
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

THIS Judge - OVERSEES Child Abuse Cases??? Video showing him Violently Beating his 16 year old daughter!

Judges think they are above the law it seems as well as all of our Government officials!

This video is one of the most disgusting videos I have ever seen.  I almost cried when I watched it!

This video shows a man beating his 16 year old daughter with a belt and saying the foulest things to her!  Using the F word over and over and saying she doesn't deserve to live under his roof and he will beat her into submission!  It seems her crime was she downloaded some music files and games onto her computer!  The mother gets involved and beats her too.  SICK! 

The man has been identified as Judge William Adams from Texas - but get this...... He presides over CHILD ABUSE CASES!

“Obviously, it is a very disturbing video. We in my office as well as everyone on earth is taking a look at it, at this time,” Aransas County Attorney Richard Bianchi told The Chronicle, confirming that the man in the video is Adams.

Adams is a family law judge, who presides over child abuse cases, The AP reported.

That Judge is Sick!  I can only imagine what else he has done to his child, besides what we see on the video!

How many times over her childhood did he violently abuse her? 

The full story is here

WARNING - Very Violent Abuse and Disturbing video!  It is very hard to watch!

UPDATE - News Crew talks to the Judge - LISTEN to what he says!

Judge says "In my mind I did not do anything wrong, other than discipline my child"!
The man is SICK!  Especially calling it ONLY disciplining his child!  He has no right to preside over Child Abuse Cases! He needs to be taken off the bench immediately and thrown in jail!

UPDATE 11/4/11 - Fox News has the latest information about the horrific beating.

The police are not pressing charges because the 5 years of statute of limitations is up.  The CPS in Texas has requested that the Judge not hear any of child abuse cases until the investigation is done.  

The daughter lives with the mother - who divorced the father in 2007 (same mother on the video tape).  The mother says "The Judge has an 'addiction' to violence that was a family secret." 

Excuse me.... but SHE was also involved in that beating! She is not innocent!

From update article linked:

County officials confirmed that Adams will not hear cases related to Child Protective Services for at least the next two weeks. And the top administrator in Aransas County cast doubt on whether Adams could credibly return to the bench.

"I would think it would be very difficult," said Aransas County Judge C.H. "Burt" Mills Jr. "Personally I don't see how he can recover from this."

Hillary Adams said she waited so long to expose her father because she was terrified at what might have happened had she done so while still living under his roof. She said the outpouring of support and encouragement she's received since posting the clip is tempered by the sadness that it's her father repeatedly lashing her with a belt and threatening to beat her "into submission."

During an interview with her and her mother Thursday on NBC's "Today" show, Hillary Adams said her father regularly beat her for a period of time. She has repeatedly said she didn't post the clip to spite her father, and that she hopes it forces him to seek help.

Her mother blamed her ex-husband's bouts of violence on an "addiction." She called it a "family secret," but declined to elaborate


  1. This is the kind of person I would expect to see in the mob they call government around here. Everywhere I look I see brutal lying sacks of shit cheat and steal and deceive and betray and they all work for the government or are the gangster-bankers at large. He is a piece of work and so is his bitch of a wife. We ought to be able to protect ourselves from those kinds of people.

  2. Oh hell, I took worse than that when I was younger than she. I'm a perfectly well-adjusted unemployed drug addict/alcoholic.
    In her body language at the end, you can see the hatred and defiance she feels. They're probably too stupid to consider the consequences of their actions, but they'll wonder why she doesn't love them when she puts them in an old-folks warehouse euthanasia center when they get too old to take care of themselves.

  3. This man needs to go to jail!!! The mother tells her take it like a woman--Jesus they need to treat her like a woman not a damn little child-- This is a classic case of child abuse!!! He needs to be put in jail and she needs to go to a foster home where she will be loved more than her own parents do--- The mother should do time too!!! This is horrible!!

  4. FUck this bastard, this is patriarchal tyranny at its worse

  5. Vote for this man to be the U.S. State Department's Ombudsman.

  6. What a piece of shit coward Judge... A gawddamn judge at that! Poor Kid I can only imagine what else he has done to her and his psycho wife is actually helping him... THESE are her parents??? WTF?

    That child needs to be removed from the home an the other children!

    I forsee years of psychological problems for that poor girl!

