
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Video - Judge Napolitano - Speaks Truth. Powerful - All Politicians - All Politics are on the same side. It is all Fake - They All Lie - It is a Game to Divide people.

Judge Napolitano says it all. He says on T.V., what I have been saying - The political sides are fake. The fake left and right of politicians is to keep people divided so the politicians can get by with what they want when they are all actually on the same side. We the people were/are set up to stay divided and the politicians all work together to take our liberties away and get more power. The politicians all lie to get elected and then do the opposite of what they promised. The Judge even says the "Reagan Revolution" was/is a lie too. 

Judge Napolitano was the only person in the media who actually said the truth and he was fired for it.

He does say there is only one politician that is True to the people...... you can guess who that is: Ron Paul!

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