
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Why did Drudge only have the Indefinite Detention information up for ONE DAY ONLY on 12/15/11 after it was passed? Drudge Controlled Alternative media?

I have got to say, Drudge only had the Indefinite Detention information up for ONE DAY ONLY and that was 12/15/11 the day it was passed by CONgress and the Senate and it was taken down by the next day.

Why is that?

I had been watching for days before hand to see if Drudge would put something up, he never did.  Even when Huffinington Post had articles about what was going on, Drudge was SILENT!  Just like all the MSM has been silent.

Why doesn't Drudge still have the the fact up that CONgress, the Senate and Obama took our most basic rights away, in regards we are no longer free people but can be picked up at the will of the government and held for the rest of our lives without charges, a trial or rights to an attorney, besides being murdered by the government as Senator Graham said on the Senate floor?

This is one of the most important events of our life times and in the history of the U.S. 

The fact that Obama is the one who made sure that U.S. Citizens were part of the bill.  You would think Drudge would have made sure all his readers knew that.  Instead it was after the fact of the bill being passed did he bother to let his readers know about it and only for a short period of time.

I am officially saying, I believe Drudge is a controlled media outlet, just like MSM.  He does not give real news that impacts everyone most of the time.  If you notice he has the "sensational" news on his site.  He puts divisive news and distraction news, just as MSM does.

Huffington Post does not have any information on their front page anymore but at least they had written many articles about it before it was passed, unlike Drudge who was silent.

This is not one of those stories that should be allowed to go to the back page now that it is over with.  This is not over with.  This is one of the most important news stories in the history of the U.S. and every single citizen needs to be informed about it.    This information has to stay on the front page of all alternative news outlets until everyone is informed.

The government gets away with "murder" (that is what Senator Graham has said can be done to the U.S. citizens with the bill too) because the people are uninformed about what the government has done and is doing. 

We can not let this issue die down.

It seems that this news is "Too Big to Broadcast" for the media.  This issue should be causing every citizen asking their state officials to protect them from the unconstitutional federal government.  The unconstitutional federal government should be causing every state elected official to immediately pass laws protecting their state citizens and secede from the U.S. if necessary.  Lets see if Texas and all the big talk out of there previously about seceding a couple of years ago, starts standing up and yelling about what the Fed government did.  I want to see Governor Perry stand up for his State Citizens against the unconstitutional Federal government to protect his state.

Where are all the Governors on this issue?  Call yours up and ask them, what they plan on doing to protect their state citizens?

Update 12/19/11 - Drudge has an article linked this morning to Info Wars - titled Ron Paul warns of Martial law being enacted in U.S. The article is great it has all the information someone needs about the 1031 bill, internet control and even the FEMA camps. I am happy to see that Drudge is actually informing their readers about everything.


  1. I accept that we cannot stop those in Washington from passing horrendous laws that erode (or destroy) the bill of rights.
    But here is where "they" will hit a brick wall; they cannot disarm 100 million US citizens without full-blown civil war, nor can they forcefully evict us from our homes to some "resettlement camps".
    Those two details MUST be achieved for them to install a tyrannical level of control over the US population.
    Good luck!

  2. Has anyone noticed how Alex Jones is getting lots of "space" on Drudge and likewise Alex brags about being mentioned on Drudge? Is something rotten in Denmark AND Austin?

  3. because drudge is fascist plain and simple. as is Rush, Beck, Hannity, and possibly even Savage.

  4. Nearly every media outlet, including the Drudge Report, rely on advertising and the worst thing you can do when your livelihood depends on tapping those corporate coffers is to bite the hand that feeds.