    A Judge? Would a real man please kick his ass... the man should be beaten within an inch of his life then rolled in salt! And then beaten again! And that psycho wife as well! An eye for an eye!

    this just pissess me off seeing this!

    And it doesn't matter when he did it! HE DID IT!
    Every Child Abuse case He sat on should be reviewed and Re Done! This man does not deserve his Robes! F-ing sick Bastard!


  7. This guy and his wife-they need Southern justice. No trial, no deadline, nothing.

    They just...come up missing like in the good old days. Don't even waste taxpayer money.

    As a judge they need to look into every abuse case he has tried to see if he favors abusive parents.

  8. I don't see anything incredibly horrible about this. Parents disciplining their child, the old way.

  9. hangin' is too good for him! HE BEAT HER LIKE A MAD DOG! AND HIS CRAZY BITCH WIFE HELP HIM!


  10. Anon - who thinks there is nothing horrible about this.... You obviously need HELP! You also have no rights to have a child either! That is a disgusting violent episode of abuse! There is a difference of spanking to beating! That man violently beat his child and I doubt it was the first time! Especially since he said "Go get the belt." Right there shows "the belt" is something he has used on her! Besides the berating of her! The man is SICK!

    I would hope he will be sued many times over due to his rulings of child abuse in court! I would assume with this video many will be able to go back to court as he is shown to be a child abuser himself, along with is SICK wife!

  11. author : please post this mans Full Name, first middle last names and his sicko wifes please and current living address! thank you... any more information would be greatly appreciated!

    parents as monstruous as these people need to be fully exposed to the World! and the children removed from such a abusive househod!

    signed: concerned Social Worker , married to a Texan Law Man!

  12. can we say... PSYCHO!




  13. I think it wasn't so much the fact that he whipped her with a belt but, it was the maniacal way he did it. When I would spank my kids I rarely swatted them more then once. And they would usually laugh at me because I didn't do it hard. And also 16 is way too old to spank with the belt.

  14. It's not like he did a real crime that should cost him his job. I mean, if he complained about someone Jewish, that would be really serious. (Wow, I bet that made some angry people, since it is true) I have come to notice, that the idea that America is corrupt is not exactly true. If you can afford to BUY the law, it works rather well. If you are a NOBODY and this happened to you? They would destroy you. Police routinely get away with shooting helpless unarmed people. Routinely. And you think a judge can be accountable? I doubt it.

  15. tr69 - The mother and father were feeding off each other. You could tell they were both into it as he left to get another belt. The mother saying "Thank you" to the daughter because she got to hit her with the belt. It is all so sickening to watch! It literally made my stomach turn!

    I have never even spanked my child, hitting a child or berating them does not make them better. But this is not even spanking, it is out right disgusting abuse.

  16. Obviously you can't show this. This is for you personally. Parents spanked their kids for all human history. 200,000 years? Good enough number. It became unpopular in the last 50 years? Your last 2 generations of kids? Have been the DUMBEST KIDS EVER, you school scores are the worst in American history. Your kids are degenerate scum. Your kids have more abortions and bastard babies than any time in history. Spanking kids does not make them better? That is not science. That is your own stupid opinion. Why is it stupid? The observable scientific data, says you are wrong.
    New invention of not spanking kids - and kids are doing like shit. Too bad they don't put Palestine in youtube, Iraq or Lybia. If they did, you would care about human LIFE. But you saw this video, so you suddenly pretend to be Jesus and have all this compassion.

  17. He sits on the judiciary bench and I'll bet he sits on the "Amen" bench on Sunday mornings. Oh, to have a few moments alone with this useless piece of shit!!!!

  18. That was my life as a child. As an adult I was defrauded out of thousands of dollars by my abusive parents. It just never ended, the abuse just took different forms. I had drug and alcohol problems too.It didn't end till I ended my relationship with them. They both belong in jail.

  19. Tragedy that this type of behavior goes on throughout the planet due to lack of maturity of the parents, they suffer from persisting infantilism, Dr. Alfred Adler had it right when he described the basic emotional drive of man as "aggression", the itch to rule, dominate, and exploit others for personal gain or pleasure. "Beyond Success and Failure" is a good place to start to achieve emotional maturity, by the Beechers who studied under Alfred Adler in his later years. "Life means to be a help and not a burden on people" - Alfred Adler

  20. It is my opinion this man did nothing wrong. For you people get up on your high horse and say he was wrong for disciplining his daughter is just plain stupid.

