I will say this over and over again. The handful of Elite (the Sen ASS tors and CONgress) who wrote and then passed the military indefinite detainment bill for U.S. Citizens, do NOT REPRESENT ME! If people really thought about it, those who were elected to represent us in D.C. have not done so.
Added - 1:05 PM - The bill that of indefinite detainment for All People citizens and non citizens by the U.S. Government goes against the International Red Cross Human Rights and Humanitarian Rights.
The U.S. Government has now not just taken away our rights as U.S. citizens and committed treason, they have gone against what is considered Humanitarian Rights of the World against their citizens. The U.S. is breaking International Humanitarian Laws and Rights.
The Nation of the United States has Fallen! It was destroyed from the Inside Out! Everyone of the Elected Officials in Washington D.C. DESTROYED the United States of America for all the people of America! It is no longer a nation of our forefathers. It has died.
MSM is SILENT on this bill - there is no mention of it! MSM hides everything and they literally are a joke. I have nothing but contempt for all MSM media!
Huffington Post has been writing about the Indefinite Detainment of U.S. citizens and they are considered a Democrat leaning site. Finally for the first time Drudge has mentioned it today and this is after the fact, at least Huffington has been writing about it from the beginning.
How is it, a handful of people who break the law all the time themselves (insider trading, etc) have the right to enact any law that takes away our basic rights under the Constitution? How come "We the People" have to abide by any law, literally a handful that are totally corrupt, besides being bank and big corporation controlled enact? They are not even .001% of the people on a whole, they live by different laws then what they write for everyone else.
It seems to me that all those in Washington D.C. have been taken over by the symbolism of which Washington D.C. was laid out. If you are not familiar with how Washington D.C. is laid out, street designs and building designs then I recommend you research that. Here is a link and here is another link, to help you understand how Washington D.C. is designed in all ways. It is Satanically laid out - the streets, the Capitol building, the White House etc. It all makes the Freemason Lodge in D.C. the very top of the whole D.C. design. Which shows where the Evil starts and ends! Research this if you have not before, you will be shocked as I was when I first discovered how D.C. was designed. It shows that everyone there is controlled by evil and it all starts with the Freemasons. Once you see the real information you will understand how they are all influenced and controlled and have sold their souls to Satanic worship. Also research how Freemasons at the top are actually Satanic worshipers. There are some pictures below, showing how D.C. is designed, you can see how it makes the Freemason Compass design. Once I found all of this out, I decided to never to go to Washington D.C. as I don't ever want to step foot in a Freemason Satanic designed, controlled city of evil ever again, due to my awareness of it's real influence. It is not a place of "good power" it is a place of pure evil and it shows the evil is reigning and controlling all who are in Washington D.C.. Washington D.C. is the most Satanic designed city in the World, no other city has the complete Devil symbolism throughout it, with the Freemason lodge at the head of it. Even Arlington Cemetery is part of the Satanic design. Research it - go into depth into the design do lots of searches about it, I have proved two links of many out there. This is all fact, none of this is made up. Understand, not one person in D.C. has good intents for people. They are all influenced by Evil and any of them who say they are "Christians" are actually the opposite, in my opinion.
I know this post went in directions that are "strange" to some reading it, I am simply asking you to inform yourself of the hidden influences to understand those in Washington D.C. don't really represent any of us. They are not led by the same "good intentions" we are. Once you understand the people who you voted for and you think is led by God in D.C, are not actually led by God, they only pretend to be.
Here are some pictures of the layout of Washington D.C.
This country has now been officially destroyed, what Washington D.C. design really stands for is what our Elected officials stand for there and they have now proven it completely.
I can tell you, I will never stand up for the National Anthem nor salute the flag anymore. As the symbols of which they stood for are dead! The United States is not the Republic under God for which it stands as the pledge of the Allegiance says! The United States is not ruled by those in D.C., under God at all.
Flying the U.S. flag upside down means "The country is in distress". I don't know if that would even have any meaning any more, because the country has been destroyed and all the forefathers work two hundred years ago has been destroyed. It was not destroyed by foreign terrorist but by domestic terrorist of which we have been warned so much about from those in Washington D.C.. What they didn't tell us, when warning us that domestic terrorist could take the country down, is that they are the ones they were warning us about. They are the domestic terrorist and they have literally taken the country down, it is no longer.
I have no doubt, due to what I wrote above, I will be viewed as an "extremist", because I have voiced my opinion which is outside of main stream thinking and what is allowed in this country anymore.
But I can say, it is the people of the United States themselves who are actually to blame. Due to 99% of the people sitting back and not getting involved and letting those in D.C. do as they please for decades they have now gotten what they deserve. The people have now gotten their laws and representation of which they have allowed.
All of us who have tried over and over to wake people up have done no good, the people just will not awake from their poison of food (GMO), air (chemtrails) and water (fluoride). Yet I (we) eat, drink and breathe the same exact things as they do and I (you) am willing to look at truth and what is.... why aren't the rest of them?
