
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Penn State - The Sex Scandal of Children being raped. In history, the "elite" have started charities for children where the children become used for Sex going to the top of Politicians/White House. List of the Honorary Board of Directors for Sandusky's Charity - It's a Who's Who


The whole Penn State information about Sandusky is horrendous! The man set up a charity for kids, just so he could have access to boys to rape and pimp out.

The Grand jury information is here
, read only if you have a strong stomach. I have not read it, because I just can't deal with what happened with the boys. I have read enough elsewhere to know I don't need to read the graphic details! All involved including the witness to a rape, should be charged for not notifying the police. They covered it up instead. Watching the students of Penn State riot over the coach being fired for knowing, yet not doing any thing about boys being raped in the Penn State showers is mind boggling! Where are the morals of the United States and college kids these days? Have they not stopped and thought about the small boys that were raped and abused and sold off to others for raping?

I have read and watched videos previously about charities being set up for children, just so those children can be used for sex by the most "elite" of the U.S. and world.

I am inserting various videos and documentaries about kids being used for sex and it being covered up. This includes the most "elite" politicians going all the way to the White House.

Video of information about children being used for sex through charities set up for children.

MSM - saying U.S. top child sex trafficing country

Part one about Boys Town sex:

Part 2

You can read more about how children are used as sex slaves by the elite. This is "Federal Sex Slaves Speak Out!" This blog has information on it. Also funny enough victims of the sex abuse at Bohemian Grove and elsewhere by the elite are now taken off Youtube, by Youtube that are inserted in the post. That says volumes!

There are many articles of information on the internet about children being used from those at the top as Sex Slaves, including those who are Freemasons.

I would stay away from any Children's charity set up for under privileged children by a high profile person. Knowing many of them are sick people who use children for sex. I used admire people for setting up charities trying to help kids, now I am skeptical of them all, especially if an "elite" has set up the charity.

Those who take advantage of innocent children are seriously the most evil of this world! I can not imagine what those children go through and them thinking they had an adult who cared about them, when in fact that sick depraved adult is/was using them in the most vile manner possible.

I sincerely hope the full truth comes out including names of those who the children were sold/pimped to for sex at Penn State


 Sandusky was still being a recruiter for Penn State this year.  A high school football player said Sandusky came to him to recruit him for Penn State this last spring.  So Sandusky has been a recruiter for Penn State, even though they said he retired a few years ago!  Penn State is being caught in many lies now.

LOOK who are the "Board of Directors" for Second Mile Foundation - that Sandusky formed.  But don't expect to find it on their website now.  They have taken down the board of directors page, click this link and you will see what you get now. 

BUT generation sports had gotten the list before they took it down.

Read the who's who of Sandusky's Honorary board of directors.

John R. Cappelletti – Retired PSU & NFL Football Player, Heisman Trophy Winner

R. R. M. Carpenter, III – Former Owner, Philadelphia Phillies

James E. Ford – Retired Vice President, Kmart

William A. Gettig – President, Gettig Technologies, Inc.

Jack Ham – Retired NFL Player, Pittsburgh Steelers, Hall of Fame

Franco Harris – Retired NFL Player, Pittsburgh Steelers, Hall of Fame

Lou Holtz – Retired Football Coach, Sportscaster, and Motivational Speaker

Dr. Bryce Jordan – Retired, Penn State University President

Willi Maier – President, Omni Plastics, Inc.

Matt Millen – ESPN Football Analyst

Arnold D. Palmer – President, Arnold Palmer Enterprises

Joseph V. Paterno – Head Football Coach, Penn State University

Andy Reid – Head Football Coach, Philadelphia Eagles

Dr. John Reidell – General Surgeon, Past Second Mile Board President

Cal Ripken, Jr. – Former ML Baseball Shortstop, President & CEO of Ripken Baseball, Inc.

Dominic Toscani – Owner & President, Paris Business Forms

Richard Vermeil – Retired NFL Head Coach, (Kansas City Chiefs, St. Louis Rams, Philadelphia Eagles)

Mark Wahlberg – Actor, Rapper, and Film & TV Producer

Verne Willaman – Retired Chairman and President, Ortho Pharmaceutical Corp.

Quentin Wood – Retired Chairman and CEO, Quaker State Oil Refining Corp.

Richard A. Zimmerman – Retired Chairman of the Board, Hershey Foods

Now the question is... how many of them are involved or knew it was going on, in the raping of children?