    The betrayal of this man's daughter shows me more of who she is than what he is. This man wanted his daughter to be successful and to be honest. He raised her the way he was raised and my advice to him would be not to show any weakness but to go forward and say to the public, you raise your child and I will raise mine. Were I this judge, this girl would never be allowed back into my life.

  21. Who set up the camera to film this? If it was the daughter, was she trying to set up Dad in light of the fact that he'd belted her before?

  22. The saddest thing is that he will be fired from the judiciary and never work again, and guess who he's going to blame.

  23. abuse done to this child can live on for many years both physical and mentally,the memories are a killer and the words of foul hatred of the parents voice can be live over again, through the mind and tears will never ever stop.

    That is why every human comes with a mental closet to stash unpleasant memories and beatings into, and it comes with a door and key.
    to re-open the closet is like living it all over again.

    and you think the court system in America works for the Average American, follow the money and the lives it has destroyed to make the corporate profit margin.
    Human dignity sucks in America, it always has when the root of all evil is the greed for profits, it subs-tracts from humanity by any form of abuse.

  24. i wouldn't have thought this to be that big a deal since, I have caught on a beating or two in my day but the difference here is the father left and came back with another belt and the mother left and came back as well. Even if you side with the parents for the first part you can't excuse the second part, ie, coming back with another belt after almost a minute. Seems to me that is assault since now they are just beating on her because they are pissed.

  25. You idiots have no idea what she did to deserve that ass whoopin! I don't think he she have come back for seconds but what the heck.

  26. hey, we must no forget that we dont realy know the real reason of her dad and mom reacted like this.

    We dont know how long the young girl is stilling, lieing and chiting.

    I remember when i was a kid, i was realy nuts. i did deserv my punichments.

    i do reconize that it is not the way to work. We should know that if one thing is not working we need to change or adapte to our kid(s).

    But when you are exausted, out of ressource, this is the kind of things that happends.

    You need to pull back from the situation. this will give the good air to your brains.

    I understand the mom reacting with one wip. i am sure that she think that if dad see here on the belly, hi will calme down. Also at the same time she is sending a message to here girl. hey next time you better comply to what i say or i whont be there to stop dad.

    i would probably do the same thing in the same circomstances. But i know my self. so i limite my speaking to 1.2.3 it's to late, go to your room.

    not mor. then after taking time to explain the concequances of her actions.

    The respect stands when you respect. Ok you say hi is so violent. but also you condem him without realy knowing the full thing. we are not better then him.
    make sens of your senses
    ps sorry for my english. my french is better

  27. Sorry Sherrie, but I'm going with tr69 on this one. The problem in the video is more with what we heard than what we saw. She got caught stealing, she got whipped with the belt. Would you prefer jail time, or in her case, the Texas Youth Commission? Or perhaps, she should have a hand cut off like many countries still do to thieves?

    Punishment MUST be, although benevolent in purpose, both cruel (in proportion to the offense,) so the offender suffers for his or her actions, and it must be unusual, so that the lesson is not forgotten.

    That said, this was abuse, not because of the beating, but because the judge lost his cool and crossed the line. He was obviously not thinking about a lesson on respecting property rights and fair commerce, he was pissed off and acting out of rage. For that and that alone he should be punished.


  28. Just spotted this on another site, ( more details should be added to this story, Sherrie...

    2004: Arkansas County Court-At-Law Judge William Adams took a belt to his own teenage daughter as punishment for using the internet to acquire music and games that were unavailable for legal purchase at the time. She has had ataxic cerebral palsy from birth that led her to a passion for technology, which was strictly forbidden by her father's backwards views. The judge's wife was emotionally abused herself and was severely manipulated into assisting the beating and should not be blamed for any content in this video. The judge's wife has since left the marriage due to the abuse, which continues to this day, and has sincerely apologized and repented for her part and for allowing such a thing, long before this video was even revealed to exist. Judge William Adams is not fit to be anywhere near the law system if he can't even exercise fit judgement as a parent himself. Do not allow this man to ever be re-elected again. His "judgement" is a giant farce. Signed, Hillary Adams, his daughter.

  29. Strange nobody asked why was a video taken of this spanking. Considering both parents took part, both must have set up the video. They probably watch it later to get turned on for kinky sex. Time for his judging days to be over.

