
Friday, February 24, 2012

Jim Sinclair - Interview on KWN 2/23/12 says Gold about to trade $400 per day.

Jim Sinclair was on King World News on 2/23/12 saying that Gold is about to trade $400 per day. 

Jim Sinclair had published on his site that March 14th to the 20th he is expecting some big things to happen, 
from a luncheon he had with money managers.

Jim Sinclair says he is absolutely right about what is about to happen.  He says this is a replay of history.  At the end of this interview is when he says that Gold will start moving in the hundreds each day and that gold will be un-trade able for the individual. 

A portion of what he wrote about that luncheon:

Let me share with you the conclusion I took away from today’s luncheon.
1. What is going to happen is going to take place in March somewhere between the 14th and 20th in all probability.
2. What will determine the fate of markets is what action China does or does not take in providing funds to IMF bailout funds.
3. I believe China can and will extract significant trade and other benefits for their presence.
4. I believe China will want the same immunity that the IMF just took for themselves on sovereign debt in liquidation.
5. Greek gold will be held hostage to their debt.
6. That will accelerate the modest trend of repatriation of gold for the cellar of the New York Fed to nations like Germany that are certainly able to store their own wealth.
7. There will be an acceleration in the trend of utilization of other currencies than the dollar for contracting internationally regarding goods, service, oil and minerals.
8. I do not agree that we are at the doorstep now of major changes in the international monetary system. That comes in June of 2015.
9. I am certain that we are on the immediate threshold of the monster kick of the financial can down the road that is a dead end.
10. I believe China and the US Fed will assist in that great last can kick that backfires.
11. I am certain that I am in the right business and that business is the identification and accumulation of gold as gold is the ultimate survivor of what is about to happen.
12. I am certain the gold industry is mad as a Danbury hatter in selling their product the moment they produce it.
13. I am certain the gold and silver industry is in a transition back to the dividend producers they once were.
14. I am certain that the volatility in gold, silver and equities we have already seen is nothing compared to what is about to happen.
15. The last man standing among asset categories as the new monetary system is introduced sometime post June of 2015 will be gold and gold alone.

I would like to stress, the March 20th date has come up over and over on the financial sites.  It is when Greece is expected to really default.  Jim Willie of Golden Jackass, had said he was told by an insider that March 20th was a date to watch for and everything going down.

These are just a couple of financial articles with the date of March 20th to the 23rd about the "kick the can down the road" pretty much ends and the banks go down.  

Financial experts are saying over and over again and have been saying this for a couple of months that the week of March 20th will have big financial events.

So... the question to you is.... have you prepared and protected yourself already?  If not, now time is very limited. 


  1. Ides of March?

    The date 3/20/2012 is when Iran's oil bourse begins trading in currencies other than the US dollar.

  2. Ides of March (March 15th)...beware the Ides of March.

    Could also be the Occult Season of Sacrifice, the 40 day period from from March 22 - May 1