Huffington Post has a good article about the whole Sandusky sex abuse and the Second Mile Foundation.


George W. Bush praised the group as a "shining example" of charity work in a 1990 letter. (Sandusky's reaction: "It's about time, George! This is long overdue," he recalled in his autobiography, "Touched.")

He invited youngsters for overnight sleepovers at his home and took them to restaurants and bowl games. He wrestled in the swimming pool with kids who craved the attention. And he gave them gifts: golf clubs, sneakers, dress clothes, a computer and money, according to the indictment from the Pennsylvania attorney general.

The good-guy aura around Sandusky was so great that when some children questioned behavior that didn't seem right, no one took the complaints seriously.

Sandusky "had a way of, whether it was a hug or a hand on the leg in the car as we were driving, or just a way of putting his arm around you," Craig said. "I said this back then to people I knew. Everybody found it hard to believe, or that I was overreacting. I remember feeling as if I was the only one that thought anything was amiss."

So boys did talk about Sandusky and feeling weird around him and yet nothing was done!

UPDATE - 11/13/11 - Paterno's attorney will use a legal "loophole" of the 10 year old victims ALLOWED Sandusky to touch them!

Needless to say - I have no words for that right now - except the most foul words possible! HOW DARE THEM! Small children.. they are saying could have STOPPED Sandusky?


Read this.. and then see if children have a right to stop the touching!

Information about the "Elite" raping, sacrificing and hunting children for fun.
This is the most vile information!

Added 11/13/11

SNL sketch - Even the Devil was disgusted at what has happened at Penn State. Also shocked people rioted FOR Paterno.


  1. Sandusky's last name is Jewish, and comes from fur trader Jacob Sandusky. (per Wiki)

    In addition, the President of PSU is an admitted Jew, and wrote a treatise and spoke highly of wife swapping.
    All this, while making $813,000 per year.

    And thy wonder they are sometimes referred to as nation wreckers...

  2. "The autumn months are never a calm time in America. . . . There is always a rash of kidnapping and abductions of schoolchildren in the football months. Preteens of both sexes are traditionally seized and grabbed off the streets by gangs of organized perverts who traditionally give them as Christmas gifts to each other to be personal sex slaves and playthings."

    -Hunter S. Thompson

  3. Sherrie, thanks for posting this. It's time we all woke up to "the way things are" - they are not the way things are supposed to be.

    "Private" means secret, and secrets are holding our species back. Our "private lives" need to come out, so that self-loathing doesn't lead to corruption of innocence.

    Here is another link, Sherrie. I apologize for the graphicness, yet the report is unquestionably stellar - and what finally clued me in to what is happening with our species. It's regarding the "Dutroux Affair" in Belgium.

    I'm all for being grey. The great divide, accepting darkness with the light, all of it. At some point, we MUST rise above and address our base animal instincts. We don't even TALK about sex - we image it, we refute it, we profit from it - no one talks about it. It's "private".

    A mother lion will be loved for caring for cubs, and reviled for ripping apart still struggling fawns. That's life. Where does the analogy end for us? Are we to forever be the male lion, killing another's cub for the sake of our own genes? Or some other base gratification?

    When are we going to start being important enough to one another that EVERYONE'S children are respected? When are we going to stop profiting off of the pain of others? For this base animalistic ignorance and abuse stems from pain, and it is a pain that has afflicted our juvenile species far too long.

    The abusers of humanity have no desire for things to change. We must. Please read. Please speak. Let others know that we, as sentient beings, do not accept abuse as a means of gratification. To change our collective mind, we must change our collective actions. It is OUR responsibility.

  4. Further to this immoral and amoral morass we find ourselves in, an analogous form of repugnant criminality must be found in our medical establishment and in particular, our pediatrics profession.
    For years, pediatricians were poisoning neonates with hazardous waste levels of mercury in vaccines (thimerosal), disabling millions of children, causing the autism epidemic and a raft of neurological and autoimmune diseases and disabilities amongst out children. The number of emotionally crippled teenagers we see and the raft of children on ritalin and on psychotropic agents is a direct result of this criminal behavior. Was the behavior intentional? Of course it was, just not as outwardly repugnant as is Jerry Sandusky’s behavior.

