
Friday, December 9, 2011

My daughter's Social Studies Assignment this week - She HAD to take a picture of what food we had in the Pantry, Freezer and Fridge along with a picture of her family!





  1. 'Tis your call, but I'd take her out of school. They don't teach her anything you cannot teach her, and they feed her plenty of bullsh*t along the way. God bless and keep y'all.

  2. I myself would have taken my child to the local supermarket and taken pictures there. that gives the kids a better idea of comparing the foods with other countries. If the teacher had a problem, well, take an "F". Remember people, it is NONE OF THERE BUSINESS! The fourth Amendment is still worth fighting for in my eyes.

  3. I hope you do not mind, this was posted on a message board for discussion, this is unbelievable!

  4. Where in Tennessee? Please respond.

  5. I put it above - since people have asked - Knoxville, Tn.

  6. Have you tried to contact the school directly about this? If you can, please come over to that message board, you can post anonymously but this is extremely concerning. I just read this today as well, it is also happening in Tennessee -

  7. Right now would be a great opprotunity to teach your child one of life's most important lessons, Stand up for what you believe in. Take the F. Just as there are many unethical people who will allow their employer, local politicians, et al to bully them into doing the WRONG thing, there are those of us who value ethics, honor and justice. Take theis time to teach her to be ethical.

  8. Okay, so what I would have done is have your child pose with a family of a different ethnicity and photograph someone else's pantry just for **its and grins. Then at the bottom of the page I would put in capital letters that THIS IS AN INVASION OF OUR FAMILIES PRIVACY AND WE FORBID YOU FROM ASKING SUCH ACTIVITY OF OUR CHILD EVER AGAIN AND WE WILL TAKE YOU ALL THE WAY TO THE SUPREME COURT IN ORDER TO PROTECT OUR RIGHTS!

  9. Take pictures of someone elses food stores. How are they going to know?

  10. Never would have complied, OR emptied the larder of all but a few items and photographed the family facing away from the camera or far enough away. Did they provide cameras? No, then the heck with them and (repeat first clause).

  11. Don't actually show them what you have.
    Make it up.
    It's all entertainment.

  12. Why would you comply with this? Take a picture of some canned goods, cereal boxes, etc., and call it good, if you must. It's none of their business.

  13. My daughter's 8th grade ENGLISH class (NYC public school) spent 30% of the year on the holocaust. How does that relate to English?
    This gives an indication of who is controlling (and destroying) our nation.

  14. Tennessee is the same state that has TSA/Dept Homeland Security [sic] on the streets stopping and searching cars without any probable cause to do so. Has Tennessee been chosen as pilot program for government crackdown on all U.S. citizens?

  15. IMO they do this to see who objects . Pics mean nothing cause they have all that already in a fusion center near you.

  16. remember you are a terrorist if you stockpile food. But I'm sure they would never use our children to spy on our families...btw i got this great bridge for sale.

  17. Sherrie, I would refuse to do that. If you have to send pictures, just take a couple of loaves of bread and soup and what not and put it in a box.

    Or take pictures of a supermarket.

    Or better yet, get pictures off Google Images.

    But if it were my child, I would immediately request a meeting with both the teacher and principal, I would find out where the assignment originated (whether it's the teacher ,school-wide, county-wide, or state-wide), and if I felt AT ALL UNCOMFORTABLE about it, I would immediately take my child out of school and have myself and my wife home school her.

    If necessary, I would move somewhere else. I know that's rough on the child, but at a certain point you have to take a stand.

    At the very least you need to refuse to provide these photographs, or instead provide fake photographs.

  18. Empty the fridge and pantry and only leave a few items and take a picture of that. Find the average amount sepnt on groceries in your area for your family size and report that. Finally, take some baby pictures from your family members and photoshop them into one photo. Tecnically she wouldn't get an F becuase she satisfied all aspects of the assignment.

  19. ha ha ha. seriously? a 'federal government controlled assignment?' have you completely lost it?

    there is no such thing.... other than fitness gram. which is only about assessing our children's health.

    you are a fear monger and in my opinion borderline schizophrenic.

