
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lost in the Equations. Events/Situations that are coming at us from all aspects of Life. Helping Each Other.

There is so much happening in this world, it is hard to keep up and even be able to focus on one thing only.

We all are having to deal with our own personal life situations, never mind the world situations.

If there is one thing I have been exploring and trying to figure out, it is why so many people in this world simply do not want to wake up and look at the truth of what is going on.  They want to keep their distraction news going and worry more about what movie stars are doing or some court room drama somewhere that has nothing to do with the world on a whole.

I have been frustrated many times over with my family and friends who come right out and say "I don't want a single email from you about anything."  I have a friend that stays with me when he is here on business.  I have tried to wake him up many times and since he is right here under my roof, he doesn't have a choice but to hear truth.  The other night, he mentioned something about the news and some dumb news headline.  I said "That is not real news, it is B.S. distraction stuff."  He said "I know and that is why I like it, I don't want real news, I like the distraction stuff.  I am not strong enough to handle what the world situation really is."

His comment made me think about it all.  All those people, many of us try and wake up.  They just aren't strong enough to deal with it mentally or emotionally.  Why is it, many of us are while most are not strong enough?  What is it about those of us who are willing to look at truth and can still mentally carry on and live life?  Where as others would break down emotionally and mentally?

Where does that strength come from?  What makes us different?  The way we grew up?  The way we had to handle different situations when we were young?  What is that common thread?

Yet, sometimes I do personally want to walk away from all that is going on.  It becomes so overwhelming.  In fact sometimes there is so much happening in different aspects of life in the world, I can't even begin to focus on one thing to write about here.

Right now, we have the Iranian situation of Israel wanting to blast them off the map.  The Syrian situation where the UN is wanting to start sanctions against them, but China and Russia stood up to the UN and U.S. and said NO.  The Fukushima situation which is getting worse every day and what I have read today is very disturbing.  I saved the information to write about it later.  The Euro Zone situation and them kicking the ball down the road to make it last longer.  The U.S. government corruption situation where they are doing everything as fast as they can to lock up the citizens of the U.S. and they have taken our freedoms away.  The Foreclosure Fraud situation and the U.S. government sanctioning the fraud.   The MF Global situation where it shows banks or those in power can literally steal billions from the regular folks and never be arrested or charged and the CEO even being called "Honorable" in the Congressional hearings after he stole the money.  The corruption of the Judicial system and Judges to cover up the stealing of the money and even put banks ahead of the people in getting their money.  The list keeps going on and on.  The Sh** is flying every which way world wide and as soon as we look at one spot we have to turn and look at another.   Also do we look at the crisis of humanity?  The people of Japan being killed slowly and steadily and the Haitian people who have not gotten the help they have needed and they are still living in horrid conditions almost two years since their quake?  The homelessness here in the U.S. from all the foreclosure fraud do we dare look at that with our eyes wide open?

All the above is besides our lives and everything that is flying at us personally.  Many of us think, what is the world going to be like for our children and grandchildren?

The other problem is when many of us try and do something and make a difference.  It seems our voices are not heard and those in power want us to feel helpless and without power.  I believe that is part of the point of them going directly against what the majority of the people stand up for and part of the psychology of making people feel like they can't accomplish anything.  

What is the point of writing about all of this?

I am expressing when all of this just becomes so hard to deal with because there is so much happening, I take a couple of steps back and ask myself... What is real and what is not real?

What I know is real is LOVE, yet Love can seem so elusive.  When we see people judging others, when we hear how we are suppose to hate people of one religion or another, when we hear how the left or right has this stand or that stand.  We have been set up by those who try and control to constantly judge or hate another group of people, because they don't think the way we do or they live differently than we do.

Honestly I am judged all the time by others.  I don't play the same games and I am not willing to go along with the crowd and I show it.  Also being completely honest, most people don't like me, here where I live, especially because they don't understand me.  I am not a "soccer mom", when I participate in my child's school events I am the one sitting alone because I just can't connect with others in discussing what the latest some movie star did or what some sports team did.   I am being completely up front, I am a loner/outsider.

In saying that, I have found most of who I have talked to via the internet and phone, which are awake and aware in most respects, are loners also.  Is that a common thread?  Are many of us who are willing to look at truth in the eyes, are the ones who are sitting by themselves for their kids events?

This is turning into one of those "personal" posts that I rarely do.  But sometimes I feel the need to bare my soul.  Is it because others need to read this themselves right now and will it some how help them?  I don't know, but I am letting my fingers type as they are, one word after another without a preconceived notion of what the next word will be.