    For years parents were screaming that the horrendously toxic vaccines were causing life crippling disabilities in their children. And how did the medical establishment respond. By funding fraudulent studies designed to find that the hazardous waste levels of mercury injected into neonates had nothing to do with the autism epidemic or any of the other disease states or conditions which common sense would link with mercury exposure. One of the individuals who was responsible for the fraudulent mercury/autism studies was recently indicted by the Department of Justice on eight counts of fraud and eleven counts of embezzlement regarding the misuse of grant money that was supposed to be used to fund the autism studies. Just recently, a FOIA request approval evidenced in documents from the CDC that the CDC for years has known of the debilitating effects of mercury in the vaccines and the relationship of the vaccine protocol to all of the children that were murdered and otherwise mained by the vaccine program. And how has the CDC generaly responded? By making sure that an essentially worthless, but extremely toxic thimerosal containing vaccine is mandated to be given yearly in children from the age of 6 months to 18 years.

    The presently administered HPV vaccine has been in the news recently in the first instance because of Texas Governor Rick Perry’s involvement in that vaccine mandate debacle. Recent compilation of adverse events regarding this vaccine shows more than 50 deaths and thousands of neurological injuries. So how has California Governor Jerry Brown responded to this raft of injuries and at best, suspect science behind the vaccines. To sign legislation which abolishes the requirement that 11 and 12 year old California girls seek the consent of their parents to have the HPV vaccine administered within the California School system.

    Early in this year, the Supreme Court held that parents who are injured by vaccines mandated by government fiat have no right to sue the manufacturers of the damaging vaccine except in a vaccine court, an administrative court which has been captured by vaccine corporate interests and which has relied on above-mentioned fraudulent studies to dismiss thousands of lawsuits by children damaged by vaccines.

    The immorality, amorality and complete criminality of this situation must be referenced against the backdrop that the vaccines which are mandated are inadequately tested for safety and efficacy and numerous credible and unbiased doctors, scientists and epidemiologists point to the absence of evidence that the vaccine program has done more good than the horrible harm it has clearly caused.

    Joe Pap is alleged to be a criminal for good reason. His behavior is repugnant, unworldly.
    Yet, even the repugnant behavior he has displayed does not compare to the repugant criminality of our medical establishment and in particular, our pediatrics establishment who, to this day, continue to poison babies through their toxic mixtures and forced injections at birth. And all of this done by the force of government imposing the desires of corrupt corporate forces.

  5. Anon at 1:59 has it. I noticed but didn't want to go there, but in the end, how can you not?

  6. This is not about Jews. It is about sociopaths who are sickos! Look at the board of directors. It includes a whole range of people. Why are those people on the board of a charity like that? There is much more to this. So, don't make it about Jewish people. Look at the Boys town information, that went all the way to the White House with people involved. It is about some of "Elite" of the world raping children and this has been going on for a long time.

    I hope the whole truth comes out. Why isn't Sandusky in jail right now?

    Why isn't Corzine (MF Global) in jail right now?

    Because much higher people are involved in it all, that is why. They don't want the ones implicated to go to jail, as they might start singing like jail birds and naming names!

  7. I started posting about child sexual abuse about 8 years ago when I learned about Kathleen O'Neill and read her book, TranceFormation of America and read about the Franklin Scandal. I have located and posted dozens of web pages that anyone can access to learn more about this travesty. The folder for this is and includes these files:

    Child Protection from Government Interference with the Family

    CPS Corruption and Human Trafficking Exposed in San Luis Obispo County - A Mother's Story

    CPS Corruption and Human Trafficking Exposed in San Luis Obispo

    Child Sexual Abuse in the Shadow World of the New World Order

    The Trance-Formation of America excerpts:

    Project Monarch
    The Most Dangerous Game
    From Dorothy to Tinker-Belle
    You Are What You Read
    The Most Dangerous Game: Revisited
    Clinton Coke Lines

    Wizard of Oz and Illuminati Mind Control

    The Franklin Scandal Tried in Civil Court

    Interview with John deCamp former Republican State Senator Author of The Franklin Coverup

    Omaha Call Boys

    Pedophocracy by Dave McGowan

    From Brussels ...
    ... to Washington
    Uncle Sam Wants Your Children
    It Couldn't Happen Here
    Finders Keepers