  20. Anon - everyone has a right to their own opinion. Obviously yours is there is nothing wrong with it and you think I am fear mongering. You trying to sell something too.. since you have a website linked?

    Guess the Feds going after names at a Mormon Food Storage is no problem and the Feds thinking if you have food stored you are a terrorist isn't a problem and those who complain about it are fear mongering or schizophrenic.

    OH, guess you didn't read the part about Obama utilizing schools and Communities to start identifying people who "Don't go along with the system."

    I love it when people come and start calling me names. I guess truth hurts and putting information out to warn others what may be coming in their area... shouldn't be done, in some people's opinions.

  21. Except that if you want but I can tell you they have already asked the kids in school does your daddy own any guns and if so how many? My Cousin lives in Tennessee.

  22. Home school is a good idea. The Calvert School has a k-8th grade program that is world famous.
    Check it out

  23. You have rights, watch Dean Clifford on youtube. They are conditioning children to accept invasion of their privacy. Private school or home school. John Taylor Gatto gives an extensive history lesson on what the government schools are teaching.

  24. Public schools are brainwashing institutions that also have a notably-adverse effect upon sound morals. Each may do as he sees fit, but I'd rather send my child, alone, into the woods with a stack of great books than send him or her into such a den of vipers. Believing the system is interested in giving our children a decent education is like believing the Fed is interested in stable money, the prosperity of the little people, or creating a healthy and truly productive economy. Godspeed.

  25. Anonymous said...
    "ha ha ha. seriously? a 'federal government controlled assignment?' have you completely lost it?

    there is no such thing...."
    Given the grammatical ineptitude and clear bias of this post along with the demonstrable fact that those who major in education consistently score lower than anyone else on their SAT's, I think it's reasonable to assume it was posted by a teacher. Home schooling is, far and away, the best option for most reasonably intelligent people with children.

  26. The Sun-Tzu advises that one retreat to a position of strength, gather one's resources, and then act accordingly. Why engage in a fight on someone else's terms? I'll bet your just anti-semantic, eh? ;)

  27. This is the problem with America. You want to "get the word out", but when their is a chance you might be discovered you run and hide. It takes courage to protect your freedoms! If you are not willing to do it why do you expect others to do it for you. My life and the lives of my family are just as important as Sherrie's, but in order to protect their rights I have to stand up and say no. That may incur a cost, but nothing worth having is ever truly free.

  28. Well I stand up. But for people to decide they want to find out exactly who my daughter is and what school she goes to, is unacceptable!

    I obviously gave too much information by saying what city I am in and then from there someone felt they needed to find out exactly what school, what teacher etc. That is someone going way too far and makes my child a target!

  29. How is it an invasion of privacy, when you posted all of your info on a public blog?

    The interwebz is not private.

  30. Fill the fridge with roadkill.... or convincing replicas of human body parts!

  31. Back a few years ago, an assignment was given at some local schools in NC and TN that asked the kids to provide - what time people left the home - if any firearms were in the house - picture of the outside of the house - where the parents worked - etc. A lot of families were upset with this one. And yes, a lot of kids took the F on that one too.

  32. Please accept my sincerest apologies on behalf of all of us out here onthe internet. You were courageous to post and diserve respect and privacy.

    Your warning did not fall on deaf ears and I have included below what I posted in response to your plight on the forum I frequent.

    I am hoping that between you and I and others, more young people will become pro-active adults.

    Thank you.

    Re: Homework assignment for kids in Tennessee - take pictures of the food in your pantry, freezer, fridge along with a pic of the family!!
    having a daughter with special needs, I have had to work with school systems for a very long time.

    At each meeting, I am given the current parent rights printouts...

    these rights are for ALL parents....

    you have so much more power than you know.

    remember how our parents and grandparents used to say the cops, the teachers, the mail man worked for us, the citizens,,,,

    well that is true.

    I tell the teacher what will and won't be done...

    now I work on cooperation.

    for instance....

