
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

FBI investigating JP Morgan's 2 Billion Loss. But MF Global stealing of people's money - No investigation.

Let's see FBI is opening an investigation into JPM loss of 2 billion. BUT they let MF Global get away scot free with STEALING almost 2 billion from their customers and gave it to JPM.

Please explain this rationale to me, especially since the CFTC has sat on their Asses and know all the B.S. bets that JPM does already and all the manipulation of the markets.

So What is REALLY going on here?

I seriously don't understand this, because of MF Global being allowed to steal and they have said not one charge will be made against Corzine etc. 

So.... Who is now actually pissed off and trying to screw who? 

Am I going too far down the hole with these thoughts, Also - the media was and still is SILENT about MF Global and most people still don't even know about it - but they are ALL OVER JPM.  
Also the JPM info was released on a Thursday, instead of the normal of bad financial news being released on a Friday after markets close. 

Just something ODD about all of this to me..... 

someone needs to explain this to me .....
From above link:
The FBI in New York has opened an inquiry into JP Morgan Chase's $2 billion loss, NBC 4 New York has learned.
People familiar with the matter tell NBC 4 New York that the inquiry is not a criminal investigation. The FBI is taking a preliminary look at the incident.
JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon disclosed last week that the bank had lost the $2 billion by making a bad bet with so-called credit derivatives.

FYI - I am not a fan of JP Morgan and I don't think those losses could have happened to a better bank (except for Goldman Sachs) and their manipulation of Silver is beyond ridiculous and obvious! 

But as I said, there is just something about all of this that is just not right.  Someone has suggested to me that this may actually have something to do with MF Global and somehow it is all linked.   I don't know about that, but I do know MF Global clients lost their money and JP Morgan took all the gold and silver that was being stored by MF Global clients.  They were allowed to steal it all.  The government, CFTC and FBI looked the other way and no one is being charged for wrong doing.   So, where do all the pieces of the puzzle fit here?  Because to me, it is a puzzle right now.  What is this whole thing distracting us from?

Edit to add:  I just found that Zerohedge did a short article about the FBI investigating JPM losses and they mention MF Global too and how the FBI should investigate that.

Update: 5/17/12 - JPM a distraction for the damning Wall Street Illegal Activities released last week. 

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