  30. Disturbing, Disgusting, Shameful, Cowardly.

    "It's easier to beat a child than it is to raise it, because it takes so much work to love. You just have to make sure you don't stop to think about the abuse, and the damage,
    because you'll risk being sad. Keep
    ignoring." Somerset (Morgan Freeman) - SE7EN

    Violence breeds violence. Abuse against a child is the lowest cowardly act on this planet.
    Violence is a failure to reason and or communicate....this 'judge' is a failure.


  31. I would love to take a belt to this abusive bastard. People like him need to get a dose of same to see how it feels. He doesn't deserve to have a child and should NOT be a bloody judge. Let's see this prick in jail.

  32. Imagine what he does to his wife?

  33. Glad my parents where never like that, Mind you they would have mysteriously died in a house fire if they had of been :-)

  34. Nobody who was raised by unloving parents turns out with their sh-t together, but somehow i notice many of them end up in positions of public trust. The girl was playing computer games. You idiots who defend that judge's reaction should first off be sterilized, and then i really hope you live in a place being ruled by people like that for a long f-ing time, until your viewpoint is changed. The man clearly got off on terrorizing (discipline left the door after the first minute) a girl who is nearly an adult, and blaming her for for his own insane reaction to such a petty issue, and it becomes rather subhuman, 'I am bigger, stronger, theres nothing you can do about it because im your dad and your mom is f-ed up too, so you better not look at me with an independent thought, or i will beat you into submission, because i like it, i just need an excuse' If you think thats a safe environment for children then you have a long hard journey to travel yourself, because it WILL screw them up unlike anything else could, and I would LOVE a public review of all this guy's cases, so we can see how many other, happier families he found himself fit to rule over. But good luck along that path of enjoying these people for judges, i frankly envision a better place

  35. obody who was raised by unloving parents turns out with their sh-t together, but somehow i notice many of them end up in positions of public trust. The girl was playing computer games. You idiots who defend that judge's reaction should first off be sterilized, and then i really hope you live in a place being ruled by people like that for a long f-ing time, until your viewpoint is changed. The man clearly got off on terrorizing (discipline left the door after the first minute) a girl who is nearly an adult, and blaming her for for his own insane reaction to such a petty issue, and it becomes rather subhuman, 'I am bigger, stronger, theres nothing you can do about it because im your dad and your mom is f-ed up too, so you better not look at me with an independent thought, or i will beat you into submission, because i like it, i just need an excuse' If you think thats a safe environment for children then you have a long hard journey to travel yourself, because it WILL screw them up unlike anything else could, and I would LOVE a public review of all this guy's cases, so we can see how many other, happier families he found himself fit to rule over. But good luck along that path of enjoying these people for judges, i frankly envision a better place

  36. This video made me cry , Hilary must feel so unloved and alone . Parents who behave like this should be in jail . This poor girl has been seriously traumatised and will need help , I cannot see these awful , cruel parents providing any . It is shocking to think he is involved in child abuse cases , then beats his own child so violently , these parents are a disgrace and do not deserve any respect , sick twisted people , God help America !

  37. I cant bring myself to actually watch the video, but I do wonder why it was being filmed and who filmed it. I'm sure that would be apparent by watching it but it's just too sick and I know it'll make me cry :(

  38. I have the most wonderful daughter and,ofcourse, while she was growing up she was not perfect - who is. But to see a Judge whipping his child is just disgusting. It is so unnecessary. Once my daughter who was just 7 at the time, went into a shop and stole a few things. I didn't see her do it initially but when I was aware of the fact, I told her that she had to take the items back and apologise. She went back crying but she did as asked - I knew it wasn't easy for her but I also knew that she would never do it again and she didn't. I didn't have to hit her into submission.

  39. This is disgusting and anyone who does not have a problem with this is sick. Those "adults" are psycho and they need anger management courses on top of some jail time. If there are other children, they all need to be protected from these pathological control freaks.

  40. That was the most horrendous video of child abuse i have ever seen in my life and IF this arsehole gets away with this then there is a law for them and a law for the rest of us , he should face jail and then let the other prisoners get hold of him not because he is a judge but because of what he did to his daughter.

  41. This piece of shit is a judge that will take your freedom and children from you if you did that to your kid. If that's leadership than Mike Tyson should be king of the world.

