someone needs to rebuild it, and I'd vote for people who have consistently shown their commitment to We the People rather than all the dog and pony shows of controlled puppets and criminals.

    4. i think paul takes more democrats than republicans. almost everybody i have converted was a democrat other than the independants

    5. Roland, you couldn't be further from understanding the need for destroying the left/right paradigm and couldn't possible be a true Ron Paul supporter but instead, a republican troll. I know plenty of democrats that would vote for Ron Paul. You are a man of small character and few morals..

  7. I'm going to sign the online poll, certainly. If Ron Paul truly somehow doesn't comprehend the MASS of people behind him (which is hard to believe.)

    But, as to the statement at the top of the poll that we will write-in Ron Paul "no matter what happens"...that is foolish. If Ron Paul decides NOT to announce himself as an Independent, that would mean he also wouldn't have a stated VP running mate.

    Can you imagine: what if the write-in's actually worked (and got past all the forged/padded Diebold counts for Obama/Romney, and beyond all the legal barricades the States will put up)? --The States would be all too happy to disqualify the votes on the grounds that there's no defined running mate!

    If Ron Paul doesn't ANNOUNCE as Independent, and doesn't NAME a running mate, our best vote will be as always: vote the Libertarian or Constitution Party candidate (and convince others to do the same).

  8. What the hell is wrong with you folks! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT RON PAUL SOLD OUT! WAKE UP!

    1. Really? HOW??? Let's see, it seems the RNC SOLD OUT! They changed every rule at the convention so Ron Paul's Name would NOT be nominated! RNC COMMITTED FRAUD IN EVERY WAY!


      So far all the "against" arguments are Weak and have no basis, you can not back them.

  9. It's rumors like this that give his supporters a bad rap.
    Who is Evan and why does he allegedly have the inside track to Ron Paul's most important decision in his and his families life at this time?
    Doug Wead stated there is a 0% chance at this time Ron Paul will run third party yesterday, so quit with your rumors and watch Jay Leno tomorrow night when Dr. Paul will make his announcement.

    1. He is a delegate from Alaska and he has talked to Dr. Paul a few times.

      This is NOT a rumor. Did you not read the post? It says to contact Ron Paul and implore him to run!

      Where is the rumor in saying that? You sure are reaching far.


  10. You see Ron Paul has scammed all the voters into registering republican.Now you will get a republican ballot to vote with. Good luck with that. He is a sell out and all of you who switched parties to vote for him where hustled.It just shows that even the "informed voters" are just suckers. WE MUST REFORM THE VOTING Process.OHH! screw it we are all F....D!

    1. Only people getting scammed are those who actually believe Romney or Obama are different. The people that believe that either one of them would do something for the people, compared to doing the bidding of their masters behind them.

      Ron Paul has never waivered in 30 years, he has always been consistent.

      Seems people are coming out of the woodwork right now to slam this information and Ron Paul. hhhmmmm.....

  11. OH never waivered! you mean like switching parties!

  12. By standing as a Republican Ron Paul has in fact given legitimacy to Romney.

    He should seriously consider standing for the presidency as an Independent.

  13. I want so much to vote for Ron Paul but I fear splitting the vote will give that #$%^%$#EO**%% currently in the WH the win. Great galloping ghosts of Teddy Rooseveldt and the Bull Moose. Is there anyway to avoid that?

  14. Thank you for sharing this! I would only like to point out that Richard Gilbert is not Ron Paul's attorney.

  15. Come on!!! I found out about this today, and when I go to sign the petition, it's closed!!!! I am sure there are thousands like me who found out today and came in here today to sign it only to find it closed. They should have kept it open a couple of days longer. Seriously.

    1. That is CRAZY! It was open just awhile ago. Why would they close it?! What the heck! I agree, they should not have closed the petition!

    2. Not closed Sherrie ...