With everything going on and not connecting with people around me, life can seem overwhelming.  I also find I just can't post about one thing or another because there is too much to write about.

What do I do in these times?  I try to stop and go within and bring up what is really real in this life.  To me this life is about growing and becoming Love.  It is about trying to be the most un-judgmental as possible and to deal with those things that seem surmountable in problems without totally freaking out and trying to stay calm.  I understand where people want to escape in drugs and alcohol, that way you don't have to feel what is happening too deeply.  I don't do that.  I had in the past, many many years ago, but as bad as things are now I don't feel the need to do that now.

What is the best way to help others?  What can each of us do?  If we can't help them with knowledge and information about truth because they don't want to see it or deal with it, how do we help them?

My solutions to it all, actually goes to the most basic and simplistic feelings, thoughts and energy.  It goes to Love.  I have a number of things I utilize to try and keep me at peace and centered when I feel like jumping out of my skin from all that is happening.  I am going to share some links that I hope helps others to center back in Peace and Love and Harmony.   I also would like to share a book that I have read many times over and have given as gifts to others.  This book is about living in spiritual principles and prospering in all ways through those principles.  It is titled "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity" by Catherine Ponder.

The link below has many of the affirmations from the book.  I have printed them out and look at them everyday.  There are about 100 of them in the link.  Being able to read them morning, noon and night helps me tremendously, as the right one is the first one I will read on a page.  Below is only a couple of them. 

Here are some of the affirmations in the book, so it gives you an idea about it.  

“I am now experiencing perfect health, abundant prosperity
and complete and utter happiness. This is true because the
world is full of charming people who now lovingly help me in
every way. I am now coming into an innumerable company of
angels. I am now living a delightful, interesting and satisfying
life of the most widely useful kind. Because of of my own
increased health, wealth and happiness. I am now able to
help others live a delightful, interesting and satisfying life of
the most widely useful kind, my good -- our good -- is

“I am now activated by Divine Love and guided by divine power
into my right work, which I perform in a perfect way for perfect
pay. The divine plan of my life now takes shape in definite
concrete experiences, leading to perfect health, happiness,
success and prosperity.”

“Divine intelligence is in charge of my life. I am now open,
receptive, and obedient to its rich instruction and guidance.”
This next one is one I use to say all the time and it really did make the difference.  It is something I am saying over and over again right now, due to my own personal situations that I have to deal with at this time.

“This situation does not dismay me. God is with me to uphold
and sustain me, and to make all things right. I trust
everything in my life to the tender care of the Father. I know
his will for me is health, happiness, prosperity, spiritual
unfoldment and all that is good.”
“Nothing but good can come into my life, for God is in charge.”

There are many more affirmations from the book at the link provided above.  But you can see all of the book and information is based on spiritual principles and on God!

I believe we are the creators of our lives and we can either let others jerk us around and feel the way they want us to feel or we can take our power back and center ourselves in what is ultimately the only real thing  and the only real reason we are here right now.  That is in my opinion is to GROW in Love for ourselves and for All Others.

Something I do that works and says right up front it works on your subconscious is Quantum K - It works to heal you in all ways.  I personally Love it - as every time I watch it, I feel clearer afterwards.   

I also love this site - IN5D - There are many great spiritual articles on it.

Being at Peace, yet willing to look at truth of what is happening on Earth is a contradiction, but it is a contradiction we should all strive to Live as every moment, knowing we are trying to do our best at this time as we try to help ourselves and others.

Through our own peace and knowing truth, we can hopefully help others still being at peace, yet willing to see truth also.

I sincerely hope that this helps some who read it, in one small way or another.


  1. Your description of yourself is an accurate description of me. Most people ()r should I say sheeple) are shallow, uninformed and clueless about the direction the world is heading. Even my children think I am a little too intense about world events and tying them all together. Thank u so much for your informative, interesting and personal blog. I appreciate all you do

    1. Hi Ava, I too am like yourself and our blogger. I am surrounded by people who choose to remain asleep--forever dreaming in the Matrix--so to speak. They are CLUELESS as to what is happening around them and in the world. I also am a loner--I don't mind it one bit though. I am thankful for the internet so that I can connect with others who also share what is going on and the stories they find.

  2. From one "loner" to another,thank you, I enjoyed every word.

    This is an interesting take on something that has gone viral on the internet and has most thinking people giving their opinions on this issue.
    This 15 minute video cleared it all up.

    Get by the first minute to get to the important part.