    Satanic Ritual Abuse: The Evidence Surfaces

    Satanic Subversion of the Military

    Egyptian-Masonic-Satanic Connection - Foreword

    Satanic Ritual Abuse - 2

    Freemasonry and the Mystery Religions

    Egyptian Mystery Religion and Masonic Lodge

    Black Masonry Devoted to the Knowledge of Evil

    Aleister Crowley, 33° Mason and Black Masonry

    Freemasonry and Satanic Ritual Abuse

    Sex Slavery is Big Business in Europe

    Australian authorities ignored sex abuse claims, police files vanish

    Australian Police Probed on Child Sex Abuse Claims

    Bohemian Grove: Prostitution, Child abuse and Murder

    Paper Clip Dolls: Project Monarch, MK-ULTRA, Mind Control and Project Paperclip

    Journalist Disinformation Presents Problems for Victims of Ritual Abuse in San Diego

    The Olson File: A secret that could destroy the CIA

    Supply and Demand: Chapter 9 from Father, Son and CIA by Harvey Weinstein

    CIA MK-ULTRA Experiments on Mind-Controlled Children

    Chronicling the violations of my people, I posted on my Native American site I posted:

    Then as the Canadian story began to break, I posted here:

    Poverty and Despair: The Failed Policies & Human Rights Violations directed against Native Americans

    Canadian Genocide of Indian Children by Church and State- 2 - 3

    Residential School Genocide: Why "Apology" Isn't Enough

    Canadian Prime Minister Harper Apologizes for Residential School Abuse

    There is no room for such abuse in a civilized society. This is one of the most vital measures of a civilized society, a most fundamental metric.

    1. Thank you this is very informative! I'm currently researching and very much interested in all these topics being discussed.I believe there is a whole other world not many has yet seen going on right under our noses.The truth is very much hard to swallow and and some people wish to remain "blind" while others like me wish to seek the TRUTH.If only society will wake up and not be asleep because that is what the elite want.There are so many things I would love to talk to you about...if you are interested my email is

  8. Yes, there are people who have given me information about CPS being involved in children's sex ring. They take children away from their homes and then submit them to sex for the "elite". People contacted me after my CPS problem a year ago. I have never been able to find absolute proof. But I don't doubt it.

    Anon, Thank you for all the information you provided above!

  9. Sherrie, thanks for being so vocal about this most disturbing issue. As you have said, this is not the first time. There has been a culture of sexual deviance, violence, drug abuse and occult for hundreds of years. It has only been over the past decades that it has been exposed as it has. Anything in the dark, eventually comes to light.

    Anonymous, I almost agreed with all of your statements until you pointed out Jews. First of all, a Jew by definition would not engage in such behavior. Niether would a Christian, by definition,engage in this kind of conduct. This is pure immoral, and the worst kind of immorality. Considering that Christian churches and government agencies engage in abusing children in this most horrific way, who cares what religion they profess. Sandusky is NOT a Jew, a man of God. He is a sick tormented devil who loves evil, and not God. A Jew, a true Jew, loves God. Some of the folks listed as donors profess Christendum. Are they Christians? Not if they knew this was taking place, and said nothing.

    But let's not be too quick to judge everyone on that list. Some people donate to causes and don't have a full picture of the practices of the organization. My advice to anyone who donates to any charity for poor children is to investigate what is being done with your money. Don't give money blindly to ANY charity that claims to be looking out for the best interest of disadvantaged children. It is a well know fact that even many government agencies like these are fronts for child sex rings. If you care about children, folks, please be vocal about these issues.

    I am a believer in the Gospel but if I had walked in on a man raping a boy, I would have clobbered him good with something and called the police. After that I would seek protective custody because I know that if a sex ring is involved, people at the top would threaten me. I no more trust the government agencies than Penn State when it comes down to child abuse. God Help us!

  10. Anyone notice how long it is taking the Feds to do something about this? I guess if your part of a football program or connected to one you get a pass from the F.B.I.

    How nice to see another instance of one set of laws for everyone and a separate set for the privileged.

  11. Here is a state Senator who spoke out against child sex rings in Georgia CPS (Child Protective Services).

    Part 1 of interview:

    Part 2 of interview:

    Part 3 of interview:

    Part 4 of interview:

  12. The Wicked – Flip Book 1

  13. Anon - I watched those videos before about CPS and the sex rings from that Senator. did you know she was murdered since then? Supposedly by her husband and then he committed suicide. But many don't believe that is true.

    The world nor people are who we thought they were when we were asleep. Now that some of us have awakened, we know there is much more going on then what we ever thought. It is hard to handle at times. I just can't imagine what some kids go through at the hands of those who are pretend to help them.

    It is just so disturbing!