  42. Evil shit bag!!! The mother too!!

  43. His first words were, that "she put it back on against instruction". Mother says, "re-installed it because you thought it was no big deal". This girl had no respect for her parents and deliberately dis-obeyed her parents again. He also said she has been caught lying, cheating and stealing.

    This type of behavior from a 16 year old is extremely frustrating, and will test you to your very core. He wanted what appears to be one lick on the butt, which she continued to be disobedient to his request. Which is why he said I did not get my lick in.... she obeyed her mother's request and got one lick from her and a thank you. Daughter's continued disobedience resulted in the continued beating. (he kept saying this)
    This however, does not make it right, but rather than just condemn the father without knowing ALL the facts is also an abusive attitude with more bad judgement than you accuse him of.
    The posting of this video on the internet, rather than handling it privately (which could have been done) is actually abusive as well. What a horrible revengeful thing to do to try and destroy your father in a public forum and not by proper legal means. Remember she is 22 or 23 now and this didn't happen yesterday.
    She is no better than he is... in the abuse department. Mental abuse can be much worse than physical which it is easier for the body to heal than the mind.
    Maybe he could have just chained her to her bed? Time out? Taking the privilege away didn't work, so what are the consequences?

    Then again he never wanted the computer in the house in the first place, so this particular problem could have been avoided altogether. This was acknowledged by the mother. Sounds like there was cheating on some tests too. There is much more here to see than this beating that drew no blood.
    Disturbing...... yes, that we would be invited to watch , spread and cast judgement on a situation that we have no clue of all the frustrating circumstances that lead up to this situation. Sad indeed!
    Do I think he overreacted, yes I do. But to those of you ready to lynch and hang him, offer up some credible ideas for proper discipline for others to learn how to avoid this kind of over reaction from frustration. We know that throwing someone in jail does not work, just look at all the repeat offenders, and this is your solution?

    Put up a site for frustrated parents and offer some ideas in handling situations with disobedient teenagers. Speak up about the alternatives rather than just condemning and lynching. That is where the solutions start.

  44. The thing that disturbs me the most about this incident is that the so called "stealing" was related to downloading a few songs with the family computer using a p2p filesharing program when she had been told to not use program anymore. Downloading a few songs in the digital age is a far cry from going down to Walmart and sticking stuff down your pants type stealing. In fact it is not even stealing by definition of the law since you cannot be arrested or charged with a crime for downloading a song it is only a civil court matter and is very rarely pursued.

    I wish I would see this turd in a dark alley someday as I would download a few of his teeth into his throat for him.

  45. .....ssssoooo ... this video, um, how did it come to be? seems like the assumption might be that this kind of abuse happened before and the daughter set the camera up to catch it ... so then she must have technically entrapped her parents .. because unles the camera rolled for months, this seems like it might have been a 'normal' occurance in that household at the time ....

  46. this is a prime example of the sick, perverted and corrupt assholes that are in positions of power all around the world - throw him into prison and let him see what the other inmates think of child abusers!

  47. Flashbacks anyone? This previous note is spot on.
    That is why every human comes with a mental closet to stash unpleasant memories and beatings into, and it comes with a door and key.
    to re-open the closet is like living it all over again.

    It perpetuates, I won't get married, have kids, forget the sex life, forget normal relationships, the effects of violence and abuse just compounded for me. I'm literally not safe, unless I'm alone.

  48. Look at her room. Fine furniture, great computer system, she clearly is not with want. Now then, she was spanked for taking dad's credit card to order music from the Internet, which Internet privilege had been suspended; hence, the spanking was not the first line of punishment. Also, note the target was the butt, the correct method of spanking. The father applied pnishment correctly. What is he to do? Call the police and have his child sent to jail? He's a Judge, it was an option. What would you do if someone took your credit card? So, spanking is now offically illegal? Tell this mom that who never spanked her child:

  49. I believe that Judge qualifies for electro-shock treatment starting with a cattle prod up the wazoo !!!

  50. Paul, if you watched a dog get beaten like that for seven minutes would you still say the abuser in not violent? Or do you excuse him because he was only beating his child? Is it okay to beat your kids mercilessly where you come from? Have you not evolved to finding better ways to parent your kids?

