
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fukushima - Reactor 3 - MOX Fuel in trouble? -Leaking of Water. Besides Reactor 4 problems - Pictures of up close leaks - from TEPCO - Also Another Nuke plant is having trouble

January 7 2012 Picture - Reactor 4 in fore ground - Reactor 3 (Mox Fuel) 2nd

The situation at Fukushima seems to be getting worse by the day in information coming out.  Yet of course MSM, which isn't about real news has not even mentioned Fukushima, except for "Everything is stable" last month.

Fukushima II (Daini)- Nuclear Power Plant trouble information is at the bottom. 

Fukushima Diary has information on their site today that is very disturbing.  Besides Reactor 4 - boiling without water and not keeping water in the containment vessel and many earthquakes happening and yellow cake being found under the plant.  reactor 3 seems to be in the same situation, in not keeping water in the vessel.

Reactor 3 is the MOX Fuel Reactor - which is Plutonium, this is the most toxic substance on Earth. 

There are have been multiple quakes around there this morning - including a 4.4 - you can see them at this site.  

Residents of Fukushima have said that the Earthquakes do not feel like normal ones.

Fukushima Diary has the information and charts up about Reactor 3 - possible leak of the skimmer surge tank of Reactor 3. 

Because the SFP of reactor 4 is in crisis, we have paid all of our attention to reactor 4,
but the FPC skimmer surge tank level of reactor 3 is very unstable from the report of Tepco
At 5:00 1/4/2012, FPC skimmer surge tank level was 7350mm
However,  at 11:00 1/4/2012, it dropped down to 5240mm.
Since then, it keeps decreasing.
None of the announcement is given from Tepco or Japanese government about it.

I have found a TEPCO report released on January 10th 2012 showing photos of a tank leaking that is a desalination water tank.  Here are  pictures and reports  for the Press, from TEPCO.
But do they release complete information and complete pictures?  These leaks don't look like they are big.  Considering Reactor 4 has not been keeping water in it, from earlier reports, these leaks don't look like they are the problem of the massive leaking of water previously reported.

Here are some of the pictures from the above link:


When I was reading the reports - it seems there have been problems at Reactor 2 too.  The bottom portion of the reports, say it is being watched carefully.  Here are the reports available.

12010406 Table Summary-e

12010412 Table Summary-e

Besides all of this - it seems the Fukushima II Nuclear Power plant is also in trouble. Enews - has that information

From enews site:

Interview with TEPCO president Toshio Nishizawa, The Denki Shimbun, Jan. 11, 2012:
[...] What are your thoughts looking back on the last year?
“The accidents at the Fukushima I and II nuclear power stations have caused great inconvenience and anxiety to people in the Fukushima area and society as a whole. I again extend our sincere apologies. Since March 11 last year, we have been making frantic efforts to address our challenges while continuing to move forward and deliberate solutions. [...]
Did Nishizawa make a mistake? Rather unlikely, as he made a similar statement two months ago: Tepco President apologizes for accident at Fukushima DAINI nuclear plant... not just Daiichi
Daini was in the news earlier this week: Just In: Fukushima *DAINI* reactor has broken containment vessel, says Tokyo Professor -- Probably caused by quake, not tsunami
More about Fukushima Daini:


  1. Nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima (after the earthquake in Japan 03/11/2011)

    Japanese regulatory body for nuclear safety (NISA) has increased the assessment of nuclear power plant accident in the Fukushima Daiichi on Mon INES level 7, the highest level of this scale. The increase in assessment does not increase risk, just a new assessment of the accident on the basis of new data on releases from previous weeks.

    Assessment by INES for each unit Fukushima plants are as follows:
    Fukushima Daichi, units 1, 2 and 3 of INES level 7 (increased from 5)
    Fukushima Daichi, Unit 4 INES level 3
    Fukushima Daini, units 1, 2 and 4 INES level 3

    The Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration, 29.4.2011

  2. Nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima (after the earthquake in Japan 03/11/2011)

    Japanese regulatory body for nuclear safety (NISA) has increased the assessment of nuclear power plant accident in the Fukushima Daiichi on Mon INES level 7, the highest level of this scale. The increase in assessment does not increase risk, just a new assessment of the accident on the basis of new data on releases from previous weeks.

    Assessment by INES for each unit Fukushima plants are as follows:
    Fukushima Daichi, units 1, 2 and 3 of INES level 7 (increased from 5)
    Fukushima Daichi, Unit 4 INES level 3
    Fukushima Dain, units 1, 2 and 4 INES level 3

    The Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration, 29.4.2011

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