
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ron Paul - The Great Awakening! People Unite Together - Take back the government! Tyranny of government is by making people live in Fear!

I don't need to add words to this, as it says it all.

Ron Paul - Judge Napolitano - Stand Up to the Tyranny of the Government. They are controlling people through Fear and False Flags they create. War is created for Corporations using Fake created reasons!


  1. I will definitely be voting for ronpaul on Tuesday.great video

  2. I like alot about Ron Paul but i dont agree with him on his immigration policies he is open borders , i dont like his stance on drugs he wants to legalize all drugs , and i certainly dont agree with his views on FREE MARKET its another way for corporations to control the people and get money from the govt. i only agree with ron paul on getting out of the middle east that is all , which its time has come anyways . I wont vote at all if these are my options ! he is a republican with a repbulican agenda in most of his views !!and i will never vote republican again i learned my lesson with the Bushwackers.

    1. Funny I am the complete opposite. I will never ever vote Democrat again. I learned my lesson with Obama. I will only Vote for someone who is real and not a puppet, otherwise I will not participate in their fraud and lies. That is why I am voting Ron Paul, though all the machines are set for Fraud against him.

      All of them are the same - there is really no difference between Democrat and Republican, it is all a game and they are playing their parts. It is to keep people divided though the politicians are not really divided. They all answer to their master above them the same way, they do as they are told. Ron Paul is the only one who is Real and is not a puppet.

    2. Great video, thanks!
      A friend gave me the reason they are voting for Ron Paul:
      "The things I disagree with simply do not matter if I am not FREE!"

      It's hard not to support Ron Paul for the reason of Liberty alone, but he is also the only one that will end the FED (ponzi scheme) and end the wars (deficit). Putting an end to those two things are enough to make a world of difference in our future. It's not enough to have President Paul, it's gonna take the People to make the intense change we need so it's not just about the man, it is the message he delivers. He's motivating because he tells the truth... and scaring TPTB. Change is coming with or without him, top and bottom, or just bottom up. Much better if there was someone at the top because there would be Peace.

      The Anonymous person misunderstands what is meant by a 'Free market'. It does not mean markets are free to do what they want, like they do now because Obama appoints them. We are protected if government would actually followed Rule of Law. The Corporation runs the government now, just as they have for decades and they stay in power because they also own the voting/counting machines. DC has been shredding the Rule of Law for decades. ALL markets are corrupt and manipulated by the elite, the Federal Reserve Act case in point. Free market is not the problem, it's what they've done to our FREEDOM! The Patriot Act, Indefinite Detention For All (NDAA 2012) and now they're going after our citizenship with the 'Enemy Expatriation Act'. US citizenship and all Constitutional protections can be stripped *without a trial or any criminal conviction* (bipartisan bill btw). Sherrie, I'm adding some links for sources, they may help someone see the difference. Sorry this got so long. Thanks!

      > Obama's Non-Prosecution-Agreements with frauds
      'Why Prosecutors Don't Go After Wall Street'

      > Monsanto lobbyists appointed by Obama to head up USDA (Tom Vilsack) and FDA Michael Taylor). Monsanto can now do their own Environmental Impact Studies that are supposed be done by USDA, to keep food safe. So we get Agent-Orange Corn and GMO-Everything but labels and POISONED Wildlife by Vilsack's USDA (Agenda 21)

      War cost lives creates deficit and Police State at home. Syria and Iran may be soon, WWIII.
      Note- Iraq War is not over, it is just privatized, at a much higher cost to We the Taxpayer!
      'Under Obama, An Emerging Global Apparatus for Drone Killing':
      DC is acting like they don't want or need our vote, and the primaries are a hoax. great doc, 'Hacking Democracy'

  3. I seriously wish we had a politician in Australia like Ron Paul...this country is screwed with our current assortment of idiots