    1. Yes, it is very difficult informing people and having them understand what is going on around them. Most people don't want to be burdened with the intense and pervasive criminality associated with many global endeavors- they just want to veg out essentially and be left alone to watch American Idol. I always try to make the joke when I watch sometimes see people watching American Idol is that as soon as American Idol is over, I need to go back to the computer room and shoot a drone at an infant overseas. Surprisingly, the gallows humor has a considerable effect on consciousness.

      Another approach is to inform people about health to guide them to websites such as

      and numerous other websites which are available which, in the first instance, teach people about health and nutrition to place them in a better mental state to deal with the issues facing us.

      Next, to the extent one can, steer people to various financial websites to at least initially address financial security (if there really is any).
      websites such as;;
      will begin to help you see alternative financial and economic issues in a different light.

      For general truth, you can view this website, or alternatively, or
      as a start to understanding reality in different terms.

      Education is a lifelong project.

  3. I have always been 'different'. I guess I am not alone. I am sending this off to several people. Thank you.


  4. Does anyone here own private property in land?

    And for those who do, how much has that property increased in value since your ownership started?

    Did you create that increase in value? If not who did?

    Should you be paying them for the additional benefit you get now from your location?

    If not why not, you got it for free, it does not grow on trees, someone else must have created it.

    What you have done is robbed them. Or how else would you describe an unearned income that someone else did work to create?

    And the purchase price of the property? The location was worth $0 once upon a time.

    Didnt you just buy stolen property? The increase in value, the unearned income taken by all previous owners.

    Think about it. You are seeking the truth. But how far and deep are you willing to go?

    The biggest robber of all is not the money. It is the land owner.

    Coincidentally all banks biggest assets are mortgages.

    Mortgage interest is rent in the real world.

    And there are 100 million home owners all aspiring to that unearned income, rarely getting it, all with a vote, all ready to crucify the first politician wiling to stand up, tell this central truth and ask for it to be corrected.

    The robbery is all being done in the name of the people, by democratic due process.

    Blaming bankers is futile. The people keep voting for them.

    How do you feel about this deeper truth? Want to keep your unearned income, your own personal robbery?

    Robin Smith
    Real Reform, UK

    1. okey dokey..... not sure what your meaning of this is in context to the discussion, but I let it post anyway. Besides I am not sure what you are really meaning by the comment either... but I will let others decide if your comment has meaning for them.

    2. I appreciate that thank you. What I am saying here is:

      1) We are quick to blame the banks, the leaders, the corps, all of whom who we keep electing and demanding goods and services from
      2) We are slow to look into ourselves and mend the injustice we too are ALL committing first

      The biggest robberies of all are:

      * private property in land
      * taxation of work and enterprise to fund government instead

      The biggest robbers of all are the ones who own the mortgage assets. The mortgagees (households) merely aspire to the robbery, never get it, yet keep voting for it. Pure insanity.

      Worse still, we pay the mortgage holders, the banks, for government services. That is, services to secure and add value to the land. And they give none! So your hard work, skill, and industry must be taxed to fund government. We seem happy to pay twice!

      The result? Millions willing and able to work but unable to find it. Falling wages despite increasing productive power. Offsetting ultra low incomes onto the starving in Africa. When even that is not enough, externalising it all onto the eco system by burning up the low quality fuels when high quality ones are readily available.

      Aliens have visited Planet Earth many times. They came, they saw, they left quickly. (:

      Bonds to finance government debt would not be required if the value of the land were collected for revenue. There would be an enormous surplus. Government debt is non sequitur.

      Securities, ALL of which in the end, are backed by mortgage debt, would never be profitable either. Stupid to speculate in something that no longer can privatise unearned and community created value

      80% of debt today is to buy mortgages. Banks should return to doing what they were designed to do. Provide credit for capital investment, productive economic activity, a great thing. Not to buy and secure the rental income stream land, destructive economic activity!

      In the US there are what, 100 million home owners all trying to reap where they have not sown. In the UK 23 million. All voters. All consumers. All the above insanity is being done in the name of the people. What better mandate for an oligarchy of tyrants?

      So it is "The People" we should be asking serious questions to. And what "truth" is written on their hearts. Not the leaders who the people elect and then complain about later like hypocrites.

      This may be a hard thought to bear. But show me it is untrue. Or a bigger problem. You are looking for the truth I believe?

      The truth I am trying to make clear and would like you to consider, very carefully, is this. I'm happy to receive objections and make clarifications. Or start a new post specifically on this topic.

