
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Polar Bears in Alaska - Loss of hair and oozing sores. Seals and Walruses dying, all from "Mysterious Disease"

Since last summer, scientist say a radiation "Mysterious Disease" has been affecting the wild life ( Walruses and Seals), of Alaska. 

In July, Alaskan ringed seals began beaching themselves on the Arctic coastline, where they soon died. Worse yet: In subsequent months, their numbers have only increased. Puzzled biologists believe the phenomenon is being triggered by an unknown virus. "We’re kind of in the dark at this point," says Bruce Woods, a spokesman for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. What's going on? Here's what we do know:
As far as symptoms go, the animals are suffering from "bleeding lesions on [their] hind flippers, loss of fur, and skin irritation around the nose and eyes." How many seals has the disease claimed so far?At least 46 seals have died from the "mysterious" disease, says Stephen Messenger of Treehugger, and "150 others appear to be infected." But that's not all: Alex DeMarban of Alaska Dispatch says that the "bizarre, festering sores" are also showing up on local walruses, with scientists estimating that up to 600 of the tusked creatures may be infected. This is particularly troubling because the Pacific walrus population is only "100,000 strong" and is currently "being considered for protections under the Endangered Species Act."

Now polar bears are being to show symptoms of the "Mysterious Disease." 

The Polar bears are showing hair loss and oozing sores on their bodies.  They have not found any dead as of yet.  (Actual picture of one of the diseased Polar bears - it is not from the site linked)

Nine polar bears from the Beaufort Sea region near Barrow were found with patchy hair loss and oozing sores on their skin, similar to conditions found in diseased seals and walruses, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said on Friday.
Unlike the sickened seals and walruses, the affected polar bears seem otherwise healthy, said Tony DeGange, chief of the biology office for the USGS's Alaska Science Centre. He said there had been no deaths among polar bears.

But 60 Seals have been found dead (who knows how many in reality) due to this "Mysterious Disease" that started last summer.

Of course they say "It is not Fukushima radiation - we don't think."

Does anyone really believe that? Do they hide radiation symptoms in the animals?
But of course they do.  Just like the U.S. government has forbid and stopped anyone from measuring radiation of salmon from Alaska and Hillary Clinton made an agreement with Japan that the U.S. will not measure radiation from any food/fish or other products shipped in from Japan.  

A site - Progressive Alaska has found there is extremely high radiation in the ocean just 400 miles South of Alaska.

I just posted about how a Toyota plant may be the final disposal site for Fukushima radiated debris. 


  1. Sounds like radiation to ME....
    If you look at the old footage of the people of Japan after the bombs, it's quite a similar reaction.
    I was reading, if reactor (4) goes down, it's curtains for us all..

  2. We are already curtains....GMO's, chemtrails, Radiation, fluoride, vsccines, pesticides, total economic destruction and a psychotic dictator, I mean president.... I am not a pessimist but how much can the human race take anyway? Calling all angels!

  3. Nothing to worry about, soon the animals and humans will become immuned from radiation. The trick is you just have to live long enough so your body can adjust.

  4. A new medical test has been designed to detect the presence of the mysterious Brainlesserian disease. Among those who have the disease, the probability that the disease will be detected by the new test is 0.82. However, the probability that the test will erroneously indicate the presence of the disease in those who do not actually have it is 0.1. It is estimated that 13 % of the population who take this test have the disease. If the test administered to an individual is positive, what is the probability that the person actually has the disease?

  5. Kerry Cassidy did an interview with Richard Allan Miller who says the tumors and hair loss on polar bears is radiation poisoning from Fukashima. He also says 50% of Japan is dead, but they just don't know it yet. This is a really serious situation and yet we hear NOTHING from main stream media!!!

  6. Everything from the ocean glows! Do not eat anything from the ocean!!

  7. "Nothing to worry about, soon the animals and humans will become immuned from radiation. The trick is you just have to live long enough so your body can adjust."

    The radioactive isotopes we are dumping in to the Pacific Ocean is BILLIONS, I repeat BILLIONS of times more poisonous than anything we have ever encountered. You don't become immune. You burn as your atoms split apart damaging your DNA and the cells of your body creating sickness and death. There is no immunity. You die. Just like the Pacific Ocean is dying. And I fear it is only a matter of time before hell does break loose on earth. This thing has the potential for killing billions, and leaving the entire northern hemisphere uninhabitable. FYI.