    I never had more that one open-handed smack in my entire life. My parents never needed to continuously harm me because they had the brains to find other alternatives.

    To people that say: "I went through this and I'm just fine." No you aren't. Your friends and family humor you to make you feel better. They want to comfort you because of what happened to you. When they are with you they monitor you very carefully for possible suspect behaviors and when away from you they talk about every disturbed everything you do.

    Apparently there are many people that have no idea what the difference is between a beating and a spanking. Apparently it is interchangeable in their minds. They also do not have the brains to find other ways to parent their kids.

  51. i have received my fair share of beltings for my wrong doings as well. 16 is too old, beating the legs with wild strokes shows his anger which is where he steps over the line of what i consider to be spanking and beating. punishment towards a teenager should not be out of anger like the instance shown here. it should always benefit the growth and learning of that child. but i agree with anonimous ^^^^^ we do not know the rest of the story.

  52. Let's build that border fence right round Texas too.

  53. Get the F off your high horses everyone! While I agree that this man DEFINITELY crossed the line in brutally beating this child and the mother should be dragged through horse manure by her hair for allowing that I also definitely agree that the 16 year old was in need of being punished! She got caught stealing and lying so the parents uninstalled her computer games as a punishment. This girl then deviously re-installed the games, set up a video camera, and waited until she screamed and mouthed off to both her parents before hitting the record button. Would YOU have remained calm? I'm not so sure I would have. We all make mistakes in parenting and our own children certainly and sometimes purposefully push our buttons! Although, I do believe if more spankings were dealt out to disrespectful, punk, mouthy, disobedient teenagers we might not have a lot of the problems we have with adolescent crime that we do now. I do agree though that this father DEFINITELY got carried away!

  54. he is a fuckin bully inflicting fear and brutality i would take a blade to his face

  55. Most judges are scum. They're just the biggest turd lawyers to float to the top of the legal cesspool.

  56. I got more than that and not just with the belt and I turn out fine, but I have no plans to have kids only because of this. I know I would do the same and I don't want to.
    This video looks quite bad but I think all is clear. She got warning and she decided not to fallow guidelines set by here parents. What is next if they do not react strong enough? Drugs, pregnancy, hooking? I do not support parenting where kid is aloud to disobey their parents and “explore”. Kids are dead stupid and heavily exploited by today industries. Always dragged away from basic important things they need to learn in order to have only decent life.
    It is very thin line between child abuse and strong parenting and I think this person is not abusing his child, he does not want to raise a failure.

  57. If you want to assure child abuse, get them involved in the "system"

  58. lynch that swine, hang em' high by the gonads !!

  59. this sick bastard of a father should be put in prison and beaten and raped by everyone in there.that poor child did not deserve that.NO ONE deserves that.i hope he rots in hell.and dont get me started on that can she let anyone touch her baby that.leave her in a room with me so i can beat the shit out of like they did to there own child.PATHETIC.i hate them both and i wish to take that poor child out of that dispicible place called a home!!!!!!!i dont care how much a child lies,cheats or steals,NO ONE,I mean No ONE deserves that treatment.

  60. If anyone at all listened to the Audio of the video, we do know why she was getting beat. Beat because of the computer, because of a game.

    As for the cases he presided over, they do need to be reviewed, and possibly retried out of fairness, but those families will never get back what they may have lost or that time at his hands.

    A child is priceless and precious, and this girl, and her sister (who may possibly be his current victim)don't deserve this kind of monstrous behavior from either parent.

    These girls will always carry these scars the parents caused throughout their life. My prayers and blessings are with them, that in the future as parents, they wont discipline in the same manner.

  61. i can only imagine that this is something that is happened before, otherwise there would be no forethought to set up a camera.
    Also, while in the news interview he says he's just disciplining his child, in the video of the beating the father himself refers to it as beating her, because he was.
    I'm disgusted and even my dog hid under the desk when I played it.

  62. I am sorry for what this family is going through, yet I am grateful to have seen this video, and the comments. It was not as bad as I have seen in my own upbringing, and I suppose I did not realize just how bad the abuse meted on me was until I saw this. It hurts, but not so bad as to be in the dark about my reality. This is not the way, my fellows. Be well, in Love. Joey

  63. wow, so need for anyone to be send to prison over this, NATURAL LAW will take it's c(o)urse in it's own time.

