
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Do Not Worry , be Happy about the AG's settlement of Foreclosure Fraud with the Banks! The AGs have now had the banks admit to foreclosing on people by fraud! We can defend ourselves in court even more!

I want to make sure people understand not to worry about the AG's settlement with the banks for all the foreclosure fraud.

This does not affect individuals for suing the banks for the foreclosure fraud and the fraud of their own loans.

In fact, this actually is good, because the banks have now admitted guilt by settling with the AGs.

But was is disturbing is the AGs signed the documents and settlement without it being fully written out.  So now, what more will the banks put in there that the AGs have already signed?  How could those who are suppose to be the top legal people of each state, sign a contract that was not yet written?  That is fraud in itself and that was committed by the AGs, if I completely read this article correctly on Zerohedge. 

I would like to say.  I have partnered (meaning.. to help people win against the foreclosure fraud, by getting info out) with someone (Jesse) who does mortgage forensic scrutinizing.    He has been traveling around the country testifying at foreclosure defense trials.  He has been winning the cases with the lawyer, as he has explained the mortgage fraud in the courtroom, where the judge can understand.

Jesse's site is USmortgageauditors.

I am going to be having him be the first ever guest post on this blog.  I feel what he has to say can help people every where.

I believe it is important that people now understand, it is up to all of us to stand up against the foreclosure fraud of the banks. 

Do not fear what the AGs did, embrace it, because now there has been a complete admission of guilt and that they have foreclosed on people fraudulently in the past.  This is a good thing!  In fact THANK YOU AGs, for having the banks now admit they have committed fraud of foreclosures!  You have now helped us fight the banks in court and their fraud by having them admit to fraud.

Understand, we the individuals can STILL STAND UP!  There was nothing in that agreement that stops everyone from taking the banks to court and revealing the fraud they have committed and still commit!

That is also why they will want to modify every loan, to make sure all the loans are fixed and their fraud is covered up.


Jesse is putting together a guest post to help people understand the fraud in their mortgage papers and how to win it.  Also Jesse and I are talking about doing a weekly radio segment that would be a question and answer for people to call in about their loans and the fraud of it.

Jesse has just completed the forensic scrutinize/audit of my own mortgage and has come up with some very interesting information.

Also I know he has been finding out right fraud in many mortgages that is so outrageous, yet the banks are never criminally charged for the absolute lying proven fraud in the courtrooms.  


  1. Off Topic: Fox will pay big time for this

    "Judge Napolitano.How to get fired from Fox Business in under 5 mins"

    (hint - mention Ron Paul)!

  2. why dont you have a free confrencing call, where people can call in and listen and get help,
    let me know
