
Friday, May 11, 2012

Federal Elected Democrats had training on how TO make Race an Issue this Election. They are to "Call negative comments as 'Racist'"

When you think you have heard it all in what this government is doing, you get shocked at something else.  I do anyway.

It seems the Federally Elected House Democrats have had training in how to make "Race an Issue".  They are also to call someone a "Racist" for negative comments about Obama and any thing to do with welfare and food stamps.

I am so completely disgusted with all of this!  I would like to know what happened to "bringing people together?"

This is beyond bizarre.  This is purposely trying to start Race Wars!  They are going to purposely try and incite violence!

That was obvious with that Treyvon matter, or what ever that kids name was.  I never paid attention to it at all.  I knew it was a division tactic.  It was so obvious, especially when Obama said "Would look like his son."

I believe that is when every single person should have seen Obama for what he is.

Now the Democrats are getting formal training on how to make race an issue.

They will seriously work to completely leave this country in tatters?  They don't think the country has enough issues as it is?  They think they need to ratchet up the race more?  They want race riots?  They want more people killed over race?   Seriously!

This is NOT MY Country!  My Country would not purposely tear itself apart and try and divide the people in every way possible!  The divisions in this country are all ready deep.  The media works hard on keeping the "left and right" divided.

How sorry this government is.  They have absolutely no morals at all and that means every one of those people that are in the Federal government.

I am absolutely astounded they are going to try and incite violence between the people and a race war.

From Article:

House Democrats received training this week on how to address the issue of race to defend government programs, according to training materials obtained by The Washington Examiner.

The prepared content of a Tuesday presentation to the House Democratic Caucus and staff indicates that Democrats will seek to portray apparently neutral free-market rhetoric as being charged with racial bias, conscious or unconscious.

Related: Training reveals that House Democrats fear minority vote is slipping away
In her distributed remarks, Maya Wiley of the Center for Social Inclusion criticized "conservative messages [that are] racially 'coded' and had images of people of color that we commonly see used" and proposed tactics for countering the Republicans' (presumably) racially-coded rhetoric.

According to Wiley's group's website, "right-wing rhetoric has dominated debates of racial justice – undermining efforts to create a more equal society, and tearing apart the social safety net in the process" for over 25 years. Wiley had been invited to run the Democrats "through their strategy and how they message and talk about stuff" pertaining to race and fiscal policy, a staffer for Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., explained.

As samples of race-coded rhetoric, Wiley reminded the Democrats of statements by Republican presidential candidates Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich. Of Gingrich's famous comment about President Obama, her distributed remarks note, "Calling a Black man 'the food stamp president' is not a race-neutral statement, even if Newt Gingrich did not intend racism."
But the threshold for what constitutes racially charged messaging is not always so high. One of Santorum's cited comments was: "Give them more food stamps, give them more Medicaid is the administration's approach, rather than creating jobs." She also cited this comment from House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., about raising taxes to fund government programs: "I've never believed that you go raise taxes on those that are paying in, taking from them, so that you just hand out and give them to someone else."

Wiley, who did not respond to the Examiner's inquiries yesterday, offered this warning to Democrats about talking to "someone [who] opposes racial justice" but could support Democratic policies: "Don't make the mistake of telling them they're in the problem. It's emotional connection, not rational connection that we need."

To that end, Wiley proposed the use of "race explicit" anecdotes to illustrate problems like the economic crisis. "Explain how each racial group is affected (recognize the unique pain of each group), but start with people who are White," she wrote in her distributed remarks. "Then raise racial disparities." For example, she offered the line: "Homeownership is the American Dream. It hurts the same to lose your home if you're White, Asian, Latino or Black."

Wiley urged Democrats to appeal to "white swing voters while building support among voters of color." She explained that Democratic outreach to white voters needs to communicate that "people of color are in pain and it's the same pain I, as a White person, would or do feel. It's [about] humanizing people of color."


  1. Not unlike Obama's invocation of that faithful distracting standby: Gay Marriage. For it or against it is less important than the use of it to avoid talking about far more important issues. Note also how the issue is simply never resolved fully, and left to fester until a distraction is needed, time and time again.

  2. When Republicans can't think of anything intelligent to say, they call everyone unpatriotic...When democrats can't think of anything intelligent to say they call everyone racist.

    Those who can think see that both parties have betrayed America. Each election is just a competition to see which party has the most brainwashed lemmings. The only thing each party offers is a narrative of how awful the other party is.

    And yes it is sad that working peoples are taught to hate and fear each other because the dems yell 'racism' just to win elections. The sad thing is that if we really had a chance to change our culture to being more like African culture, Chinese culture, Arab culture, or Aztec culture, for example, the liberals would hate it the most because all their ideas about doing what feels good is tied up with degenerate european society. "liberals" in the west have become parasites - they want everyone to feel guilty about how awful Western culture was but they don't want to give up the comforts western culture made possible.

    Real freedom is only gonna happen when you realize the game is rigged.

  3. Last summer someone attempted to start race riots in the San Francisco Bay area. Of the window-smashers arrested, 80% had been bussed in from New York and Ohio, according to the booking cop. Who is bussing in strangers to start race riots? Where is the money coming from? Why is no one even asking questions?

    I've read about the DNC plan to foment race riots to get Obama re-elected for a couple years now. Probably true.

    But that too is just a diversion. You are now the proud subjects of a president who is heading the most vicious cover-up in history. It will kill millions. Some experts say a hundred million.

    One of my brothers is an ACTUAL nuclear expert, 30 years in the business, several times the credentials and experience of this Arnie Gunderson fellow who's capitalizing on the disaster. While the media was lying about what had happened at Fukushima, and Obama was lying to people that taking iodine wasn't necessary, he warned me to stop drinking milk and start taking iodine, radioactive clouds were headed here.

    The media could no longer hide it. They continue lying and hiding and gauranteeing the deaths of people who COULD avoid it. Chernobyl, in 26 years now, has killed a million people and produced countless horribly deformed babies. Chernobyl's ONE reactor was sealed within a week. Fukushima's 3 or 4 reactors have remained open for over a year now, and it's raining radioactivity all over North America.

    Obama recently slipped $9 billion taxpayer dollars to his friends at the Exelon corporation, who are going to have 2 new nuke facilities built down south, and 6 more are planned. The contractor will be TEPCO, who created the Fukushima calamity that has hardly even started. Obama has been "owned" by the Exelon corporation since his suspicious entry into politics to begin with.

    GET FAMILIAR WITH THIS. Some of you are already walking dead. Some of you will give birth to deformed babies. These are simply facts. Your president, his cronies, and the arrogant rich (I know a few) think they have nothing to worry about. They don't mind if you do.