It is a sad day for all people and the reality is the U.S. flag should be burned and buried now as it is dead. That is what people should do at this point, take the U.S. flag and burn it, because it no longer stands for which it was designed. FYI - burning the flag is not illegal, though D.C. has tried in the past to make it so.
I released my anger about this a few days ago. Would I be surprised by a crashing down of my door at home, because I have been "belligerent" against the repressive and evil controlled government, by those who do not honor truth nor God and taken away our rights? No, at this point I would not be surprised by it at all.
Yet, I do not condone violence to me the way to win is for people to expend their energy. We are energy what we focus on we create. I took my anger from this and began concentrating my energy on all the souls of this Earth being washed with Light/Love and Truth. I know that sounds "out there" to some. As I see it, we can not ever win with violence, we are out manned and out gunned with technology, besides violence does not get people any where. It in fact empowers those who are evil controlled more due to the anger and hate energy of which they feed off.
It is to me like Revelations says - a battle between good and evil at the end. I want to remind those who read my post about my research into meanings of words - Like the Apocalypse.
Apocalypse actually means "The revealing of truth."
I believe we are now at the times where we need to change our focus and energy from the anger, fear, worry, hate of which those in D.C. and all evil feed off of to Light and Love and pray that all those who are asleep be awakened as it is now time of the battle of energy (good versus evil). We need to keep our energy into the good, we need to pray for Light to shine upon all and truth be revealed. We need to pray for the Apocalypse (truth revealed). We need to pray that Good over takes the Evil! It is here and it is now.
I don't hate those in D.C. - but I do know what I believe is the truth about them. I will not combat them with violence, I will combat them with prayer and with using my focus and energy on the people of the world for them to wake up and put their energy on Light shining upon us all.
Oh I am sure I will get all kinds of negative comments too about what I have written. That is fine, I have made myself a target with various groups by writing the above. But it is truth to me. I know when the day comes that ends my time on this Earth, I will have done what I could in staying in Light and staying in God's Love and now trying to battle the obvious non hidden evil who are controlling our lives and laws. They have now revealed themselves to what they really are and part of people waking up needs to be them seeing how D.C. is Satanically designed and controlled by Evil.
It is not just truth to you, Ma'am -- it is objective, cold, hard truth. We can and have made this world inconceivably filthy on every conceivable level, but it is well beyond our power to cleanse it. Think of the soul of a man that commits murder: his foul deed makes his soul as black as night and spiritually dead, but he cannot, of his own power, cleanse it or restore the life of grace -- only God can do that, although the man can and must first ask/beg God to to do so.
ReplyDeleteWe are in much the same situation throughout the entire world: we made an enormous mess that merely-human agency and industry cannot fix.
These hard-but-gonna-get-much-harder times will see many proud men annihilated by the only real power that exists. These times will, eventually, also bring many proud men to their knees. Then and only then will we be in a proper frame of mind to ask, and thus receive, God's help. Godspeed to you and yours, Ma'am. [Don't worry about 'negative' comments -- many of us are just blind and/or afraid, but all will see and know the truth soon enough.]
When a law of the Eternal God is broken, punishment will always follow.
ReplyDeleteMy focus at this time is primarily to the Biblical Israelite nations,
The English Speaking, U.S.A., U.K., France, Australia, Canada,
Scandinavia, Talmudic Israel, etc,
Caused Drought - Now they have drought.
Starved Millions - Now millions are starving.
Caused Floods - Now they have floods.
Destroyed Millions of Homes - Now Homes are being destroyed.
Destroyed the Infra-structure
of Many nations. - Now theirs are being destroyed.
Killed Millions - Now they are being killed.
Plundered Nations - Now they are being plundered.
Tortured Millions - Yet to happen in a big way.
Enslaved Millions - Yet to happen in a big way.
God Is Not Mocked
Revolution is the Solution!
ReplyDeleteI was really starting to get behind this story, however, none of what's happening has ANYTHING to do with anything being 'satanic'... Just stick to the facts, and stop interjecting the fairy tale aspect, plz... There is no 'god'... Thank you, and have a nice day... : )
ReplyDeleteGod's existence is easily known by the light of reason. You are the one living a lie, Aragon. If you don't like that the blog's author believes things you do not and feels free to mention them publicly, start your own blog -- but don't tell her what she should or should not post. FWIW, if there is no God, none of this really matters because life is jut an absurd joke that means nothing. Basically you are telling Sherrie, "Believe what you want, but keep it to yourself." The only sensible reply is, "Aragon, practice what you preach... believe what you want, but keep it to yourself."
ReplyDeleteFor a solution look on google; Truth From God.com OTHER ARTICLES! NEWS IS THE SPARK FOR VICTORY!
ReplyDeleteI really like what you say, and how you say it Sherrie. Who could have imagined this domestic war perpetrated on America. In essence the Constitution and Bill of rights are gone on the FED level. Some local government may still be viable