      If you prefer privacy please email me on robinsmith3 *AT* or comment on my blog

  5. Thank you so very much for this post! I am also very frustrated that so many people are totally oblivious to all that is going on in the world. Or believe every lie the mainstream media bleats. I try to discuss issues with family and friends only to be told that I am too intense and worry too much. Or they just look at me like I'm a card-carrying member of the Lunatic Fringe. I would love to have a circle of friends (or even one friend!) who are truly AWAKE so I could discuss these serious issues face to face. I'm not a loner, and I enjoy my sleeping friends. I'll keep trying to wake them up, little by little. In the meantime, I'll continue to enjoy your blog!

  6. "When we see people judging others, when we hear how we are suppose to hate people of one religion or another, when we hear how the left or right has this stand or that stand. We have been set up by those who try and control to constantly judge or hate another group of people, because they don't think the way we do or they live differently than we do."

    You can see, right here in this paragraph, how confused you are:

    "When we hear how we are supposed to hate people of another race or religion." A great many people are waking up and seeing "the handwriting on the wall" - that is is these very people of other races and religions that ARE the problem. You have overlooked, or do NOT want to see that it is in their agenda to destroy the West. It's in their "holy" books, in the koran (The War Verses that supercede the Peace Verses ), in the talmud (pre-christian oral text, written down in the 5th c. A.D. BEFORE christianity took root). These religious texts are NOT in answer or reciprocation of christian violence. Yet, when the inate violence of them is recognized, and the agenda of these is put on the table, this is considered "hate?" When the people of the West awken to the fact, that it is in the agenda of these other peoples to destroy the West, this is considered hate? By whose perception?

    So, what does the West have that these other peoples and religions want to destroy? A separation of religion and State, the U.S. Bill of Rights which is an ACKNOWLEDGMENT of God Given Rights. And in this enouragement of evolution in the material and spiritual. This has been going on since the U.S. Constitution was written, and it is evident that the U.S. Bill of Rights has allowed the advancement of the Human Being.

    As to the talmud, it has ALWAYS declared virulent HATRED towards the Other. And it can be seen that the psycho Jehovah that "god" is NOT the God of Creation, of All That Is.

    I would also like to have you go through the list of names of the outstanding people of world events. Go down the names and observe what religion and nationality they belong to and what they have done or accomplished. And see their agenda and intent.

    That is the key to it all. To see WHO hates WHO? And stop blaming the White People and the Europeans for what happpened in the past, and what's going on today. Another clue to loot for, is to see what "holy" text the Europeans were adhering to in the "Age of Discovery?" Was it the Vedas? Or the Popol Vuh? or was it the Old Testament (Genesis- Exodus-Book of Joshua- or the Megillah?) and from which people it came from?

    And another clue is, what group of people - from the 600th c. A.D., conquered North Africa, the Middle East Mesopotamia, C. Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia, North India, and S. Philippines, and in what span of time?

    1. I will respectfully disagree with you completely. You see, you have bought into the govt and MSM of those in the Middle East wanting to kill Westerners. The reality is, the majority of the people who are of a "different" religion, are peace loving people also. It is who the media picks and chooses to show as representative as the whole there. Just like the media will pick and choose a few to try and say they are representatives of all. You can not take a group of people and label them.

      Those at the top at every government do the same thing, this is their control mechanism of the people. Just like the Middle East leaders tell their people, the Westerners want to kill them.

      It is all part of the lies of what is going on. That is why I am saying don't buy into it. Don't buy the hate from the government and media, it is there to enrage people and for the energy of hate, which they feed off of.

      We live in a Matrix and the only way that Matrix will cease to exist is when people begin feeling Love much more than hate. When people stop seeing themselves as divided from others, when people come together in common causes.

      These are my truths.

    2. i have spent time in the middles east and can tell you from personal experance that what you are saying about most are peace loving. in fact i noticed that it was the overwhelming majority that were loving. however when i went home on leave i noticed that what the media was pretraying was not even close to what i witnessed. it was all to odvious they were doing so to get people to hate them so we could justify being there. i realized we were the invading force that was in the wrong and not the iraqis.
      i had a feeling there was something jsut not right withthe world and this was my wake up call that it was not just a feeling but truth

  7. Thank you for sharing some of your innermost thoughts, Sherry.

    I too feel alone in a world gone mad. I guess I'm even worse off than you as I cannot believe in gods. I will spare you that rant.

    9/11 was my final wake-up call but I had never felt comfortable with authority (not that I got into a lot of trouble. I obeyed, mostly.)

