
Monday, June 18, 2012

Rand Paul: A typical Politician now! Video of him ignoring questions about his selling out his father and the people that voted for him! Ron Pauls message to his supporters this week.

Rand Paul's Political Career has got to end!  Kentucky needs to kick him out of office.  It is still bewildering that he endorsed Romney.  There was no reason for him to do so, except for his own benefit.

He is acting like typical politician now.  This video proves what an A$$hole he is.  He pretends the guy is not there.  I hope that man realizes the only reason he got in office was due to his father, now he will be kicked out of office in a big way I hope in the next election.  I can only hope that he gets one vote for himself and that will have been his own vote.  I wonder if he has any idea of the anger and how people who really believe in freedoms and liberty feel about him now?

He is the scum of the Earth, because he is a sell out!  He pretended to be one way and is really another. Just like Obama did.  They both lied their A$$es off to get elected.  Once elected they have become and done the opposite of what they said they would.  But Rand Paul also sold out his father.

I have been upset with my mother at times in my life.  But never would I ever sell her out during those times.  For Rand Paul to do that to his own father, besides the millions of people behind his father, shows he is worst than scum!

Ron Paul did release a message to his supporters - it is about persevering through the adversity that has been happening.

1 comment:

  1. The Ron Paul staff, while not perfect by any means, has carefully staged this event with Ron's blessing. Ron Paul currently has millions in financial contributions which can be used to start Rand Paul's bid for election in 2016. Rand Paul is 'playing nice' with the Republicans, and he is at the same time ramping up his time in the news with new bills - he's come out against the TSA, he's asking for an overhaul of the welfare system via the farm bill, and he's introduced legislature to ban drones within US borders. He's sought and received face time with large christian coalitions to build support. I love and appreciate Ron Paul as much as anyone, I worked for both of his campaigns in my state, but we have to be somewhat pragmatic about our future. We can bring the R3volution publically by continuing grassroots groups like Campaign for Liberty, and politically by inserting Paul supporters into elected positions. Ron Paul gained support in 2008, he at minimum doubled support in 2012, and Rand Paul will be able to pick up the banner in 2016, and fight from within the Republican party for the liberty movement. And I will be proud to fight with him.