    I would tell the teacher that my home was private but that we would take pictures of a trip to the grocery and would write out our menu for one week and would figure the cost of each meal for each person etc...teaching math skills and budgeting and bringing an awareness of the cost of food...maybe even take some pictures of helping to feed others at a food we have always volunteered...

    When you question the teacher as to what the reasoning is behind the assignment, you can then fulfill the assignment from a more creative stand point...

    If the teacher will not cooperate, go to the principal and if the principal will not cooperate, you go to the district and if the distric will not cooperate, you go to the state...

    every word is written down, every request made in writing with a time stamp from the secretary in the front office...

    your kid may cringe at first but later they will remember that you cared enough to stand up for what was stand up for them.

  33. I think you did the right thing taking the info down. As you say your daughter would become a target. Although TPTB already know who you and your family are (not trying to scare you, just pointing out the fact). I live in the UK and if my son came home from school with an assignment like that I would have had the same reaction as you. Already got my son whos is 8 telling us what we should and shouldn't be eating drinking etc because certain foods are bad! We have pointed out that all foods are bad if not included in a healthy diet.

    TPTB are now using our children as a threat/weapon against us. If it was my son though I would have refused to do it and explained to him the reason why.

  34. Sherrie,

    This is craziness!

    I honestly can't believe it... How America has fallen! How could any teacher go along with this?

    But Sherrie, people need to know the name of the school... this way a reporter could call the school and ask them questions about this.

    You don't have to say your daughter's name... the assignment was given to all of the students wasn't it?

    All the report would have to say was:

    "A student whose mother wishes for her and her family to remain anonymous was given a strange assignment this week at _______ School in ________ Tennessee...

    When contacted, school officials admitted that they had given the assignment to students this week. Principal Trotsky yesterday issued the following statement:

    "We hereby issue a solemn apology to students and parents for this egregious & blatant violation of their constitutional rights... (Etc)"

    Can't you just blur out (or even completely scribble out) your girl's name from the assignment?

    If you must send photos... (I wouldn't do it if I were you) then send them a picture in which all of you have Barack O' Bomber masks on.

    Say you all went together dressed as O' Bomber for a joke at Halloween...

    But seriously... If no one knows what school this was at - then no one can follow up on it.

  35. perhaps a simple note mentioning attorneys would have been a good idea...schools hate litigation...if they fear it, they avoid it. Personally I would have sent a note refusing to allow it, and asking for an alternate assignment for your child if you were the only one upset...if more parents were also bugged, then together you refuse and make a stink...we cannot let nazi germany happen again. and this is how it started essentially...

  36. OMG.....why would you remove this post, you could have left your daughters name, school, city/town, all that info out. This is so very important and wrong, they want to know who has what and their using our childern......heard or seen this somewhere in the past before?? I am from a radio station New Rev Radio it is a station for free speech, truth and love. We would love to hear your story, and you can be anonymous, to protect your family. If you are interested please get back to me, others need to hear this, we can not let this go on. or on skype @ newrevradio Would love to hear your story as I know many other parents would. Love and Peace Freebird

  37. Please understand. I had the screen shot of the assignment from her school without the school name. I had the town I live in and that was not good enough for some. They had to do all kinds of searches until they had the exact school and the exact teacher and the exact class.

    I did not appreciate the fact that who my daughter is was being narrowed down.

    I will protect my daughter! That is why I took the information down.

    The screen shot and the information was not good enough for some so they were publizing where people could find exactly who my daughter is.

    That is not right.

    Yes I put myself out in the public eye by having this blog, but I WILL protect my child!

    I took it down to protect her.

    I could delete the whole post, but I have left it up.

    People should know better than to give out direct information on who and where to find a child!

  38. Two quick thots: What if kids given assignments like this in social studies instead turned in a self-designed project like--My project is to show how this assignment is unconstitutional, illegal and invasive. Two: the guys going door to door asking questions. This is not emergency preparedness. Emergency preparedness might have guys going door to door but they would be giving out information not asking what you are doing.

  39. As a teacher, I'm failing to see why this was inappropriate. Obviously, I can't refer to your original post/the original criteria so I'm asking, why was this assignment so outrageous?