    So I have been rearranging puzzle pieces for many years and a clear picture has emerged as my "truth." I know I don't see it all or perfectly clearly, but I think I understand the gist of things.

    Reality is quite depressing. I can understand the desire to just quit.

    Even my wife now tells me to just STFU about "it." I don't of course.

    My health is bad and I'm far in "debt" to relentless taxes. Against all this I still push on trying to explain how money works and why it is not in the best interest of society to charge interest.

    Most people just think I'm a harmless old nut job.

  8. It's trite but the truth is, most people can't handle the truth. The truth disturbs them so they try their best to ignore it and embrace the comforting lies and the slavery that comes with accepting the lies. This also explains the popularity of religion.

  9. Hello Sherry, I found your blog spot only a few days ago and thank you. I too find people unable to wake up, and believe me I have been trying for 30+ years. It is sad situation.

    Most of my life, I have been labelled a 'crazy' for understanding how this world works. I am a 'seer' (you perhaps would call me clairvoyant) and it has been through this ability that I learnt about how the world really works.

    It is no good judging people, most don't want to know because they feel powerless to change things and I think this tends to irrate people. However, do consider this, people will slowly wake up.

    With regard to the world situation, it is all about ownership of land and resources. The Vatican City owns a lot of land masses (ie countries) the rest is owned by corporate trusts. These are managed by corporations who dictate to governments. It is all about 'power' and 'control'; this is very ancient. There is no sovereignty. Perhaps what we need to do is dismantle the 'Trust' vehicle and return land to the people. The name 'Australia' including the land mass, is owned by a corporation and the trust deeds are housed in Washington. Also, the name 'Commonwealth of Australia' is owned by the Queen and her company. However, the land mass we call England is owned by the Pope of the Vatican City. From this ownership comes Power and Control over everything. We are all slaves to the system, always have been. Steve, look into taking ownership of your name, particularly your capitalised name. Register your name as a trade mark and as intellectual property, then you can deal with authorities as a sovereignt flesh and blood human.

    Sherry, behind the scenes, there are many of us who are working very hard to stop the madness. We will ultimately be successful. Your blog site is refreshing and again, thank you.


    Hi Sherrie, Just dropping by to say hello.
    And dedicating the above post to you :-)
    Take it easy. Hoo-roo.

    1. WOW That is an Awesome and Beautiful Beautiful Video!

      Thank you so much! I will be passing that video along.

  11. Wow, I love it. When you speak the truth, people listen and they love you. I love reading what you think and feel about everything. Your story help me. You help me look at things differently.

    I am aloner too. However, I used to feel so alone, in a very dark cold painful hole, that I thought I would never find my way out. I came close to killing myself several times.

    All that change for me. I found God as my understand. He with me everyday, as long as I pray and meditate and live by the spiritual principles.

    Slowly, God has been bring wonderful people into my life. Not many, and some days, I'm very much alone. Sometimes, I'm alone for many days, even when there people around me.

    I have accepted that I can't change anyone but myself. I'm learning that somehow all things are perfect. I have to realize that God is in charge not me. I have a lot to learn and still find trouble in turning my will over to the care of god. I get so wrap up in what wrong with everyone and everything around me that forget about myself. I am learning that God does not want me to do that to myself. I become very useless to him.

    I have read those materials from your link and love them. They have help me allow God and other people to help saved my life. I got so far from everybody and the only way God could help me when I had reach my gift of desperation. What a beautiful gift. I did not think so at the time. It was very painful.

    Your writing helps me and other people. There are people who feel alone. Sometime, I feel like I'm one of them. I can easy get my mind twisted around and believe that no one cares about me or the world around them.

    You are a gift. I believe you are coming in to your own. You have grown a lot. So have I. However, I have a long way to go. That the beauty of it. I hope I never stop learning. I once had no faith. I felt like I was trash. I did drugs and alcohol because I did not want to feel or be alive. However, I was afraid to die. I had no faith or courage. I did not think I was worthy of any one affection. I was a people pleaser. I got hurt if there was that one person in the crowd that did not like me or thought I was different. I would let that over take me and spiral out of control. Most of the time, people made me feel different because I was gay, and deaf. But, I allow them to do that to me and I believed them.
    I have a lot of old bad message about myself in my head. I'm trying to replace them with good positive message. I believe in posting affirmation up on the walls. I have several on my bathroom mirror.