  14. If poverty, is allowed and accepted-then child abuse is accepted and allowed to happen. Capitalism makes these rich wealth hoarding satanists powerful and it banks on keeping a huge amount of people in poverty to be exploited and abused-children and adults-by the satanists in power. The government is accountable for all child abuse that occurs and should be held accountable. It is poverty and prisons and the unequal distribution of wealth that cause child abuse-the class system only exists in order to allow a hated weakened poor class of people-existing so they can be abused-along with their children. The hatred you all have for the poor and those in prison, who suffer-hating them and blaming them- is the hatred that will put you in Hell.

    1. If only everyone knew the greatest successful scheme the elite satanists created was capitalism.It is has no signifigent value,I can rip it up in shreds or burn it because it is just paper advertised to those poverty-stricken and middle class as the most important thing you "need" to survive thus make you work hard labor for it.It is the one of the greatest crime commited to humanity.They take our children the most innocent in this disgusting world they control and created and wether you are in a cell block or not you and I are still imprisoned and so is our children.Educate others and your children and grandchildren knowledge and wisdom is key to survive at this point in our human race.They will have hell to pay in the end.

  15. Field McConnell and David Hawkins (2 investigative journalists) at have been discussing this issue for years.

    I often wondered why so many politicians would suddenly waffle on an issue. Simple. They were compromised. Someone had them on film doing evil unspeakable things.

    Now I realize that many of our so called "missing" children were actually kidnapped and god knows what happened to them. It makes me ill to think of it.

    Any man or woman who would subject a child to such unspeakable acts should be shot by a firing squad. Let God sort them out in the afterlife.

  16. The Bush43 neocons were in to this sick shit when they worked for Sen. Henry 'Scoop' Jackson back in the 1970s-1980s. I was working at Mike Lowry for Senate the day D. Feith was cuffed and taken downtown for raping a 14 year old girl provided to him through the local Queen Anne Hill satanic cult. The girl was very angry and settled for cash. An hour later, D. Feith was sitting 15 feet in front of me with that psychostupid grin on his face. I knew two other children who were used at their Aloha Apartments parties. At least two survived to adulthood. Good kids who sometimes killed themselves. That general is right. Doug Feith is the dumbest son of a bitch in the world. He played toy soldiers in Iraq, with no exit strategy and no plans to secure the local armories, so it was not done. Iraqis collected truckloads of explosives for IEDs. It takes foul language to express foul. I asked democratic party men and women why they did not react to this behavior. Their response was something brief like, "No proof." They should have been horsewhipped. Look at the messes they graduated to.

  17. Does Sandusky belong to that tribe that loves little ones?

  18. Penn State University has a little known division of Skull & Bones. Most people are not aware of this Satanic cult that pervades our government and corporations with power hungry perverts. Yale University is infamous for this but PSU is also a participant. I wouldn't be surprised if PSU, 2nd Mile, Sandusky and Skull & Bones were supplying the kids for Washington DC and Bohemian Grove orgies.

    The district attorney who first investigated mysteriously went missing and his assistant who dropped the ball, is now governor.

  19. Just want to let everyone know that the list of all board members is still on the second mile website -They just hid it but did not remove- tricky ay? you just have to click the links on the left like so

  20. I firmly believe Penn State and the Franklin Scandal connected. Nobody in the media is connecting the dots. Only a few bloggers around the country.

    The Penn State scandal is the tip of the iceberg. The people who run these operations have the power to make people disappear. Look for the following to happen.
    Children and Parents will be coereced to recant.
    Members of the ring exposed to the media will either get off or be eliminated to protect those at the top.
    Court records and evidence will be permanently sealed. FOREVER
    The media will forget this ever happened.

  21. When people bring the Judaic tribe into it, how many are aware that part of the ceremony in circumcising an 8-day-old baby is/has been for the rabbi to suck off the blood with his mouth? Also, the Talmud (their 'religious' book which supersedes the Torah) permits sex with little girls, 3 years and under. Don't believe this? Check it out on the website, This sickness doesn't spring out of nowhere. It comes from the abuse of very young children who then grow up to perpetrate similar atrocities upon others.

  22. I hope out of all this darkness a well worn pathway is created to STOP the harm of all children.
    Keep up the fight. It is going to be a LONG journey.
    I have one question, Sandusky formed Second Mile in 1977, does anyone know who was on that first board? I am actually looking for the main power behind the face of Sandusky. Sandusky, in no way, is or was the head of the snake.