  64. What is her angle? She seemed to calm down quickly...I would not be surprised if it becomes apparent she set the situation up...extortion...

  65. Oh please, there's plenty people watching this now saying I wish that I had gotten off that easy. Pretty mild. The crying could'nt be more fake. The cussing was out of line. But if what the judge was saying was true then maybe it was needed. She obviously was not seriously hurt. People need to look up real child abuse and compare the two and put it into perspective.

  66. Did anyone notice the naked small child to the far right of the video a few mins after it first began? This fuck will rot in hell forever alongside his whore from hell.


  68. I would like 5 minutes in chambers with this gutless bastard . I'll settle for 2

  69. fuckin bastards and this is freedom and democracy i would give the bastards democracy i would give them more than what they have given out him i would send to jail without protection and stick him with the biggest thickest big dicked nigger in there and tell the fuckker to keep raoing him over and over fuckin bastards as for the mother i would cut her hands off and cut out her tongue fuckin bitc

  70. Please update this post and let me know this child is ok, I wouldn't be surprised to learn some of her disabilities are due to previous beatings, the judge is sadistic and beyond cruel. The mother the enabler, just like mine was. She beat on us and enabled my father to do much worse. Using mental cruelty to. I feel so awful for this child. To have two parents that are scum is hard to bear. To the people who say its alright there was no blood. Don't ever have children. I would like to hear they are both in jail getting theirs

  71. Anon - the child is 23 years old now. She is out of the house.

    As far as some of the comments here, that blame the girl or say we don't know the whole story or justifies what the parents did. There are no words I have for you and your obvious mental problems. There is no justification in any way shape or form for what those parents did! No matter what the girl did - BEATING A CHILD AND BERATING A CHILD as they did IS WRONG IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD! The parents are SICK!

    How many kids have stayed in horrible abusive homes due to this Judges rulings and thinking abuse against the children in his court was only "disciplining"??!!

    That man can NEVER sit on the bench again and rule on Child Abuse!

  72. This is not appropriate parental guidance it is aggression and the further propagation of.

  73. I counted 18 lashes. Each one of them as hard as he could.This sic f... was enjoing himself so much when his sic wife took over,that he ran to fetch another belt.I am a 42 year old man and i have seen a lot of violence in my life and handled it.But this vid made me cry AS IF I WAS BEING HIT.To all those sic american f...s who say there is nothing wrong with this form of punishment, You are sic people.There has also been an alegation that George bush senior has raped and murderd more children than any one sycho in the world.But thanks to sic people like yourselves it has not even been investigated.

  74. Shoot the Bastard and burn his bitch of a wife

  75. OMG GET OVER YOURSELVES!! He did not beat her he whoop her ass for stealing! If more kids was getting their behinds whipped this world would be a much better place. This is why the youth think they can go around cussing and being disrespectful because the PARENTS are too afraid to discipline their kids. I refuse to let my children run around stealing, lying, fornicating, and God knows what else because of what people think is correct disciplinary actions. Keep trying that time out shit if you want too, but for me and mines its ass whooping time! Like it or not!

  76. To November 4,2011 6:25pm You are a sic person.Now i know why America has the most sychopaths in the world.I have known children who have never had a hiding in there lives, and they are stable self asured human beings.You were obviosly abused as a kid and therefore think there is nothing wrong with bringing up a child with violence.Did you know that no other animal in the world diciplines there yong with violence.So i can,t even compare you to a animal.I hope all children around the world that are abused will start to put hidden cameras in there houses and expose these sic people.

  77. A computer game. She put a game on the computer. To those who say we don't know what she did....hell....listen to the video.

    I was beaten like that when I was a child. I left home at 17. It took years to work it out.

  78. OMG! Just for downloading f'n music?!! He's insane! I was beat like that almost 3-4 times a week just for arguing with my brother, but not that long. Never was I told that I shouldn't be living in the same house! I turned out fine but used to be very timid. At least I learned never to put my children through that. Him and his wife need parenting classes. He needs anger management!

  79. This is the calibre of secret family court judges who are cherry picked by the boys brigade (freemasons and other SECRET society)who remove children, worldwide from loving homes to be abused by the corrupt satanic/lucifarian system.
    Obscene but truth and I am not afraid to say it.
    these beasts need to be locked up for the sake of decent humanity.

    Yvonne Stewart Taylor