    I did not let anyone know this about me. I used to be afraid to speak up about myself. Sometime, I'm still afraid. I wish I had a blog like yours and wrote down everything. When I finally told Mom, she was so shocked, surprised and most of all didn't understand. Everyone around me was so surprise too, because I hid it so well all my life. She was the first person I told, because it was way too painful to speak up and ask for help. She helped me to get help. She had faith in me, when I had none. I did not think that anyone or even God would care about me or could help me.

    Your blog helps me. Thank you for sharing your life with me. Please keep writing. You are a beautiful soul. So kind and loving to all around you. You care about everyone. You and I are alike that we can love deep and wide.

  12. Sherrie dear, you obviously, like me, have realised you were 'volunteered' to do a job on earth and, it matters not one jot whether anyone believes us or not - we expect them not to believe (many are called but, few are chosen); our job is merely to be a witness.

  13. here is something you might be interested in too: An arrest warrant is out for the former chief of police of hong kong, for his role in procuring the bomb used in the undersea explosion, that caused fukishima:

  14. All I can say is thank you so much.I feel like I wrote this.Peace and love..............

  15. Thank you so much for this post it was exactly what I needed at the moment.

  16. Dear Sherrie, I stumbled upon your story here and boy am I glad that I have found someone who has the same thoughts as I do. I come from the Republic of Indonesia where the society here is "so sick" and downward spiraled up to the point that it cannot help itself up and is beyond any repair.

    We are a nation known for its unending multidimensional crisis, lack or lost of identity and over-consumerism society. At the same moment, since god knows when, our country was and still is being plundered for all of its natural resources by huge investors of foreign nations and Powers-To-Be. We were "punished" with the Aceh Tsunami for not obeying to open the Straits of Malacca when the "War on Terror" was in full swing...

    Most of our educated, middle to upper-class fellow countrymen and women prefer to just "THINK AND LIVE INSIDE THE BOX". Live in their own little dreamworld of Indonesia. I guess we are just mostly the no-hassle type of citizens, wanting to lead simple lives and let the nature of things happen by itself.

    But I made the choice of not willing to give into complacency of how things are around us. I have been labelled as a rebel since I was young and maybe this is the time now where my rebelliousness is
    really trying to manifest into its true nature. I had my share of
    past troubles as well, running away into substances which didn't really solve anything at all... So been there, done that.

    I personally sense that there are many of our people here who know the Truths about our decayed/corrupted/tainted, deteriorating governmental system and societal moral values, but still no one seems to care or even dare to do anything about it substantially.

    I was also on the brink of total frustration and negativity and even if I lived elsewhere, it wouldn't make much of a difference. Each nation has its own problems/woes... So, I decided to try focus on what's in front of me at the moment.

    My childhood friend calls it (regarding me) rebelling against the
    "old guard" (or old systems of conformity and subservience).
    I always detest subservience and conformity towards a system that
    hasn't proven itself worthy and reliable to make all of our lives better upon this planet. The process of becoming what I am today
    took me years to culminate.

    As with religion, I had left my religion a few years back
    since it has already served its purpose for part of my life's experience or program. No offense to any Catholics here, but I do think that being a Catholic has somewhat paved or opened a different doorway for me to pursue the spiritual process that I am undergoing
    right now. Even if I feel that its accuracy upon certain biblical, historical events are not always telling the Truths.

    I still ultimately believe in God/The Source but very much in a different sense altogether. I came into this world without a
    religion, so shall I also return in the same state...

    I also am a loner here since I don't talk about mainstream events and trends. Barely watch television anymore and never hang with crowds since I feel I cannot connect with anyone about how I see the world right now. I guess I am now more by myself, just trying to step back and regroup my mind on how I should face and interact with the world around me, trying hard to not cause harm with thoughts and words.

    Although I recently realized that there are a few people within my mom's side of the family who are also loners just like us. This has
    helped to put into perspective that people like you and me are not always alone. We may be cities or continents apart from each other, but your story and testimony has bridged that gap of being alone or
    diminish the state of loneliness...

    I think that your life's story here will help me reflect again on how I should try face society as it is, with all of its deficiencies. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

    My best regards for you
    from Indonesia, Sherrie...

  17. Great post, thanks for sharing your personal story, i feel the outsider syndrome all the time too. Luckily for a few real life friends who get it and people like you on the internet, i can kind of cope. The disconnect between what i'm reading researching and observing and what others around me are occupied with is massive. Anyway, you're really not alone with this and nor are your readers, thanks, i really appreciate what you do here.

  18. Can you please explain this to me a bit clearer? I have issues on these type. Algebra..
